As always this week’s Not-so usual Therapy Session was filled with fun. Special thanks to our Guest Therapists @AFarrell09, @AriaaJaeger, and @Screenscapes!
Q1. How do you keep the family entertained when the power goes out?
@nicoleploehn: a1. they don’t entertain themselves? I’m supposed to entertain them?!?!? That’s wrong. #nuts
@Screenscapes: A1. I live in Florida, so we just go outside and go swimming! #Nuts
@Only398: A1 When the power’s out: you dance and shout, play catch w a football, anything but whine #NUTS
@IAm1HotMess: @ScreenscapeS #Nuts I keep them entertained by playing cards or make the kids go to bed
@WriterChick47: Tie the kids to a chair and toss marshmallows at them, see if they can catch them with their mouth! #nuts
@Shipsandtrips: #Nuts. when the power goes out we play “camping” – reading and board games by lantern in front of the fire
@AFarrell09: A1. Huddle under the covers in our bed, light tons of candles and play guess the shadow shape on the wall. #nuts
@_KimRandall: A1. Obviously we break out the alcohol and have ourselves a nice
friendly game of cut throat Uno! #NUTS
Q2. What’s your favorite winter activity? #NUTS
@FrancescaMaz: I love snowshoeing & cross-country skiing! Q2. What’s your favorite winter activity? #NUTS
@AFarrell09: A2. Watching the snow from the window inside the house by the fire drinking hot toddies… right? 🙂 #nuts
@nicoleploehn: a2. We do not have winter activities here. We have summer activities, and we have summer activities – take your pick. #nuts
@MPM_MediaGroup: RT @WriterChick47: Q2. What’s your favorite winter activity?#NUTS #nuts Going to Florida
@Only398: A2 Favorite winter activity: #Cruise, #Travel and #Ski – #NUTS
Q3. Fondest snow day memory as a kid?#NUTS
@Screenscapes: A3. BBQ on the beach! Q3. Fondest snow day memory as a kid?
@WriterChick47: A3: The blizzard of 77(?) Building a snow tunnel in the back yard. 20+ inches of snow #nuts
@WhyNOTme2011: A3: when everything was covered with ice, and we “iceskated” everywhere all day long #NUTS
@Only398: A3 we don’t have those in Houston – (Houston, we have a problem – where’s the snow?) #NUTS
@AgingBackwards: Never saw snow till age 27, of course, that’s still a kid, right?? LOL #NUTS
@AriaaJaeger: . Fondest snow day memory as a kid? #NUTS <<< Eating lemon snow…my sister said it only comes in Lemon flavored #yellowsnow #NUTS
@Banff_Squirrel: A3: Snowshoeing to school just to make an igloo in the playground, knowing we didn’t have to be there 😉 #NUTS
@IAm1HotMess: @ScreenscapeS making hot chocolate with my daddy after we built the biggest snowman on our block #nuts
@rduryea: RT @WriterChick47 Q3. Fondest snow day memory as a kid?#NUTS#nuts..riding a RYDER sled at ?MPH over steep golf course terrains all day

Q4. What’s your favorite cold weather meal? #NUTS
@Screenscapes: A4. Is Beer a meal? Q4. What’s your favorite cold weather meal?#Nuts
@WhyNOTme2011: A4: chicken and dumplings #NUTS
@FrancescaMaz: My mamma’s escarole & beans. Gotta get her to make some soon! Q4. What’s your favorite cold weather meal? #NUTS
@deniselao: @ScreenscapeS A4: Tough question – toss up of French Onion Soup, Chili, and Chicken soup #Nuts
@AFarrell09: A4. Love chili and corn bread with an icy cold beer. Mmmm #Nuts
@Only398: A4 that’s easy, Tan Tan Restaurant’s big bowl of HOT wonton noodle soup! #NUTS #Houston #Food
@LucieD_inthesky: @WriterChick47 A4 #NUTS Love to make chicken tortilla soup with a cold beer, followed by some chocolate, of course.
