Q1. Something new you plan to try to ‘get in better shape’ in 2011 #NUTS
@MalloryOnTravel   Man corset?
@familyonbikes  Hike from Denver to Durango!
@Inga_Ros    Get off my fat ass! I´ve been told I can tweet from the treadmill too
@McMedia:   Everything FRESH … ideas, outlook, attitude, food and fun
@Shop_the_Med  bought a hoola hoop…added to my workouts, forgotten how fun it is.
@CaptainandClark  We’re juicing this year! Substituting only one meal a day (if that)… we’ll see how it works.
@seemytravels   I want to start doing yoga. Not just to tone up, but also to help with stress. Maybe kickboxing would help more with this
@myislandartjeff   Gonna make another attempt at P90x/Yoga. I’ve misplaced my surfer abs… 20 years

Q2. Craziest diet you’ve ever tried. Did it work? #NUTS
@AceOfSaves  Nutritionist says I burn 3000 calories a day just breathing. Screw diets.
@NewYorkHabitat  That one’s easy. The college diet, the trick is to not have ANY money to buy food. try it ou
@familyfoodie  Low Carb diet didn’t work for me. Surprise, surprise, I love bread, pasta, pizza… I don’t know why it didn’t work!
@silvermaneman: The spoiled shell fish diet – lost 15 pounds without trying!
@BohemianTrails  Have tried health diets….never last more than a day. I always end up craving ice-cream more than usual so now I stay away!
@ContikiLauren  No wine diet. Was HORRIBLE
@foodieintl  The one where I ate in 40+ countries and flew 200,000 miles in 2yrs. It changed my life!
@mahrial: Gone vegan – worked so far, as I’m down 60+ lbs since 10/3/11
@wordnomad  No wheat, no diary, no sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine, no meat, no potatoes, no citrus, no #nuts – Unfortunately it actually did work

Q3. What’s the most useless exercise equipment you’ve ever purchased?#NUTS
@gtrot   A Shake Weight?
@GeneralTours    A weight-lifting bench… it wasn’t so much “useless” as “less used”. Ok, “never used”; but my fault, not the bench
@Butterflydiary   Dumbbells! They are now paper weights
@ZipSetRachel  My mom got me a work out DVD – I dont have a TV!
@nyeomans  the ab-roller
@clareappleyard  One of those ab-sit-up ball things. It gathered dust for a while, then the cats got their claws into it.
@ViewOnTravel  Oh man, P90X. I’m a marathoner, I train outside—not in front of my tv
@foodieintl   3. 5lb dumbbells, now at the bottom of my closet. I picked them up once to vacuum.
@TravelMaestro:   Suzanne Summers’ thigh master! My bicycle is soo much more effective and fun too
@harkx  Gym membership, a total waste. I don’t like to be indoor while doing sports

Q4. Most inspiring diet/exercise program you’ve seen and why? #NUTS
@MyIslandArtJeff   Scheduling a beach vacation. Nobody want to the “That Guy”
@GeneralTours   My wife won an “exercise” pole in an online contest… definitely inspires some, um, exertion on my part when she uses it!
@judy511  Anyone training 4 marathon – uh, 26 miles
@BoomerangHotels   I got the Xbox Kinect and am loving it so far! Its so fun and you are very active while using it!
@kymri   a walk around the pool deck on at cruise at sea…..lots of inspiration….to keep moving!!
@jkheaton  Richard Simmons. JK!!!! ROFL
@Runenfly   I’m in awe of the people in exercise videos – have to just sit there and watch
@akonthego   HA! Speedos on people who shouldn’t wear Speedos?

