Those Were the Days My Friend ….

Q1. Best Birthday you ever had #NUTS
@TravelProducer A surprise party when I was in College! I was really surprised.
@crozul I’m gonna go soft and say that every Birthday has been the best as its been another yr. I get to do crazy things
@roniweiss My 18th, by far. With my UW Drama friends. Got faux lap dances, there was a cucumber they made me put a condom on…
@eatsleeplaugh 18th, spent in London, celebrated over a wk- west end show, nightclub, cocktail bar tours….ah, to be a teenager
@kitwhelan For my 7th bday my mom threw me an Alice in Wonderland party. Every girl wore dresses, and she had ppl dressed up as cards
@BespokeTravels Best birthday: paid for trip to Paris when I was 18!
@jettingaround When hubby took me to Mexico. On my bday, I woke up in a gorgeous colonial town. Couldn’t have asked for a better present
@myekulis My last birthday back in April! Was in Liverpool and created the Magical Drinking Tour. Must go back and do it again

Q2. Most unique party theme #NUTS
@allaboutmexico Had a 40th New Orleans Carnival party and everyone dressed up. FUN
@McMedia . I love a Great Gatsby theme … decadence!!
@Chimeratravel As a kid I used to have Double Dare themed parties & we’d play all these crazy games. Come to think of it, would be fun as adult
@thetripchicks: My 6 year old birthday party when we all dressed up as fruits. I was a watermelon
@ViewOnTravel Rubics cube party! Show up in 6 colors, leave in one
@kymri I used to host salsa parties – bring your favorite salsa and dance to salsa music!
@RTWMatt Graffiti party where everyone wore a white t shirt and we all painted each other.This of course was in college and involved alcohol
@WriterChick47 The “dress like an @RickGriffin action figure” party. ‘Malibu Rick’ was my favorite but the Speedo was a bit much.

Q3. The most significant event in history that has had an impact on you #NUTS
@MalloryOnTravel Doubt 9/11 hasn’t an impacted everybody in everyway imaginable, impacted on how we, what we do, how we do it & how we are governed
@2Travelaholics Prohibition. We’ll never be the same
@starmediaguy JFK assassination. I was, like, 2, and remember crying watching the funeral. Dunno why, but felt it
@thetripchicks: Definitely the Wright Brothers’ invention of the airplane has played a huge role in my life!
@amandaelsewhere Have to say 9/11 … the end of innocence, beginning to be aware of the world around me. I was a soph in high school
@jkheaton Lance Armstrong walking on the moon
@richiesride : the end of Apartheid in South Africa and the new beginning for our Rainbow Nation
@mygo2it: When I discovered #nuts and the entire Twitter travel community! Fist-pumping every1 w/ my mind right now

Q4. Where you would like to travel to to celebrate your next special occasion #NUTS
@TravelProducer Bora, Bora
@WillingFoot I hear Virgin Galactica is accepting down payments for trips to space
@TravelerKate Well I AM going to Ireland in 3 weeks for my honeymoon, so….I think that counts
@MVCTravel Barbados, Belieze, Greece.
@xcomglobal: St. barths would be nice…preferably in season….if only in my dreams
@kaitlindaly: Back in Thailand… or maybe Ireland, South Africa, Italy… too many!
@LovelyLu Back to Italy or Spain
@Action_JoJo If I’m traveling, that’s all that matters.!

Q5. Favorite meal to prepare for a celebration #NUTS
@familyfoodie Our Favorite Meal for a Party is Portuguese hamburger
@Novellastyle Reservations! Lol
@Inga_Ros Icelandic lamb of leg with caramelized potatoes and all that goes with it
@SportsShuffle that’s tough a toss up between true style Chicago Deep Dish Pizza and Burbon Chicken Chinese Foods. Heck, have both!
@L_e_a_h When you say “prepare” does that have to be by my actual hands?
@BridalTravelGuy Anything on my Weber Grill at a New York Jets tail gate
@princessgeeta corn chowder, homemade biscuits and strawberry shortcake is a family favorite. Anything! I love cooking & baking!
@Dr_KMM: Popcorn with melted toffee

Q6. It wouldn’t be a party without ….. #NUTS
@AFarrell09 Great friends, family, food and music.
@VacationManager Me
@myekulis wine and cheese (should really just give in and add wino to my bio w all these answers shouldn’t I?
@SookeTravel Copious quantities of wine… and some good munchies and my best buds!
@KatrinaMauro Tequila?
@ThitiaOfficial t wouldn’t be a party without #NUTS AND DRINKS!!
@ @travelightly . food? I just ate, I shouldn’t be hungry.
@MVCTravel Anything I can prepare over charcoal. Chocolate cake with peanut butter icing.