@dave_link: A4. Ham loaf with mashed potatoes and veggies. Best. Meal. Ever.#NUTS
@KimRandall: Q4. My Moms homemade chili, but if there isn’t any of that then I’ll just take some rum mixed w/ my hot chocolate #NUTS
@raineenyte: RT @WriterChick47 Q4. What’s your favorite cold weather meal?#nuts << Homemade Beef Stew! Yummy!
@travelerkate: A4 I looove pot roast. I look like a rockstar when all I have to do is throw a few things in a slow cooker and let it do all the work #NUTS
Q5. Favorite winter festival? Where? #NUTS
@Screenscapes: A5. Gay Days, Key West! Q5. Favorite winter festival? Where?#Nuts
@AriaaJaeger: Q5 WHATS YOUR FAV WINTER FESTIVAL AND WHERE? <<< in Austria and Switzerland they have amazing winter festivals #NUTS & ICE
@WhyNOTme2011: RT @ScreenscapeS: Q5. Favorite winter festival? Where? Disney Christmas #NUTS
@StayAdventurous: RT @afarrell09: Q5. Favorite winter festival? Where? #NUTS > someday I want to get to the Winter Games. #russia would be #NUTS
@Banff_Squirrel: A5: Kinda biased on this one, but the Lake Louise Ice Magic Fest is always a gr8 time: #NUTS
@FrancescaMaz: @WriterChick47 I hear there’s a fab winter festival in Quebec. I’m all over it! #NUTS
Q6. Your cocktail of choice for a chilly night is..? #NUTS
@gomarwrites: A6 stick glass of cab in microwave for few seconds. Call it a “hot toddy” 😉 #NUTS
@WhyNOTme2011: RT @Screenscapes: Q6. Your cocktail of choice for a chilly night is..? hot cocoa with marshmallows (and Bailey’s and Kaluha) 🙂 #NUTS
@AFarrell09: A6. I think a dirty martini is multi- seasonal. Q6. Your cocktail of choice for a chilly night is..? #NUTS
@MeyerRealEstate: Q6. Your cocktail of choice for a chilly night is..? #nuts A6: Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps.
@nicoleploehn: a6: cocktail of choice on any night is pineapple juice, OJ, parrot bay, coconut rum, grenadine #nuts
@FrancescaMaz: Red wine, preferably malbec. Q6. Your cocktail of choice for a chilly night is..? #nuts
@KimRandall: A6. Take some juice, add some rum, add a few orange slices, add some more rum. Now I pretend to be on the warm beach #NUTS
@allaboutlaurie: #NUTS A6 frozen margarita
@AgingBackwards: @kymri Morning latte WITH hot cocoa mixed in, yum!! #nuts
Q7. Fondest memory of a winter vacation? #NUTS
@Screenscapes: A7. Making Sand Angels at the beach! Q7. Fondest memory of a winter vacation? #Nuts
@nicoleploehn: a7: fondest winter vacation memory: ski lessons in the parking lot of a hotel in vermont because the roads were closed #nuts
@AFarrell09: A7. Has to be this past Christmas. Top of a mountain up in Blue Ridge in a beautiful cabin and right on cue it started snowing at 8am. #nuts
gomarwrites: A 7 Rothenburg, Germany, gorgeous town in Bavaria – it was snowing and all decorated for the holidays #NUTS
@Vagabond3Live: Coming in late for #NUTS- but our answer for #7 would be our Puerto Rico surfing XMAS
@Only398: A7 how about canceling a Crystal Cruise I won to attend Luxury Travel Expo #LTE2010? Does that count? #NUTS
@kymri: A7. Learning to ski on a bunny hill in Saskatoon and thinking I was in Banff, lol! #NUTS
Q8. What I love/hate about winter is…?#NUTS
@gomarwrites: A 8 love the Norman Rockwell, curled up in front of fireplace vibe, but on other hand, can’t stand cold weather #NUTS
@nicoleploehn: a8: what i love/hate about winters is we don’t get any winters here.#nuts
@AFarrell09: A8 The layers of clothes you need to wear to just stay marginally warm. Ugh.. Q8. What I love/hate about winter is…? #NUTS
@WhyNOTme2011: RT @ScreenscapeS: Q8. What I love/hate about winter is…? LOVE–how clean everything looks when it snows #NUTS
