Q1. Most interesting/unusual person you’ve met on Twitter

@_KimRandall: A1: OMG how can I choose just one?? #NUTS

@jeanettejoy: Q1. Most interesting/unusual person you’ve met on Twitter #NUTSAnswer: @Kelsey_Grammer who helped me overcome grief depression

@cruisebuzz: A1. Most interesting/unusual person I have met on Twitter is@RickGriffin – we need harder questions. #NUTS

@lindsontheroad: A1. Just met a lot of fine people last week at #Toronto #traveltribethrough twitter – the whole lot of them are interesting! #NUTS

@nicoleploehn: a1: person?? not people? I can’t put those in 140 characters. #nuts

@ottsworld: Q1. The guys who believed the world was flat…no joke…he has a whole website about it. #nuts

@Vagabond3Live: Most interesting people we met on twitter: hmm- so many!@hughgrantfacts is always hilarious! #NUTS

Q2. Most memorable tweet you’ve tweeted or read

@Screenscapes: From @levarburton: Shoutout to ScreenscapeS and his people. God keep you strong! Q2. Most memorable tweet you’ve tweeted or read #NUTS

@ottsworld: A2. I have over 10,000 – how can you expect me to chose just one. All my tweets are equally meaningful! #NUTS

@la_loquita: RT @McMedia: Q2. Most memorable tweet you’ve tweeted or read#NUTS // um … anything regarding #airfreshners

@RickGriffin: A2. #I haven’t tweeted in hours – I need a twaxitive #NUTS

@jeanettejoy: Q2. Most memorable tweet you’ve tweeted or read #NUTS ANSWER: My tweet “Love = Peace = JOY” got RTed for days

@chippy2u: @RickGriffin all the heart wrenching and inspirational stories of help & rescue in #qldfloods #nuts

@AboutLondon: Q1. Most interesting/unusual person you’ve met on Twitter #NUTSA1. @MarDixon – fantastic friend who started #savelibraries

@CricketinMaine: A2 Since I am in Church w/ my Pepere,right now, remembering@RickGriffin said he wouldn’t tweet in church! #NUTS gotta go, tweet ya later!

@MagellanPR: A2 Most memorable tweet? The one I read tomorrow #nuts

@RickGriffin: A2. MasTWibation: The act of retweeting yourself self #NUTS

Q3. What do you like most about social media?

@MagellanPR: A3 I love the fact that you connect with people all over the globe, all nationalities – and that its instant #nuts

@chippy2u: Q3 dispersal of important life saving information in real time i.e #qldfloods #NUTS

@LucieD_inthesky:  A3 Connecting with people who share a common interest #NUTS

@gomarwrites: A3 – Get to make friends while wearing pajamas! #NUTS

@_KimRandall: A2: I like how Social Media gives the little guy a platform to do great things. #NUTS

@WriterChick47: A3. The diversity of people using it. The ability to connect with people everywhere! The ability to tweet in your underwear… #nuts

@EpsteinTravels: Great for small biz & super for laughs RT @McMedia: Q3. What do you like most about social media? #nuts

@Only398: A3 #SocialMedia resolves countless minutes and hours of wait time! Keeps the mind sharp! #NUTS

@RickGriffin: A3. I love being able to carry on deep intelligent conversations wearing nothing but my boxers #NUTS

Q4. Best advice for someone new to social media

@_kimrandall: Q4. Best advice for someone new to social media#NUTS // clear your schedule

@momsofamerica: A3: Best advice for someone new to social media Follow the best kind of #NUTS : ) Get to know everone! Converse and have fun!

@McMedia: Don’t Give Up! One day it all just clicks in #nuts

@cruisebuzz: A4 Best advice 4 newbie is to watch and learn. Then jump right in. Have some core points that define you and have fun. #nuts

@EpsteinTravels: Sell others & let others sell you. And make it fun, not work.

@PR_TraveLady: Research! Q4. Best advice for someone new to social media#NUTS

@Only398: A4 You learned how to drive a car? You certainly can learn “effective”#SocialMedia #NUTS

@ottsworld: A4. it’s easier to quit crack than social media – so be warned. #NUTS

@claudiabia: yes, follow her! 🙂 And join a chat like #NUTS! 🙂 RT @JeanetteJoy:

@WriterChick47 A4. Please keep all your bodily functions to yourself. #Nuts

Q5. How has as social media changed how you interact with people?

