Cajun_Mama: Austin Powers ;P RT @RickGriffin: Q1. What is your favorite under cover ‘spy’ movie?
gmfriedrich: A1. Dr No. God Bless Ian Flemming!
WriterChick47 A1. The Bourne Identity series- Matt Damon…yum
Only398: A1 Mr and Mrs Smith!
DanOCan: A1: Someone has to cast a vote for “Spies Like Us”, right?
SandCTravel: A1 James Bond- particularly with Sean Connery!
@worldschooled: A1 Uhg, you can tell I’m a mom when the first thing that comes to my mind is Spy Kids!
MalloryOnTravel: A1. “The Incredibles” 😉
roniweiss: A1. I like the recent OSS 117 spoof. I want to see the sequel
buycruises: Do Boris + Natasha count?
nicoleploehn: a2: sprinkles lots of rainbow colored cheerful sprinkles!!! 🙂 the whole bottle is not overload!
Cajun_Mama: Vodka. Oh wait, that would be sorbet.
gmfriedrich: A2. Butterscotch
MalloryOnTravel: A2. Or ice cream isn’t ice cream until somebody special is covered in it …… oops tmi!
McMedia: A2: I like mine naked … nothing on it
la_loquita: Q2. Ice cream isn’t ice cream unless it’s covered in… // marshmellow fluff, caramel and of course #NUTS
MagellanPR: Hot chocolate sauce with touch of brandy
GreenSkyDeb: YUM!!! It’s all about the hot fudge – REAL whip cream – and those#NUTS !!! 😉
DanOCan: A2: Oreo Cookie crumbs, hands down, game over. 🙂
teamcocktail: A2. Kahlua! It is delicious!
SandCTravel: A2 peanuts & cookie bits & fudge. YUM
VegasBill: A2. Ice cream is best covered in chocolate w/ sides of choc strawberries
abaesel2: I’m naked too, err, my ice cream is naked!
nicoleploehn: a3: hmmm… if i knew it wouldn’t be a very good cover up would it?
McMedia: I’m Going with Watergate
la_loquita: Q3. The most famous cover-up scandal? #NUTS // OJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cajun_Mama: Tom Cruise (he’s really a robot)
buycruises: Paul is dead – Abbey Road album conspiracy
GreenSkyDeb: What about the politician they found in the bathroom with …married to that lovely lady Elizabeth??
chippy2u: A3. Where #Oprah was going to visit when she was in Australia!!’ lol
MiraCristine: Scientology
RickGriffin: A3. Greatest cover-up scandal ? – don’t know but it probably involved@Banff_Squirrel and Charlie Sheen
Q4. Favorite book – cover to cover #NUTS
MalloryOnTravel: A4 #NUTS “The Worst Journey in the World” no question! ….. or maybe “touching the Void” no question or maybe..
MagellanPR: A4 – So many to choose from – War and Peace probably – Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
GreenGlobalTrvl: A4. Jon Krakauer’s Into The Wild & Into Thin Air were instrumental in my dream to become an adventure/travel writ
Only398: A4 “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie
Banff_Squirrel: A4: The Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder – made me love computers
hotelPRguy: Yellow Pages? A to Z!!!
DanOCan: A4: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
beloved_green: A4 Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship
RickGriffin: A4. I love all books that are 140 characters or less
McMedia: A4: To Kill A Mockingbird
GreenSkyDeb: OK – JAWS – I read it in a day in my youth – couldn’t put it down!!!! Now that is proof I must be in midlife!!! HA!!
WorldConcierge: Our Concierge Little Black Book (for our eyes only!)
roniweiss: A4. Two fav books: The Cider House Rules (John Irving) and Straight Man (Richard Russo)
Velcro108: 3. Greatest cover-up scandal? Tom Cruise’s sexual preference
Q5. Most scenic way to cover ground / best walking tour #NUTS
MalloryOnTravel: A5. The Haute Route between Chamoix and Zermatt is a feast of awesome jaw dropping scenery and can be skied or hiked in summer
gmfriedrich: The tunnels under Capitol Hill.
roniweiss: A5. I like anywhere that I can walk up a hill and see the city from above. Bergen, Norway and Sarajevo are a couple.
Banff_Squirrel: A5: Johnston Canyon is one of my fave hikes:
EmilyHarleyReid: @RickGriffin We’ve discovered small towns offering self-guided walking tours. Has been a fantastic Sunday stroll for the whole fam
Velcro108: 5. Walking ghost tour of Savannah.
VegasBill: RT @HotelPRGuy: For walking, Love SF, as well as DC, Boston, NY, London, Paris, Prague, Bangkok, Sydney, Melbourne…How about Vegas?
Q6. I love it / hate it when the media covers ______ #NUTS
nicoleploehn: a6: celebrities .. really they are on everything these days – can we cover something worth hearing?
MalloryOnTravel: A6. I truly hate reality tv ……… and the so called celebrities that it spawns for about 5 minutes at a time!
Only398: A6 The media as in the news? The death and destruction report…avoid it!
