#1 Something new you plan to try to ‘get in better shape’ in 2011

NikkiVilloria: not really new just more often: tennis, rock climbing & hiking

@CricketinMaine: @RickGriffin Wow. #A1 upside-down triangle would be a really good shape for you, aye? I’m just saying… ; )

@SearsFitness: Yoga, at-home circuits.

KuhnHondaVW: RT @buycruises: A1: Not making up the most creative excuses to get out of going to the gym. Be disciplined. #nuts <wheres the fun in that?>

buycruises: Not making up the most creative excuses to get out of going to the gym. Be disciplined. #nuts

Sara_Mooney: It’s #NUTS to want to be healthy and fit? I’d rather do the work than have to live with the consequences…

joywilder: how about eating right? #NUTS

TravelMaestro: A1 Not new – I am a long time cyclist, but working on stepping it up to ride farther/faster.

AgingBackwards: I’m sticking with Bollywood Dancing!! LUV IT!!

stellacart: I plan to eat less, exercise more.

Andrea_N: Not hard – just need to go to the gym!

@CharThian: A1. #SPANX….

McMedia: –> @andreametcalf ‘s #NakedFitness <–

PGAVillage_Golf: Our Club House Restaurant has incorporated some awesome new Heart Healthy Selections from PGA Fitness Instructor David Donatucci

@RickGriffin: A1. I’m already in shape… “round” is a shape #NUTS

KuhnHondaVW: A1. definately not giving up the 3 musketeer i just ate #nuts

@SandCTravel: A1: yoga! & maybe running #NUTS

@KuhnHondaVW:  I have started a 5am work out and walking twice a day. if it requires changing food I’m not with that. #nuts #foodie

Screenscapes: A1. XBox360 Kenect! Yeay Baby! #NUTS

WhyNOTme2011: A1: Kettlebells! #NUTS

WriterChick47: A1. I’m going to try getting out of my chair this year. It’s so crazy, it just might work #nuts

WhoFramedAbbie: @MidlifeRoadTrip Phen Phen and yes #Nuts

deniselao:  more outdoor activities – like backpacking or rockclimbing #nuts

#2 Craziest diet you’ve ever tried. Did it work?

LucieD_inthesky: A2 I just found it. Craziest? You mean bulimia isn’t really a diet? #NUTS

Screenscapes: A2. Craziest Diet was Cabbage Soup. Didn’t work, but MMMM so good! #nuts

@clickflickca: Eat anything you want but only use one chopstick!

TheVacationGals: In high school, the grapefruit diet left me thinner but w no energy and dreaming of crunchy food. #fail #NUTS

la_loquita:  my mom did some cabbage soup diet. i thought we were polish

@terrysimpson: <~ Atkins And yes

Andrea_N: Nutrisystem. Food was gross & only lost 10 lbs.

SlatersGarage: Atkins worked, but it made my poops black. #didisaythatoutloud?

@AgingBackwards: Craziest diet I ever tried: The all-ice-cream-diet in college. Yeah, worked, fainted, couldn’t eat anymore (don’t try) LOL!!

@McMedia: A2 .. Beet Diet … Ughhhhh .. Beets, Hot Dogs, Ice Cream , Hard Boiled Eggs .. Worst Diet EVAH #NUTS <gross!!!>

@RickGriffin:  I invented the “Nacho Diet” where I counted corn tortillas as vegetables #FAIL #NUTS

Only398: A2 What’s a diet? Do they exist? #NUTS

WriterChick47: A2. The “imagine everything on your plate is cow poo” diet worked pretty well until my brained turned visions of poo into chocolate #nuts

@NikkiVilloria: A2 The see-it diet Yes it worked, I ate everything that looked good 🙂 #NUTS Or the relative diet: seafood diet 🙂

NikkiVilloria: The see-it diet Yes it worked, I ate everything that looked good 🙂

@joywilder: I tch fitness programs evry day (cardio strength & yoga) bt I luv 2 get outside!

@becomingLVlocal: Peanutbutter snickers, gummy bear, MtDew in HighSchool… Didnt gain #NUTSVegasBill: ~Wow, you were dedicated.

@RickGriffin: Purchased an $800 coat hanger that most people refer to as a treadmill #NUTS

@WriterChick47 My ex husband. Oh wait…#NUTS

margebow: liquid diet, worked temporarily

earthxplorer:  — I could only eat transparent food….

SearsFitness: No carbs. In the short term, yes. Long term, absolutely not!

#3 What’s the most useless exercise equipment you’ve ever purchased?

