Here is an album of some of our favorite photos from Florence, Italy. Florence is an absolute must for anyone who loves food, wine, art, and history. Florence is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance and was home to the like of Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Botticelli. In spite of being overrun with tourists, the city is truly inspiring and worthy of any Bucket List.
Since we were only in Florence for one day, we chose not to spend three hours waiting in line to see Michelangelo’s famous Statue of David, especially after seeing signs outside the Galleria del Academia’ saying that photographing the statue was prohibited. We did however see full sized replicas of David in a couple of the piazzas and miniature replicas in just about every gift shop and retail establishment in town. My only regret from the our visit in florence was that I did not purchase a Statue of David grilling apron or boxer shorts – though I did get photographs:)
Special thanks to Carnival Cruise Line for bringing us on this amazing trip and to Verizon Wireless for providing me with the smartphone I used to take and edit many of the photographs in this album. #VZWBuzz #CarnivalSunshine
Such lovely photos! Just came back from my Italy trip and can’t wait to return again and again. One of my fave countries.
Thanks! Italy is one of my favorite countries as well!