There was no shortage of entertainment on our Alaska Twitter trip sponsored by Princess Cruises. After returning from an incredible helicopter ride and glacier landing, we attended a fun filled dinner theatre. The same wait staff who served our BBQ, were the cast members in the musical, “The Music of Denali”.
Somehow the cast coaxed me up on stage – thankfully for the audience they didn’t ask me to sing anything. I just had to sit there and look good:) Now I can check “starring in a Musical” off my Bucket List🙂
After the show, the entourage of twitteratti walked across the street and was treated to a round of Duck Farts an Alaskan favorite consisting of Crown Royal, Kalula, and Baileys Irish Creme.

We also learned the international sign for “I saw a moose today”
As we headed back to our rooms around 2 a.m., I snapped this picture of this signpost to kinda explain why Alaska is known as “the land of the midnight sun.” This was as about as dark as it got.
The next morning we took about a three hour bus from the Denali Princess Lodge to the McKinley Princess Lodge. where we saddled up and road through the trails taking in the beautiful Alaskan landscape.
I didn’t actually get saddle sores from the adventure, but I did walk like a bow-legged cowboy for the next two days. If you take a horseback excursion and you’re over 40, I highly recommend that you stretch before mounting up.