I’m actually looking forward to the 6 to 8 hours of drive time my teammates and I will endure each day throughout the Mongol Rally. I know that sounds crazy but I view it as an opportunity to catch up on listening to podcasts from some of my newest travel heroes, Craig and Linda Martin of Indie Travel Podcast.

Craig and Linda have been traveling the world full time, debt free since 2006! Their podcasts share their triumphs and mistakes and offer invaluable insight into the world of travel. Their website consistently ranks among the the top 15 most visited independent travel blogs in the world! They have over 28,000 unique audio/video downloads per month – WOW!

In addition to their personal isights, Craig and Linda’s podcasts include interviews and advice from some of the world’s foremost travelers. What’s even more exciting, is that they will be following my team, the Social Media Syndicate, throughout our journey and will feature us in their library of over 170 podcasts. I can’t wait to listen to all of them on the new Nox Audio headset that I got just for the Mongol Rally.

Listen to this interview with Linda Martin as she shares about the benefits and problems of nomadic life.



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