Q5. Favorite healthy activity #NUTS
@MagellanPR   Walking I think – with my little Hound of the Basketcases – Maximillian!
@dancinggirlie  jazz and ballet
@TravelProducer  Gotta say takin’ my bike for a spin on fun bike paths like at Balboa Lake & the beach – Marina del Rey to Redondo Beach AND BACK!
@allaboutmexico   I do ZUMBA 4x a week. I love to dance!
@LovelyLu   I’ll say it………… sex
@redhunttravel   Hiking and enjoying nature!
@bjohnsonCTA   Weight training… fanatic status
@MVCTravel  Kettle Bell work outs and horse back riding. Not at the same time, that would be #Nuts
@beasharif  Find a local mountain, pack a lunch and hike for hours! It’s invigorating

Q6. Favorite healthy meal #NUTS
@CertifiedSteak   Seafood! Lot’s of Omega-3’s 🙂 and soooo good!
@bjohnsonCTA  Grilled Buffalo Chicken Salad
@TauckAgent  That would be a happy meal … wait, not That happy meal, great
location, lively conversation and really good wine – in France
@jbranigan  Grilled lamb chops with pomegranate & rosemary and a nice spinach salad + Dark Chocolate
@amydostafford   Hands down – my mom’s Vietnamese spring rolls! #NUTS #nowiamhungry
@silvermaneman:  Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Saute. Over Brown Rice.
@JimODonnell2   Steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc on a bed of steamed brown rice. Light soy sauce.
@travelifestyles   my real answer is kale salad with pine nuts and cranberries, but wine must be present

Q7. Whose body would you most want yours to look like? #NUTS
@MalloryOnTravel  Homer Simpson has been mentioned so Barney the Dinosaur
@HennArtOnline Sophia Loren!
@ZipSetRachel   Heidi Klum, always.
@jbranigan I always wanted to be Audrey Hepburn, she was a classy lady
@kymri   my 16 year old self. basically the same less the gravitational pull
@allaboutmexico   Cindy Crawford – is that #nuts?
@GeneralTours   Jessica Alba’s. I’d also want a large mirror… Pretty sure you can figure out why
@RickGriffin:  Jesse James – hot that hard to attain and he once appealed to Sandra Bullock

Q8. What is the most difficult exercise you do to get into shape?#NUTS
@AustinKVS  Getting out of my office chair is the hardest exercise.
@jbranigan  I think getting out of bed is right up there at the top for me
@GeneralTours  Woman-pleasing. Not just difficult, nearly impossible. Take that whatever way you want… 😛
@Cynthiarific The Rowing Machine.
@allaboutmexico  I hate running but I do it anyway
@Runenfly   walking to the tv to turn it on #noremote@DzineThrone   exercising restraint
@dave_link   Insanity workouts. Those things live up to their title.#insane
@TravelatedRease I do a lot of circuit training, tabata workouts and Insanity videos.
Burpees are one of my least favorite exercises that I do a lot

Q9. What food is most likely to cause you to blow your diet? #NUTS
@santafetraveler   Chocolate! But luckily- it’s on my diet. I’m a lucky woman.
@MVCTravel  Chocolate, peanut butter, shoe fly pie… Okay, Okay FOOD is most likely to make me blow my diet! I’m #NUTS
@GreystoneEstate   We can never give up our wine!
@reneedobbs  Cheese, chocolate, french fries, peanut butter, pizza, & the list goes on
@JeanetteJoy   Wine makes me blow my diet. i get happy just the way I am.
@vickyakins   Don’t stand between me & the frosted sugar cookies, (aka Christmas cookies) & no one will get hurt
@sly1117  Just about anything battered and deep fried
@RickGriffin  It’s more “Who” than “What”that causes me to blow my diet #PeerPressure
@AuthenticCoast:  Lobster!

Q10. What/who inspires you to get in better shape? #NUTS
@DzineThrone  rear-view mirror
@MyIslandArtJeff   That French dude on the beach. Don’t know his name, but we called him Tripod
@LuggageJacket   My health!
@sly1117   The pictures someone took on NYE and posted to Facebook!
@JackFerriter   My cardiologist!
@jbranigan:   There’s nothing like a tight pair of jeans make me rethink
@Shop_the_Med Progress I’ve seen in my body w/workouts & good food choices
@BridalTravelGuy The mirror

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