McMedia: A3: Worst gimmick Electric Abdominal Belts #FAIL #NUTS (No I didn’t buy it, but, I thought a/b it)

FrancescaMaz: Same here. RT @joywilder: A3 useless gym membership! lol #NUTS

WriterChick47: A3. My waffle maker. I put it way on the other side of the house so I’d have to walk to get it, but I haven’t lost a pound. #nuts

backpackinchica: RT @girlsgetaway: I have TWO in my basement closet! RT @WhyNOTme2011: A3: big exercise ball. just is always in the way and no one ever uses it! #NUTS

buycruises: A soloflex- became a clothes hanger

@RickGriffin: A3. Purchased an $800 coat hanger that most people refer to as a treadmill #NUTS

@delo4ya: A3 Thigh Master #NUTS

Screenscapes: A3. Does the Sit and Spin count?

@Wenever: A3 an exercise ball! It sat in a corner taking up too much space until I finally took a needle to it and popped it! #nuts girlsgetaway: I have TWO in my basement closet!

SlatersGarage:  It’s a tie for “Everything.”

@stellacart: My trainers.

@RickGriffin: RT @ToddBrink : …A3.~ Vic Tanny membership #NUTS << whew, I thought for a sec ou purchased a Tranny membership #Nevermind

@VegasBill A3. Dead weights. #NUTS – They are so heavy.                  

la_loquita: the shakeweight

#4  Most inspiring diet/exercise program you’ve seen and why?

@RickGriffin Jane Fonda. I loved my sparkly leg warmers and that headband I wore was hot! #NUTS

McMedia: Love @terrysimpson ‘s Your Dr’s Orders http://bit.ly/gVTB5n

joywilder: loved free weights – didn’t like machines that are normally targeted to women #NUTS

joywilder: @fitbet yep…couldn’t walk up/down stair s for a month…done with bikram for awhile! #NUTS @fitbet: Yoga is meant to repair/ renew /heal not KILL ya or injure..#NUTS@RickGriffin: .. @fitbet: will it bruise my ego if I can’t put my foot behind my head?

joywilder:  biking? i’ve always wanted to try it but living where i do it’s tough to get a good ride in #NUTS

la_loquita:  hands down, the biggest loser #myfavshow

KuhnHondaVW:  they are meant to inspire me to do what? #nuts

SlatersGarage:  Walking w/ a golf bag. Church AND exercise in one

@charthian: . #BiggestLoser…ahem, isn’t it obvious- amazing show 🙂 #NUTS

@Sara_Mooney: Training for a half marathon + raising $ for @ccteamchallenge / @CCFA . Family’s health = Best. motivation. #NUTS

Only398:  probably gym class back in high school. That’s when we ran the most and played sports. Graduation means game over. #NUTS

@terrysimpson: <~ mine!

FrancescaMaz: Weight Watchers. I know first-hand that it works. #NUTS

SearsFitness: The one you’ll stick to! Mixture: cardio + strength

SearsFitness: I love staying fit. There is no better feeling than getting done with a hard workout! #Nuts

joywilder: i tried weight training in 2004 and liked it a lot but it was tough to stay motivated

Screenscapes: Pole Dancing Fitness DVD and Nude Yoga, Nuff Said!

@KuhnHondaVW: Oh i could go all day 140 characters isn’t enough. i’m not inspired by the skinny chick, the 2 long work out, the sweaty guy on tv #nuts

@girlsgetaway: WeightWatchers my sister lost 60lbs last year! RT Q4. Most inspiring diet/exercise program you’ve seen and why? #NUTS about 1 hour ago

RickGriffin:  Most inspiring diet has been the Sonoma Diet because it includes wine!! #NUTS about 1 hour ago

PGAVillage_Golf:  Can I just say an awesome round of golf is pretty inspirational! 🙂 #NUTS

@clickflickca: David Hasselhoff running on the beach in BayWatch. #NUTS

buycruises: My mom joined the cult of nutrisystem. It worked. Om

WriterChick47: I’ve tried all the diets. None inspire me. But @PlanetFitness inspires me. Only gym I’ve ever felt comfortable in. #nuts

WhyNOTme2011: Biggest loser program, because it teaches healthy eating and exercise. #NUTS

@CustomJetWorks: Sit next to the bathroom at restaurants! #NUTS

@girlsgetaway: WeightWatchers my sister lost 60lbs last year! RT Q4. Most inspiring diet/exercise program you’ve seen and why

#5 Favorite healthy activity

joywilder:  i really like walking/biking #NUTS

SandCTravel:  swimming or hiking! #NUTS

WriterChick47: A5. Playing baseball (go ahead, laugh, I can hit AND run) and bicycling #nuts

Andrea_N: Traveling, because there is a lot of walking.

kymri: Surfing. #NUTS

SlatersGarage: Please refer to my answer for Q4.