@earthxplorer: #NUTS ~~ I type faster.

@ gomarwrites: A5 I skype with my daughter who is in the same house as I am as college prep. #NUTS

@ottsworld: A5. Yes I hardly interact w people anymore. My keyboard is my best friend. #NUTS

@ _KimRandall: A5: My phone calls all last 140 second or less! #NUTS LOL

@claudiabia: A5. It’s a great ice breaker offline… great conversation topic, better than weather 😉 #NUTS

@malloryontravel: A5. I have forgotten what it feels like to sleep #Nuts

@ pizzalogger: Ive met some great ppl and have gotten great advice and info on new products #NUTS

@CocktailDeeva: It keeps me real..never know who your meeting! #Nuts

@MidlifeRoadTrip: A5. Social Media gives me the confidence to be myself #NUTS

@ MagellanPR: A5 – I now think in 140 characters! #nuts

Q6. Favorite/Must-Attend social media conference

@Screenscapes: Uh DUH!!! NUTS! RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q6. Favorite/Must-Attend social media conference #NUTS

@ jeanettejoy: Q6. Favorite/Must-Attend social media conference #NUTS Answer@LizStrauss‘s conference in Chigago.

@ RickGriffin: A6. The 140 conferences and BlogWorld are awesome! #NUTS

@ _KimRandall: A6: I don’t go to many (Someone has to stay behind and keep Twitter running!) #NUTS

@ roamingboomers: Q6. Favorite/Must-Attend social media conference #NUTS A:@blogworld. Being on the travel panel last year was fun. too.

@claudiabia:Q6. Favorite/Must-Attend social media conference#NUTS // #140conf, #SoMeT, #SOBCon, #SWSX

@ earthxplorer: Where ever @RickGriffin & a duck fart (shot) is = the place to be!#NUTS

@RickGriffin: @earthXplorer Last time I had a #DuckFart shot was with you when we caught crabs together in Alaska – we must do it again soon #NUTS

@ ottsworld: a6. I didn’t really know there were any…does speed dating count?#NUTS

Q7. Best/Worst experience on Twitter/Facebook

@la_loquita: Q7. Best/Worst experience on Twitter/Facebook#nuts // getting stalked by idiots that send creepy pics to you

@ MagellanPR: A7 On Facebook – bad hair day photos! On Twitter, haven’t had one!#nuts

@ _KimRandall: A7: Two weeks ago my Facebook was hacked & 300+ of my connections received #SPAM from me. Spent days trying to clean ever1s walls up#NUTS

@RickGriffin: A7. more than once I’ve tweeted something in the main stream that I thought was a DM #NUTS

@jeanettejoy: Q7. Best/Worst experience on Twitter/Facebook #NUTS … When someone misunderstands my tweets and gets mean. Makes me cry.

@Andrea_N: Q7. Nosy coworkers on FB when I was flying a lot in ’09 to make EXP on AA. Just deleted them all. #NUTS

@nicoleploehn: a7: best Experience: deciding to join #nuts .. and #twitter

@familyfoodie: A7. I’ve ReTweeted myself by accident #NUTS

@mprimme: When tweets/ comments get misinterpreted (worst)

@TheBeerWench: Q7. Worst experience on Twitter #nuts <– A7 = Insulting a beer personality who told my old boss & got me in BIG trouble

Q8. What changes would you make to improve Facebook/Twitter?

@WriterChick47: A8. Eliminate the ‘auto tweets & auto DM’s’. It’s supposed to be about interaction. Rent a billboard if you don’t want to talk. #nuts

@earthxplorer: RT @WriterChick47 @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q8. What changes would you make to improve Facebook/Twitter? #nuts ~~ easier PRIVACY settings

@RickGriffin: A8. Make all spam tweets appear in red text #NUTS

@TheBeerWench: RT @JeanetteJoy: Q8. What changes would you make to improve Facebook/Twitter? #NUTS <– No more games on Facebook. HATE those invites.

@roamingboomers: Q8. What changes would you make to improve Facebook/Twitter? #NUTS A8 – an instant video chat button when you need more than 140 characters.