@_KimRandall: A8. Love: Christmas, snuggling and hoodies. Hate: the cold when there is no snow (never snows in Tampa), coats and ice #NUTS
@gomarwrites: I’m thinking about driving to the end of the driveway to get the mail. Must mention driveway is really short. #NUTS
@Only398: A8 I love winter because its the Season to be jolly (1 of 4), I’m an optimist so no hating here #NUTS
@kymri: A8. What I love about winter: that I can VISIT it. What I hate about winter: cold toes and fingers when surfing! #NUTS
Q9. Favorite winter themed movie #NUTS
@AFarrell09: A9. Groundhog Day. Love the ice sculpture scene. Sooo romantic. 🙂 Q9. Favorite winter themed movie #NUTS
@WhyNOTme2011: RT @ScreenscapeS: Q9. Favorite winter themed movie ? How the Grinch Stole Christmas, does Cold Mountain count? #NUTS
@idmktgevents: Q9 – Winter movie: my vote is for National Lampoons Xmas Vacation, Honorable Mention: A Xmas Story and Love Actually #nuts
@kymri: A9. Dr. Zhivago. I was mesmerized by the beautiful snowy scenes of Russia, then went there only to learn it was filmed in Spain! #NUTS
@_KimRandall: Q9. What would winter be without Frosty the Snowman???#LoveThatMovie #NUTS
@MeyerRealEstate: Q9. Favorite winter themed movie #nuts A9 Don’t remember title – true story of dog sled race, young kid trying to save family home.
Q10. What’s the best thing you’ve ever built/made out of snow?
@WhyNOTme2011: RT @ScreenscapeS: Q10. What’s the best thing you’ve ever built/made out of snow? snow icecream! LOL -just don’t use the yellow kind! #NUTS
@McMedia: Self Portraint Just found myself covered in the fluffy white stuff
@MeyerRealEstate: Q10. What’s the best thing you’ve ever built/made out of snow?#NUTS A10. Puddles! (Sorry – hate snow – moved south to escape it!)
@_KimRandall: Q10. Snow-cowboys LOL #DontAsk #NUTS
@WriterChick47: A10. We made a snowman that looked like our neighbor..he had a really big nose. He was not impressed #nuts
@LodiSpirit: Huge fort used for serious snowball fights :)! lol @AriaaJaeger WHAT’S THE BEST THING YOU EVER BUILT OUT OF SNOW #NUTS Q10
@kymri: A10. used to drive to snow in mountains, and built snowman on hood of car to see if it could last all the way back home to San Diego! #NUTS
@LucieD_inthesky: @WriterChick47 Had to be an igloo formed out of soggy shoeboxes A10 #NUTS
After Party
@Screenscapes: Snow days means something completely different here in Florida! Just Sayin! #Nuts
@AriaaJaeger: @ScreenscapeS I’m too young to be your mother ….go to your room#NUTS! LOL!
@WriterChick47: @Only398 @AriaaJaeger <–She’s barely 21 😉 #nuts
@AriaaJaeger ->@writerchick47 Check’s in the mail. #nuts
@writerchick47 That was a freebie. #nuts
@AgingBackwards: @pdjonesonline Actually, when I was little [couple years ago], I liked to make soup outta my ice cream before eating it, lol #NUTS
@Vagabond3Live: @agingbackwards I STILL make my ice cream soup before eating it! I love it that way!! #NUTS
@idmktgevents: @AgingBackwards I Still do that with my ice cream. Why do cool
things have to end when we are little? Right? #nuts
@WriterChick47: @_kimrandall If there were an award for most tweets referencing alcohol, you would have won.
@_KimRandall: @WriterChick47 LOL LOL Can you tell I need a drink?!?!?! Is there a prize???? #NUTS
@Only398: @Ginnykaroub every Tuesday at 3:30PM EST, great way to chat with crazy people #NUTS
@_KimRandall: RT @BuzzEdition ►LOL – The Captain Morgan Workout – Unlock Your Potential – <- OMG @WriterChick47 #LOL #NUTS
@TravelMaestro: Luv my fellow #NUTS 🙂 @WriterChick47 @ScreenscapeS@AFarrell09