EmilyHarleyReid: @WriterChick47 As a PR person, I’ll say that I love it when the media covers my client!
worldschooled: A6 Hate when it covers Celebreties for sure, especially the royal wedding.
DanOCan: A6: I hate it when [mainstream] media covers technology. They always get it wrong or so dumbed-down it may as well be wrong
MagellanPR: A6 – celeb sportspeople having affairs then seeking injunctions against publication – so bored with it!
SandCTravel: A6- celebrities behaving badly.
@Banff_Squirrel: A6: I love/hate it when the media covers stuff I read yesterday on Twitter
EmilyHarleyReid: I know it’s “news” but I hate it when the media spends a lot of time on child abuse stories…and gives so many details.
beloved_green: A6. I love it when the media covers positive people who make a difference
Q7. My favorite album/cd cover is… #NUTS
MagellanPR: A8 Satanic Majesties Request by the Stones – Sargeant Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
gmfriedrich: The White Album
MalloryOnTravel: A7. Any cover by All Saints ………. no idea why
roniweiss: Favorite album/CD cover is Nirvana’s Nevermind. Gotta love money and naked babies
WorldConcierge: On subject of albums, You’ve got to check out our New York soundtrack by @IC_TimesSquare
Banff_Squirrel: A7: My fave CD cover is definitely not that shrink-wrap plastic wrap that you had to bite, spear & burn to open
TweetMeTV: RT @McMedia: A6: Nickelback All The Right Reasons
worldschooled: A7 Gosh, do people still buy those? I’m all about the iPod baby
RickGriffin: A7. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon
LauriStruve: A7 Don’t know why, but Head East Breakfast in America.
buycruises: Nashville Skyline- -Bob Dylan smiling! + classic: Sgt Pepper’s
joycecherrier: Q7. My favorite album/cd cover is… #NUTS < Aerosmith’s Toys in the Attic
Q8. Which magazine has the best covers? why?
MalloryOnTravel: A8. National Geographic ………. do you really need me to answer why???
Only398: A8 Dupont Registry – nice homes, cars and other cool toys!
McMedia: A8: The New Yorker
deniselao: @MidlifeRoadTrip A8 @fandw and Donna Hay magazine have the best covers because of the fancy food shots
RickGriffin: A8. Saturday Evening Post before Norman Rockwell retired
roniweiss: A8. Life magazine and The Saturday Evening Post. Who doesn’t like Norman Rockwell?
Q9. Best excuse to cover for anything (being late/ not doing homework/ unwanted body noises etc.) #NUTS
nicoleploehn: a9: the dog did, the dog ate it, it’s the dogs fault, the dog got out. 🙂
McMedia: A9: My standard reply is: @rickgriffin did it
MalloryOnTravel: A9 I did what or should have done what ……. did I ever tell you about my altzheimers?
worldschooled: A9 I blame everything on my kids, but its usually true!
beloved_green: Modified for cat in my house
@gmfriedrich: It was the beer
allaboutmexico: A9. I had the runs. LOL
WriterChick47: If you’re in politics it’s : ” I do not recall that event.”
hotelPRguy: A9: Best excuse… Co-hosting a visual chat (#FriFotos) with@TravelDesigned and @EpsteinTravels
Q10. My favorite meal is ________ covered in ______ #NUTS
Banff_Squirrel: A10: My favorite meal is all you can eat buffet and mini-bar covered in daily room rate
GreenSkyDeb: My favorite meal is _anything italian _____ covered in__way too much sauce!____?
gmfriedrich: Grits covered in Shrimp
kerrinsheldon: A10: My favorite meal is ICE CREAM covered in MORE ICE CREAM
MiraCristine: I love crab legs RT @WriterChick47: A10. lobster/crab dipped in buttah.
la_loquita: RT @McMedia: Q10. My favorite meal is ________ covered in ______ #NUTS // thin crust pizza covered in veggies
worldschooled: A10 My favorite meal is French Fries covered in cheese and gravy. Let’s Poutine it up! #NUTS (yeah, I’m Canadian!)
Only398: A10 Hibachi grill. Fried rice, steak, shrimp and vegetables!
MalloryOnTravel: A10. Oysters covered in tabasco sauce would d
McMedia: A10: Anything covered in cheese
RickGriffin: @gmfriedrich I’ve been hungry since the ice cream question
@WriterChick47: Problem is I have too MANY favorites! Hello?@JennyCraig ?
EmilyHarleyReid: @kerrinsheldon @mcmedia @la_loquita Mmmm, fried stuffed with cheese is my favorite!
beloved_green: A10 My favorite meal, of the moment is all dessert, Chocolate Cheesecake w/Nutella Mocha Affogato
thomaswingham: A10. My fave meal is vodka covered in Baileys + ice. Actually roast pork covered in spicy green chile.
After Party
traveldesigned: The end of #NUTS made me HUNGRY –thanks!
gmfriedrich: Yea! I love Tuesdays because o y’all!
GreenSkyDeb: We may all be all little #NUTS but we are definitely The Best People We Know! 🙂 xo