@MalloryOnTravel: A8. Add a government health warning in 140 characters or less of course! Tweeting can be addictive! #NUTS

@pizzalogger: I wish it would let us allow followers before they follow while being public on twitter #NUTS

@McMedia: A8: Improved spelling, grammar and an ARE you sure you REALLY want to Tweet this button<–I agree! #nuts

@Screenscapes: A8. you have only 72 hours to change your EGG icon before you are deleted! #Nuts

@RickGriffin: A8. expand tweets to 146 characters – I would say more but that’s about the length of my attention span:) #NUTS

Q9. Best use of social media by a brand. Why?

@RickGriffin: A9. Hands down best use of social media by a brand –@PrincessCruises #NUTS

@_KimRandall: A9: The best uses IMO are those where the brand was able to emerge BECAUSE of Social Media #JustinBieber #CTFXC #Shaytards #NUTS

@MagellanPR: A9 Loved @gosantamonica “Sandy Monica” campaign as I lived her life vicariously for a month & had a wild time in CA at no cost! #nuts

@WriterChick47: A9. @Ford & @SouthwestAir are doing a GREAT job of talking to their customers AND Ummm US (@MidlifeRoadTrip)…hello! #nuts

@magsmcgee88: @jeanettejoy A9- Honda- @Alicia_at_honda is amazing.@ComcastCares and @SprintCare are brilliant as well.#NUTS

@_KimRandall: A9: Red Cross #Haiti Relief campaign fundraiser #NUTS

@RickGriffin: A9. ZipSetGo.com ROCKS it when it comes to social media #NUTS #TNIcc@GoApril @ZipSetRachel @ZipSetAndrea

@McMedia: LOVE @peterglennsports I had an issue, they went above & beyond They Get it!

@CateTV: A9 Q9. Best use of social media by a brand. Why? #NUTS I think@MidlifeRoadTrip is kicking #NUTS in this regard

@LucieD_inthesky: @MidlifeRoadTrip A9 Has to be #NASA, early adopters, use it for outreach #NUTS

Q10. What is the future of social media? a fad or here to stay?

@ earthxplorer: RT @RickGriffin: Q10. What is the future of social media? a fad or here to stay? #NUTS ~~~ two words…my space

@GoApril: Here to Stay!! RT @RickGriffin: Q10. What is the future of social media? a fad or here to stay? #NUTS

@MagellanPR: A10 SM is like Pandora’s Box – once opened, its here to stay, evolve & get better #nuts

@nicoleploehn: a10: it can’t leave… i can’t live without it. <– addict. #nuts

@RickGriffin: A10. Social Media forever be archived on a hard disk database at Google #NUTS

@_KimRandall: A10: Social Media is here 2 stay & will only get more Social, more integrated & way more fun. #NUTS

@la_loquita: RT @McMedia: Q10. What is the future of social media? a fad or here to stay? #NUTS // y’all are my hostages -i’m keeping ya forever. Sorry

@ottsworld: A10. I can’t predict the future of social media…I don’t even know what I’m doing tomorrow. #NUTS

@hotelPRguy: <Have cool inventions like cars, bikes, shoes ever gone extinct?> Q10. Future of social media? Fad or here to stay? #NUTS


@ottsworld: I am no longer a #NUTS rookie…had fun joining all of you from Jordan tonight! Thanks!

@CailinONeil: @RickGriffin aaahhh!! #NUTS drill sergeant!! I swear I was working and missed the #NUTS of #NUTS

@MagellanPR: @mcmedia @writerchick47 @nicoleploehn @screenscapeS@chnantucket @la_loquita @gomarwrites @malloryontravel – gr8 to chat on #nutstonight!

@MalloryOnTravel: RT @earthXplorer: U’re so vain, U probly think ths tweet is abt U., dont U?? 😉 actually i’m so vain I think EVERY tweet is abt me 😉 #NUTS

@MagellanPR: My mug has arrived – perfect for morning coffee – its much prized! Thk you RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Thanks to all of our #NUTS for all the fun!!

@magsmcgee88: Got in late to the #NUTS game, but still was a nice distraction on my lunch break. Very well timed.

@la_loquita: RT @chnantucket: #NUTS love love love, is it every TUE? Some1 pls tell me // come rain or snow, or sleet or sun.. wait thats the postoffice

@chnantucket: awesome! full of ideas forum, great questions RT @McMedia:@midliferoadtrip ~~> RT @chnantucket: who started #NUTS?

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