Thanks to everyone for making our first Not-so Usual Therapy Session (#NUTS) a tremendous success. Our guests therapists Lori Moreno (@LoriMoreno) and Jackie Silver (@AgingBackwards) did an amazing job of guiding us through this online group therapy session. Special thanks to our marketing maven, Vicky Akins (@Writerchick47) for helping us capture this sampling of some of the answers produced in this week’s session. Enjoy..

Q 1: It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without______________
@amberdegrace A Christmas Story
@McMedia A family brawl
@travelerkate Seeing at least one family member passed out in front of the football game. Ahh, memories
@CruiseBuzz The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
@CGTravels Grandma dropping the pie. Seriously, she does it so often my aunt now makes TWO pies.
@phylisebanner Forgetting about the bag of cranberries in the back of the fridge AGAIN

Q2. Best excuse to get away from the in-laws to go watch football
@mmwine I dont feel well, going to lie down in BedRoom
@amberdegrace I can’t stand football. Let me at the food!
@phylisebanner In-Laws? What in-laws? Football? What’s Football?
@purrfectlee I kinda like my in-laws so no need for excuses
@RickGriffin I need to go pass a kidney stone!

Q3. What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled for Thanksgiving?

@McMedia from kitchen to couch
@la_loquita from Arequipa Peru to Oak Harbor, Ohio
@Purrfectlee I’m going to Puerto Rico this year. Does that count?
@travelerkate I went to Hawaii one year- but before you think it was awesome, we had weird food. Like caviar. Where’s the mashed potatoes?
@katiemar14 aruba… best thanksgiving ever!
@SourMama To Hell and back
@FrancescaMaz From Chicago to Ft. Myers Beach,
@JimJosephExp How fun! Going to lose competition but farthest I have traveled is New Hope, PA (outside of Philly) to Monterey, CA
@jkheaton Germany! Stumbled upon American style private party at bar, invited us in! Fun weekend 🙂

Q4: Best recipe for Thanksgiving leftovers
@la_loquita miracle whip, turkey, swiss cheese and rye bread
@amberdegrace Make a curry out of leftover turkey and add coconut basmati rice
@LaDolceDiva Best recipe for leftover turkey? Smoked turkey soup:
@TheBeerWench Turkey chili!
@phylisebanner Block party. Every year. Everyone’s leftovers!
@katiemar14 hot turkey sandwiches with gravy and stuffing. yum! … better than day of!

Q5: New Twitter friends you met this year you’re thankful for?
@McMedia Thankful for Twitter in general. Absolutely a life changing experience
@amberdegrace Definitely @charynpfeuffer – she is a #traveland #voluntourism lady who inspires MANY
@travelerkate I am thankful for everyone on #TNI. They are a constant source of knowledge and joy
@MomsofAmerica All of them!! Such a gr8 group of people!
@la_loquita you and you, and you, you over there, and you, and oh yeah you.
@TheBeerWench @Beervangelist @bullseyebrewco@Goats_Udder @arielceja @PartyPartyParty

Q6: I don’t care where I am on T-Day as long as I’m with…
@AgingBackwards As long as I am with…Mr. Turkey, LOL LOL!! Kidding, that’s why I’m so #NUTS ha!
@amberdegrace My husband and two babies. Spending time with those you’re most thankful for is what it’s all about! That, and eating
@mmwine Robin, family & friends
@travelerkate My crazy family. And a glass of wine to help cope
@ashleyVroutson beer in one hand, Twitter on the other… and football on TV!

Q7. What’s your best/worst Black Friday experience?
@la_loquita 1 hours 15 mins in a toys r us parking lot waiting to park, does that include bandages?
@MomsofAmerica I bought everthing i was looking for…and had to fight off some #NUTS for it!
@Writerchick47 watching the stampede at Walmart..scary.
@RickGriffin I avoid Black Friday – that’s why God invented Friday college football
@GoApril Only went out once in the weeeeeee hours of Black Friday – ONCE…….. enough said

Q8: Most memorable trip or Thanksgiving
@la_loquita 2001, right after my mom was diagnosed with cancer we sat in her house holding her hand while she recovered from surgery
@VolunteerCard Witnessed a woman leave her 2 kids in the parking lot in mad dash to get into Best Buy. REALLY wanted that blu-ray player
@McMedia My Uncle laying face Down in mashed Potatoes after 1 too many
@mmwine Uncle Leo eating 6 lbs of chopped liver and not understanding why his tummy hurt
@MomsofAmerica Dog took the turkey…found him sharing w the cat… too funny!
@Martha_McBride 2 get away from some drama, son & I said we wd b w/friends. Ate at Applebee’s!

Q9: Favorite thing to do on Thanksgiving Day
@la_loquita football in the yard with the kids
@Writerchick47 Grandma cooked a ham..still in the wrapper!
@amberdegrace I’d love to say ‘seeing family’ or ‘spending quality time with loved ones’ but I’d be lying. EATING.
@katiemar14 football, food, repeat
@purrfectlee like to just BE on Thanksgiving, eat, reflect on what I’m thankful for. Not a lot of hooplah required for me

Q10. Best thing to eat on Thanksgiving
@amberdegrace Sweet corn pudding
@karenmcallister my awesome sage sausage stuffing
@purrfectlee Turkey samiches for dinner, after all the lunchtime feasting is over. GAWD I love me a turkey samich
@la_loquita cool whip with a dollop of pumpkin pie
@mmWine NUTS? Kidding – im a stuffing guy. And Carrot Suffle. And Pumpkin Pie
@McMedia That would be like asking to pick your favorite child–>RT @agingbackwards

Bonus Question: Worst Thanksgiving disaster
@amberdegrace I spilled turkey grease EVERYWHERE last thanksgiving. Down cupboards, in cupboards. 36 weeks pregnant. Not fun to clean up
@MomsofAmerica Umm the dog and cat refused to share the stolen turkey w anyone??
@jesseluna Yelled “Hey, someone’s dinner’s burning!” out apartment complex window, only to realize it was our dinner.
@la_loquita My crazy pregnant sister-in-law going nuts cuz she doesn’t have the recipe for mashed potatoes
@amberdegrace Bonus: I spilled turkey grease EVERYWHERE last thanksgiving. Down cupboards, in cupboards. 36 weeks pregnant. Not fun to clean up. #NUTS


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