RickGriffin: RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q5. Favorite healthy activity #NUTS <<A5. Sex! ….preferably with a partner:)

CricketinMaine:  I’m with @MidlifeRoadTrip!! Not very original of me

Screenscapes: Walking, Swimming, Watching Pole Dancing Excersise DVDs and Nude Yoga.

@stellacart: Tweeting. My fingers have never been so slim.

santafetraveler: A5 Hiking the beautiful mountain trails around #Santa Fe, NM Love to go to places where there’re petroglyphs & ruins. #NUTS

la_loquita:  long walks on the beach… candlelight dinners.. i wear i size 7 ring.. princess cut

gobyWest: Breathing! #Nuts

McMedia:  ~ A Day (or week) at the Spa cc: @rancholapuerta #NUTS

PGAVillage_Golf: A5. Refer to A4… golf is my game.

EpsteinTravels: hiking and drinking lots of red wine

charthian: A5. Running at dusk in the historic #FrenchQuarter (#BourbonStreet)

#6  What is your favorite healthy meal?

LucieD_inthesky: @MidlifeRoadTrip A6 Anything with wine, makes it seem more “Mediterranean” #NUTS

Andrea_N: Grilled fish with veggies. RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q6. Favorite healthy meal #NUTS

SlatersGarage: RT @MidlifeRoadTrip Q6. Favorite healthy meal #NUTS // Hmm. I recognize all of those words, but not right next to each other.

WhyNOTme2011: A6: spaghetti sauce with veggies and chicken in it, over shredded zuchinni (skinny spaghetti!) 🙂#NUTS

la_loquita: RT @RickGriffin: Q6. Favorite healthy meal #NUTS // oatmeal with almond milk, fresh raspberries and a touch of brown sugar

fitbet: @terrysimpson Terry ,whats yours? (fave healthy meal?)#NUTS << sous vide chicken w green beanserrysimpson: RT

charthian: A6. #NUTS of course…and dinner last night: tuna carpaccio, mushroom gnocchi and a glass of Pinot. 🙂 Q6. Favorite healthy meal #NUTS

SearsFitness: Q6. Favorite healthy meal includes (Organic) Quinoa pasta + olive oil + basil + baked chicken. #Nuts

#7 Whose body would you most want yours to look like?

fitbet: I hope your own, in the best shape of your life! xo #NUTS

charthian: A7. Any #Bond girl… Q7. Whose body would you most want yours to look like? #NUTS

margebow: Q7. Whose body would you most want yours to look like? Jennifer Aniston’s! #NUTS

KuhnHondaVW: a7. i don’t look at anybodys body because then i’d get depressed and go home and pig out. #nuts

TahiraCreates: a7 tall – Nicole Kidman – amazing – Halle Berry #NUTS

RickGriffin: A7. Jesse James – his shape would not to hard to attain and something about him appealed to Sandra Bullock#NUTS

la_loquita: RT @RickGriffin: Q7. Whose body would you most want yours to look like? #NUTS // anyoen with a cute butt and good legs

joywilder: A7@TweetMeTV my own but only healthier…more bendable …stronger#NUTS

Screenscapes: Hugh Hefner isn’t doing to bad either! @cookiesommelier: Q7. Whose body would you most want yours to look like? #NUTS

phylisebanner: @McMedia A7: Xena the Warrior Princess! #NUTS

PGAVillage_Golf: A7. I’ve been married almost 24 yrs… it is what it is. 🙂 RT@MidlifeRoadTrip Q7. Whose body would you most want yours to look like? #NUTS

McMedia: A7… @janefonda She looks amazing after all these years. THAT’S INSPIRING! #NUTS

Q8. What is the most difficult exercise you do to get into shape?

pizzalogger: @MidlifeRoadTrip lunges!! #NUTS

deniselao: @MidlifeRoadTrip A8: pull ups #NUTS

LucieD_inthesky: @RickGriffin A8 Getting up in the morning kicks my butt sometimes. #NUTS

NinaDietzel: Not eat too much ; ) @RickGriffin Q8. What is the most difficult exercise you do to get into shape? #NUTS

toddbrink: RT @RickGriffin: Q8. What is the most difficult exercise you do to get into shape? #NUTS ~ Move

momsofamerica: Dancing like a #Nut : ) RT @McMedia: Q8. What is the most difficult exercise you do to get into shape?#NUTS

RickGriffin: A8. By far the most difficult exercise for me is “Push-aways” … pushing away from the table #NUTS

McMedia: A8: Most difficult exercise? … Getting out of bed in the morning #NUTS

cookiesommelier: RT @SweetSoaps: “@McMedia: Q8. What is the most difficult exercise you do to get into shape?#NUTS” ( lift my fork

