@missmelisss Guacamole!
@HostelsandTours Completo Italiano (looks green… Lots of avocado on a hot dog) very chilean!
@MVCTravel Asparagus with olive oil, salt pepper garlic baked. then add feta cheese and black olives,(not canned).
@HennArtOnline Avocado/Basil infused vodka
@TravelProducer T hat’s an easy one: Green Tea Ice Cream especially after a Japanese Lunch or Dinner
@spiritoftravel Love cucumber, kale, seaweed,
@McMedia REAL pistacio Gelato (the kind that look like baby poop but tastes like heaven
@Route195 Fresh steamed broccoli. Q2. Best idea/place for a totally ‘green” getaway #nuts
@Real_Banff Green Bay, if you bicycle there and only eat veggie bratwursts
@GirlontheGoJan Nudist colony: no laundry. No use of extra fuel to transport luggage
@JeffCutler Best green getaway has got to be Ireland
@princessgeeta Camping. In my backyard
@GeneralTours I think for green, I’d have to go with camping in the great Northern Canadian wilderness – can’t get much greener!
@VitraSin . galapagos, costa rica, or ireland is just awesomely green naturally!
@KyraTX Heron Island in Australia. No green in the name, but very cool place to be.
@WeekendInParis Camping in back yard, oh yea, forgot I hate camping. Raccoon on my pillow Girl Scout camp scarred me for life!
@roniweiss . Doubt it qualifies, but I thought of ICEHOTEL. Anyone ever been?
@MamaRitaMary . Mod Market is my favorite! Two locations now in Denver area!! Also Garbanzos is a favorite place
@MagellanPR Well am biased as I work with them but @FairmontHotels have a great green program
@MalloryOnTravel Well apart from the “Green hotel” in Boston Can’t remember the name but a vegetarian one on the medina at Marrakech …. sue me!
@TravelBlggr I’d like to stay at the Emerald City in Oz
@packDsuitcase The @patagonia_camp is my fave green hotel. It’s just a bunch of yurts in the wilderness!
@NoFFnyc The glass igloo to watch the Aurora Borealis http://t.co/dm0yCrd #nuts
@!jettingaround : Fressen rest. in Toronto. How a vegetarian restaurant should be – fresh & creative. Also @lulacafe in Chicago – local ingredients.
Q4. You’re given a green crayon & a sheet of paper. What do you draw? (Be imaginative) #nuts
@MamaRitaMary A shamrock for my Irish heritage!! Ya!
@mygo2it A green hand turkey!
@wenphd : Oscar the Grouch 😉
@TravelBlggr . Slimer with a fist full of cash.
@AllAboutPuebla . Kermit the frog
@Leavetheiguana A no limit American Express card & a 1st class boarding pass
@WeekendInParis I’d draw my own conclusions…deep
@gtrot: Tough. We’d draw Gumby standing next to a @Starbucks barista in the forest? That’s a lot of green!
Q5. Favorite ‘no-fuel’ alternative to driving #nuts
@TheTrvlPrincess:. Drinking. A good drink can transport you anywhere
@eatsleeplaugh walking- I would walk everywhere if I could. That’s why we have feet!
@whereishawkins Rickshaw with me cracking a whip
@missmelisss Sailing… or basically anything on the water!
@gtrot: Rollerblading.
@banffrocks Bar crawling.
@GirlontheGoJan Kayaking! Which doesn’t always word for obvious reasons. Then biking.
Q6. You’re given a green thumb & your very own garden. What do you grow? ….. #nuts
@Route195 Peppers of all kinds. I LOVE spicy food.
@Vagabond3Live Strawberries, mint and a bartender… he can mix the drinks!
@JeanetteJoy With my green thumb and garden, I’d grow wine
@_kimrandall This sounds like a magical garden so I’m totally growing money trees
@ehalvey . Hops. Or whatever goes in gi
@VegasBiLL I would grow a huge green floral http://t.co/OJbhDDk
@eatsleeplaugh . apples and pears- for (hard) cider and cobbler/pie…could happily subsist on the combination
@WillingFoot Lots of herbs(especially Rosemary), and vegetables. One thing I hate about living in NYC. @JesusWife Fig trees #nuts
@silvermaneman My son’s grass stained pants after he plays baseball.
@AbroadView My Kermit the Frog pajamas
@ehalvey . My “Everyone Loves an Irish Girl” t-shirt.I bought it to catch the attention of my now hubs 8 years ago
@jkheaton My Cariloha bamboo shirt! So soft!
@ChocolateBottle My emerald green bikini! What a great color!
@MagellanPR Ahh have a green cardigan – that has to be my fave then!
@worldschooled green is just not my color! But I green up by second hand shopping!
@KellyKCA My Fighting Irish Notre Dame long sleeved shirt!
@utravelwithus TURN OFF SOME LIGHTS!!!!! anyone miss the night sky??
@neslusa use oil/gas subsidies for #Solar
@KatrinaMauro Put small wind turbines on EVERY ROOF everywhere…then they can support the building they are on…Practical & not soo expensive
@NoFFnyc Every appliance not in use automatically unplugs from the wall (I’d need to invent that first)
@TheTrvlPrincess Convert all homes and businesses to solar power
@WeekendInParis Cut off power to the government and do a complete ‘do over’! That would be #NUTS
@route195: Allow all employees to telecommute!! Driving in traffic to a stagnant cubicle is ridiculous and old school!
@santafetraveler Probably build a lot of windmills and solar facilities.
Q9. Favorite movie/book with the word ‘green’ in the title ? #nuts
@_kimrandall Hands down.. The Green Mile
@MamaRitaMary Haven’t read it in awhile but Anne of Green Gables comes to mind!
@TravelProducer Loved the movie GREEN CARD with Gerard Depardieu & Andie McDowel
@mygo2it I’m sure everyone’s thinking this =P Green Lantern
@LovelyLu Green eggs and ham ~ Dr. Seuss
@GeneralTours Soylent Green! It’s a book, it’s a movie, it’s super-duper disturbing and creepy! Perfecto
@WriterChick47 Fried Green tomatoes
@Route195 How about worst green movie. The recent Green Hornet was terrible.
Q10. Green is the color of the US dollar. Given an unlimited amount of money, what do you do? #nuts
@MagellanPR Share it with all my twitter friends on #NUTS of course!
@worldschooled I have always dreamed of starting an eco-village….seriously
@KelseyIvey Helps those in East Africa who are suffering from the draught. End hunger
@travelightly Donate 25%, invest 25%, give 25% to friends and family, 25% for me
@McMedia Get Twitter a Bigger server .. Dang it’s a tad sluggish today
@MisterHirsch Sleep in.
@TheTrvlPrincess Make sure all of the children of the world are housed, fed, educated and LOVED
@amandaelsewhere Quit job. Travel forever
After Party
@utravelwithus thanks for the awesome #NUTS session as always 🙂 you guys ROCK!!!!! –
@utravelwithus: Broke free from the asylum just to participate in today’s #NUTS! Therapy away!!!! hahha
@scullyano Came cross this interesting hashtag today… #nuts Add a little fun to your crazy day.