Q1. Name something in your town, everyone should do #nuts
@justinhamlin: Come drink with me, #duh #winning
@iGottaGuide: : if in #NYC everyone should check out the new @highlinenyc — very cool! http://ow.ly/5xfvD
@la_loquita: — FIND IT!!!! i dare you….. #smalltown
@AgingBackwards: Everyone should try Mister Softee!#omgicecreamyum
@elleswim: Here in Jax we have a Budweiser brewery that gives you FREE BEERS after a tour.
@picture_philly: . Run up the Rocky steps! http://ow.ly/5xfPY
@MagellanPR: Visit @PompeyDockyard – HMS Victory, The Warrior,@MaryRose500 historic dockyard-great day out & you can finish in@gunwharfquays!
@VegasBiLL: . Everyone should jump 800 ft off the Stratospherehttp://t.co/wN4lvml
@jeremybelcher: . Red Sox game. In the bleachers.
@CovetedEscapes: Go hiking on one of our beautiful trails or one of the nearby mountains. High Sierras
@Wimdu_Michelan: In NYC, everyone should kick back a few brewskies at a beer garden!

Q2. How do you ‘get away’ without leaving your city? #nuts
@RickGriffin: My friend @AgingBackwards says the Sex Museum in NYC is anticlimactic
@la_loquita: i live in a town of 1500 people… i guess i’d go hide in the cow pasture.
@TravelProducer: Spend a day at the beach in Malibu at Paradise Cove AND Wine tasting in Malibu
@BridalTravelGuy: 18 holes of peacefulness at #SpookRockGC
@santafetraveler : There are a lot of hiking trails w/in the city & a few great spas. Works for me.
@Banff_Squirrel: : Strap on an urban sombrero and throw a dart at a street map – lotsa undiscovered adventures wherever you live
@Fabulousafter40: Go shopping at the Christiana Mall. All of Delaware is tax free shopping
@EpsteinTravels Watch @RickGriffin jello wrestle EVERY Wed

Q3. How do you entertain yourself without spending much? #nuts
@la_loquita: – COW TIPPING… you know you want to.
@Last_Round: Uhhh netflix! Cooking, cheap beer… happy hour!
@WillingFoot: . Taking a walk around the west village in NYC or even south street seaport. People watching is always fun and always free!
@jeremybelcher: . sit quietly. the voices in my head are hilarious
@footloose_fancy: BYOB, pack a lunch, be outdoors!
@KatrinaMauro: . Tell fun people to come over…with drinks….I provide backyard with fire pit
@BSxox: : I love to go on the open bus sightseeing tours – makes me feel like I’m a tourist in my own city
@ccubuap puts on a HUGE number of free concerts, cultural events.
@Action_JoJo: See the Panorama of the City of NY @QueensMuseum!http://bit.ly/kdnzd8

Q4. Favorite local expression #nuts
@HennArtOnline: Only in Venice!
@Only398: Howdy ya’ll!
@MalloryOnTravel: On my signal release hell ….. though don’t hear it everyday , ok its not very local
@MagellanPR: Has to be Come for Happy Hour!
@picture_philly: If you’re a Philadelphia sports fan, you get pretty accustomed to the expression, “Boooo!” http://ow.ly/5xgL7
@ThitiaOfficial: “Brilliant” we use it for everything really awesome or amazing
@BridalTravelGuy: .”No need to get to the point because I’m going to live forever”
@jbranigan: “Butter me up and call me a biscuit”
@TravelThirst: “ooooosssstiaaaaaa”
@MamaRitaMary: “there’s a hitch in my get along”
@McMedia: : Fawgetabowtit

Q5. A dead giveaway that someone’s is a tourist when …. #nuts
@robinwsmith: – they have a camera around their neck.
@MalloryOnTravel: . Round here? … can string a sentence with more than 3 words in it togethe
@Only398: Map in hand or obsessive photo taking!
@MagellanPR: Well someone with a map? In London, when they stand still in the middle of the pavement!
@JoshSPeters: they keep everything in a “fanny pack”… or their a hipster
@claudiabia: . They stand in the middle of the escalator in the Metro. Locals are always standing on the right side
@CatalinaYachtie: when the MAN actually ASKS for directions!
@iGottaGuide: They ask where the Empire State Building is….when they’re outside of it. (look up people!)

Q6. Where would you take people if you were a tour guide in your city #nuts
@kaitlindaly: Barnegat Light, NJ… beautiful lighthouse
@beforeiam35: : to the dive bars, the projects and to the soccer stadium. Then they would appreciate the rest so much more
@la_loquita: — okay seriously??? um this is the corner.. and this is the other corner.. and the train track.
@MamaRitaMary: . Casa Bonita is a MUST SEE in Denver area
@SportsShuffle: . Sports Tour! Raymond James Stadium (usually we play football here) Saint Pete Time Fourm (Go Bolts) And The Trop (Go Rays!)
@sugarlumpy: Umstead State Park! #scenicraleigh
@BestLovedHotels: . Primrose Hill London with the whole city in panorama.
@MyIslandArtJon: : Boulevard Brewery, Liberty Memorial, Kauffman Stadium, and all the best spots for something to eat and drink
@thitiaofficial Dublinia (Old Dublin), Georgian Dublin, James Joyce related places..and clubbing with me!