PGAVillage_Golf: A8. Pulling the lever on the barcalounger. RT @MidlifeRoadTripQ8. What is the most difficult exercise you do to get into shape? #NUTS

Q9. What food is most likely to cause you to blow your diet? #NUTS

CindyRichards: @RickGriffin Chocolate, pasta, pizza, wine, beer…. need I go on?#nuts

a_loquita: RT @RickGriffin: Q9. What food is most likely to cause you to blow your diet? #NUTS //DOUBLE STUFFED OREOS or kripie kreme donuts MG

fitbet: potato chips are my crack…. you? #NUTS

WhyNOTme2011: A9: Chocolate ANYTHING!!! #NUTS

deniselao: @MidlifeRoadTrip A9 frites, mochi, and tons of pasta will blow my diet.#nuts

McMedia: SWEETS-All of them #EqualOpportunityBinger –>RT @RickGriffin: Q9. What food is most likely to cause you to blow your diet? #NUTS

Sara_Mooney: @VegasBill Swedish fish. Always Swedish fish. #NUTS

charthian: A9. Just ask @chic_travel…hot, powdered sugar covered BEIGNETS. Q9. What food is most likely to cause you to blow your diet? #NUTS

solangefrancois: A9. Chocolate, hot chips, a burger, pizza. Sigh RT @RickGriffinQ9. What food is most likely to cause you to blow your diet? #NUTS

phylisebanner: @McMedia A9: It’s not FOOD that causes me to blow my diet! It’s cocktail hour! #NUTS

Q10. What/who inspires you to get in better shape? #NUTS

CindyRichards: My pants. RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q10. What/who inspires you to get in better shape? #NUTS

fitbet: what/who inspires ME to get in better shape? #NUTS >my bathing suit!

momofbestbaby: My son inspires me. He makes me want to be the best mom possible #nuts

HandCraftKaren: the fact that nothing i own fits and if i dont do it now then i’ll never do it : Q10. What/who inspires you to get in better shape? #NUTS

ciaobella50: A size 6 dress ! RT @RickGriffin: Q10. What/who inspires you to get in better shape? #NUTS

TravelMaestro: A10 What inspires me? Birthdays and mirrors! #NUTS

Screenscapes: My Future Career as Buck Naked! @MidlifeRoadTrip @RickGriffin: Q10. What/who inspires you to get in better shape? #NUTS

Sara_Mooney: @VegasBill A10: That damned mirror and scale. Their combination is brutal! #NUTS

McMedia: A10 .. The @midliferoadtrip inspires me! #NUTS #Really

kymri: A10. My 8 year old gymnast daughter. #NUTS

ecuadorguide: Q10 My wife. RT @MidlifeRoadTrip Q10. What/who inspires you to get in better shape? #NUTS


kymri: Oh is it #NUTS time again??

Screenscapes: This Twitter Lag is killing my Comedic Timing! #Nuts

Marywicca: You’ll have to start using punchlines like: “And waaaait for iiit…” RT@ScreenscapeS: This Twitter Lag is killing my Comedic Timing! #Nuts

la_loquita: hey @Travelchannel you need to put @MidlifeRoadTrip McMEdia@RickGriffin on the air!!!! #NUTS #dagnabit#startingamovement

McMedia: Perfect 4 today’s #NUTS topic –> RT @chefandre: New Year, Better You, Healthier You @kathyireland .comhttp://tinyurl.com/22vtgkr (expand)

TravelMaestro: Thanks to @designgoddess80 @RickGriffin @HandCraftKaren@WeekendInParis @WriterChick47 I’m now#NUTS about getting in shape. Fun chat!

fitbet: RT @PGAVillage_Golf: Had a blast!! @MidlifeRoadTrip @VegalBill @FitBet@VWriterChick47, @McMedia @RickGriffin#NUTS@VegasBill

nicoleploehn: RT @ScreenscapeS: My Favorite thing about #nuts is making new friends! {{{HUGS}}} // totally agree!!

kymri: So much for that #NUTS therapy session, entirely ineffective sitting here and tweeting about food, lol! Thanks for the fun anyway!

Screenscapes: Oh, you really had to go there? buycruises: So I naturally feel good after the gym And dark chocolate is good for you. Right? @MalloryOnTravel #NUTS

gobyWest: Almost missed #NUTS again- but I’m here now, better late than never!

@la_loquita: i think its time to petition @travelchannel to sponsor @MidLifeRoadTrip , @RickGriffin and @McMedia #NUTS

hotelPRguy: I think #NUTS might be my jetlag cure!

@Screenscapes: Tap Tap Tap, is this thing on? #NUTS / nope

claudiabia: ahaha I’m “watching” #NUTS 🙂

RickGriffin: @terrysimpson Your wit is already sharper than your scalpel #NUTS 🙂

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