After waiting through a long line to cross the Ukrainian border, we immediately found rough roads.

It was late so we stopped at the first place we thought to a “hotel.” With us not speaking Russian and the clerk not speaking English, we somehow managed to negotiate a fair rate and decided to spend the night and brave the roads the next morning. Except for a few cock roaches, It appeared that we were the only guests.

The potholes on roads to Odessa proved not to be our only challenge as we often had to wait for farm animals to cross the road.
As we passed through villages, it was like going back in time seeing some of the older people dressed in their traditional attire.
We think our teammate Sherry Ott might have just gotten engaged by accepting a ride and a tomato from this villager.
I couldn’t help but decorate his cart with a Midlife Road Trip bumper sticker
As the roads improved towards the Black Sea, the scenery also improved as we saw field after field of sunflowers. My world class photographer
teammates Sherry Ott  and Dave Bouskill couldn’t resist taking a few pictures
We stopped in a beach front town on the edge of the Black Sea to pick up a few supplies for our journey. See if you can guess which car is ours:)
We crossed the Black Sea, noting that it would be a fun place to spend a little more time if we didn’t have to press on.
We stopped at a roadside cafe and ordered some borstcht.  We couldn’t read a thing off the menu so we just pointed to what someone else had already been served.

We finally gave up on finding a place in town and decided to press on camp beside the road. Fortunately just outside of town we found a Hotel/Casino/Bowling alley that was able to accommodate us for the night.
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