Q7. Favorite local mode of transportation #nuts
@Fabulousafter40: . Roller blading. Even though its not so cool anymore!
@MagellanPR: Would love to say something like a Ferrari but would most like a segway – boy, those things move & are great fun
@Roopunzel: Taxi!
@BridalTravelGuy: . Golf cart
@HomeStarsOttawa: Sometimes the politicians lend out their legislative-assistant-pulled rickshaws
@AuthenticCoast: Lobster boat! http://flic.kr/p/9yjzu8
@VegasBiLL:. Zip Line y’all.http://t.co/VwV0j1u
@familyfoodie: You haven’t lived until you’ve taken a ride on the Jolley Trolley #ClearwaterBeach http://ow.ly/5xhFA
@@NickyOutland: and of course the Cable Cars if you’re in San Francisco
@jbranigan: I LOVE trains! The Union Pacific Steam fleet is housed in Cheyenne, they still run and whistle .. whooo whoo

Q8. Least/Most favorite local food #nuts
@mygo2it: It’s all about the food trucks here so Off the Grid is a must! 40+ food trucks gather in one place
@LovelyLu: Dirty water hot dog when you’re running to make the train!
@McMedia: Favorites ~> Seafood!! Grouper, Oysters, Shrimp … Love it all!
@JourneyMexico: Fav = ceviche, yum! least=nopal, yuck!
@gmfriedrich: @SassysRedHouse has crazy good queso. Plus I can walk home!
@AnjaniLadki:. local to NJ? is there such a thing? i love my zeppolis @ the shore (tho I hate the shore itself)! least fave? hmm je ne sais pas!
@elleswim: . Clark’s Fish Camp, home of exotic foods such as kangaroo, ostrich, eel, buffalo & antelope. The Kangaroo is delish!
@luxtrvlwrks:Anything Italian.
@familyfoodie: Frenchy’s on #ClearwaterBeach has the best Grouper Sandwiches Evah! http://ow.ly/5xi3W
@CelticTours: Irish breakfast #favoritelocalfood
@MalloryOnTravel: . Actually really enjoy the creamed cheese and smoked salmon bagels in the Jewish district here

Q9. Most notable local resident in your city/town #nuts
@clareappleyard: : Nelson Mandela. Beat that.
@Fabulousafter40: . Cab Calloway…but he is no longer alive. (Wilmington, DE)
@Runenfly: Uncle Sam!!!!!
@RickGriffin: Ted Turner, Michael Vick, Elton John, Arthur Blank, Hank Aaron, Margaret Mitchell
@WriterChick47: Aretha Franklin, Bob Seger, Kid Rock, Eminem…..too many to mention
@claudiabia: Obama
@MamaRitaMary: #Mondo from #ProjectRunway He’s all around town here!
@ConVo_Info: Well until recently, it was Oprah Winfrey!
@CancunGringa: well there are a lot of people here who think they’re important haha
@AnjaniLadki: the ice cream man! he rips us off with his $2 watered down tasting ice cream cones, but we await his presence everyday nonetheless
@utravelwithus: Nelly, but if that kid from high school didnt manage to stalk him into moving
@Alouise_D: Tommy Chong, Nathan Fillion, Michael J. Fox were all born in Edmonton – although they don’t live their now & lots of NHL players
@familyfoodie: I run into @kirstiealley all the time #Clearwaterbeach
@la_loquita: Winter the Dolphin http://midliferoadtrip.tv/2010/10/winter-the-dolphin-message-of-hope-inspires-us-all

Q10. Favorite song that describes your hometown. #Nuts
@SkiPRGirl: Rocky Mountain High- in more ways than one
@claudiabia:. I’ve got the Power! #DC
@MomsofAmerica: Whats love got to do with it?
@clareappleyard: : For Scunthorpe, “Dirty Old Town” by The Pogues. For Johannesburg, “Goldfinger” by Shirley Bassey
@@TravelProducer: “California Dreamin’ ” – actually describes the state as well Southern California.
@ThitiaOfficial: Molly Malone one of the played in the traditional pubshttp://t.co/bj6pdVL
@jamesf40: London Calling, The Clash
@argentinatours: “mi buenos aires querido”
@THORTravel: I’m from Detroit, so I would have to go with Kiss, Detroit Rock City!
@MVCTravel: Crazy Train.
@TravelBlggr: No one answered “life in a Northern town?” one of my favs
@galavantingmama: Empire State of Mind by @JayZ & @aliciakeys.

After party
@familyfoodie: Thanks for the laughs
@utravelwithus: Thanks everyone for a great #NUTS session as always. You all are so awesome. i think im sedated enough to get through this 4 day week
@KatrinaMauro: Good time with all yall #NUTS people!!
@Runenfly: Great #NUTS today!
@MalloryOnTravel: Huge thanks to all you #NUTS that make me wanna Staycation every Tuesday make every week a feel like a holiday and always feel at home here

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