Q7. Let them eat cake … What’s YOUR favorite? #NUTS
@utravelwithus Does cheese cake count because i would get the tuxedo cheese cake from cheesecake factory
@CutestKidEver My favorite cake? Devil’s Food cake with white or confetti frosting. Om nom nom
@VegasBiLL Many enjoy red velvet cake
@KelseyIvey . Love carrot cake – plus it counts as a serving of veggies right?
@jettingaround Makowiec (poppyseed cake) & orzechowiec (walnut cake) that my mom makes for holidays. Would be worth weekly transatlantic flights.
@kamariagboro Ooh, I love cupcakes. Vanilla Milk Chocolate from @sprinkles, Red Velvet from @Tonnies_MINIS & Tie-Dye from Baked by Melissa
@OrchidResorts I love the simplicity of a great chocolate iced cake
@AbroadView Peanut butter and jelly cupCAKEs! Had them at a wedding–vanilla cake, peanut butter frosting with raspberry preserve filling
@FunAsWeGO My mom’s homemade sour cream coffee cake with walnuts!

Q8. If you could create a holiday … what would it be & how would you celebrate? #NUTS
@MalloryOnTravel International Green Adventure Day … Worldwide public holiday devoted to having an environmentally friendly adventure
@thetripchicks. National Unplug From Social Media Day. Phone or write neglected family and friends
@Banff_Squirrel A quiet celebration? RT @travelightly: Tough one… Librarian Day! Give cake to all librarians!
@SookeTravel It would be in mid February (here in Canada we have a long stretch of no holidays after NYs) + name it SUNBREAK!
@familyfoodie I think we should have National Family Day… where families spend the entire day together without any distractions
@BibleMemCoins It would be Book Day…and 10 books would be free at Barnes and Noble and all day spent reading in a hammock
@Inga_Ros Teachers day! – Give teachers a day off and $500 worth of gift cards to be spent just on them
@Velcro108 Jehovas Witness Day. I feel they’re really missing out.
@gmfriedrich Single mom day. I would get spa treatments and drink wine while someone watched my kids for free

Q9. Best gift you ever received #NUTS
@McMedia Best Gift EVAH: Taking care of my dad the last year of his life. So many lessons, so may laughs
@FunAsWeGO a trip to Italy!
@SportsShuffle Got to use a friends season tickets and parking permit to go take in a baseball game!
@jkheaton My daughters of course
@KatrinaMauro Life – legs to wander with..eyes to wonder with…smell to lead the way…the taste to savor with. Thanks mom & dad!!!
@travelightly . Sally Watson book series. (Yes, I’m a librarian.)
@Dr_KMM Package deal (Tiffany Platinum Necklace, Coach Bag & 10K Ca$h) from a CFO b4 dinner at Penthouse.
@kitwhelan: When I was 10 I got flying lessons for Christmas! That was pretty awesome.
@thetripchicks: A great set of parents who taught me early on that
#travel is the best education.
@RTWMatt My Education –

Q10. Your favorite toast or well wishing words #NUTS
@jkheaton My favorite is “Make It Count”
@roniweiss I like pulling the Bill Murray toasts from “Groundhog Day”
@VacationManager “A Little Song, A Little Dance, A Little Seltzer Down Your Pants”
@crozul Do one thing each day that scares you! Live life, take risks, and travel!
@KatrinaMauro: Here’s to you, and here’s to me – and may we never disagree. But if in case we ever do, here’s to me & the hell with you!
@druchunas į sveikatą. Lithuanian: to health!
@princessgeeta My Mom’s (get this) “If you can’t be good, be careful!”
@Inga_Ros Always shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you´ll land among the stars.
@missmelisss “Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain!”

After party
@SportsShuffle Thank you for the fun!
@VacationManager Great #NUTS chat everyone! Thanks for a great time!
@MalloryOnTravel Thanks for the party everyone, you make every tuesday partytime, its OUR special day you crack me up, grateful for the fun
@CareVacations Thanks for letting me join in on #NUTS for the last few minutes! Always a fun time! xoxo –

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