Q1. You are hereby proclaimed Royal Monarch of Earth. What shall be your 1st official act?

@gr8ful4dmb: If you want a war you have to fight in hand to hand combat & leave everyone else out of it
@heliyes: More vacation time for ALL
@MagellanPR:  Free chocolate for all living in my global realm!
@la_loquita: RECESS
@MalloryOnTravel:  Give away airmiles for every breath we take
@Velcro108: Ban Mr. Goodbar from assorted chocolate bags
@MyIslandArtJeff:  Free airfare for all!
@OrlandoChris: Go visit Radiance of the Earth and have a party?
@ehalvey: I will dispel all Royal Wedding foolery. Over it.
@allaboutmexico: Abolish child slavery & make sure every child gets an education!
@TrvlPriincess:  Buy everyone a sombrero and free Margaritas
@CocktailDeeva:  I would have George Clooney …then end world hunger.
@SNAPOUTOFITSHOW: I’m singing for the New York Yankees June 26th
@CelticTours: mandatory nap time
@Only398: A1 My first official act would be to send everyone a#ThankYou card!
@WriterChick47: A1. No dessert is fattening



Q2. As Royal Monarch, what shall be the official food, beverage and dessert of your kingdom?

@Velcro108: Red meat. For all 3.
@jbranigan: Bailey’s Irish Creme, Bailey’s Irish Cream and Bailey’s Irish Cream
@CocktailDeeva: Pizza…..Cold Beer….and more Cold beer….. I’m easy.
@MiraCristine: crab legs, margaritas, & creme brulee
@MalloryOnTravel:  Jambalaya, tiramisu and mojitos! Chocolate optional
@CelticTours:  chocolate – hot chocolate – chocolate
@ehalvey:  BBQ, gin, and gelato shall be the official food, drink, and dessert.
@zongrik:  Cherries, carrot cake and strawberry/kiwi smoothies (with protein enhancer.
@kerrinsheldon: Food: Italian. Beverage: Propel (or beer). Dessert: Cake. Lots of cake.
@TravelMaestro: I decree the official food to be pizza, drink to be red wine, and you can have the dessert of your choice!
@crowderhouse: @CocktailDeeva butter chicken – wine – trifle. Does that even work together?
@MagellanPR: smoked salmon and blinis, champagne, any Thai food – plus cups of tea of course … and chocolate
@QuiltingMuriel: The official food would be cake, drink would be fresh clean filtered water with scotch, dessert would be dog kisses.
@grammakaye: steak/seafood/salad wine/wine/wine more wine & then everything chocolate


Q3. What shall be the Royal Theme Song of your kingdom?

@travelmaestro: The royal song will be “It’s a small world!” and it will play over and over EVERYWHERE
@@eurapart: Everybody wants to rule the world.
@RickGriffin: The Theme song from Cheers for my kingdom shall be a place where everybody knows your name
@QuiltingMuriel: I Will Survive? Or, my little Yorkie likes rap!
@ehalvey: I’m not dictating my odd taste in music over anyone. Fast track to assassination.
@CocktailDeeva: Raise You Glass…by @pink
@MiraCristine: Let’s Have A Party by Backstreet Boys
@roniweiss:  Use Somebody
@@TheTrvlPrincess:  Three Little Birds-Bob Marley its pretty much my theme song.
@SNAPOUTOFITSHOW: Theme Song Firework
@allaboutmexico: All By Myself by Eric Carmen
@anjaniladki: royal theme song of my kingdom: A Whole New World
@eurapart: Lets get this party started
@kerrinsheldon: Welcome to the Jungle!
@InAForeignLand: If I Were King of the Forest -Cowardly Lion’s song from The Wizard of Oz


Q4. Describe your Royal Coat of Arms?

@roniweiss: See: my avatar
@RickGriffin: My Royal Coat of Arms shall consist of grapes and a goblet Duh!!
@SNAPOUTOFITSHOW: Royal Coat of Arms Bold, Strong, Feminine Power
@MagellanPR:  My Royal coat of arms has a Hound with a teddy bear, surrounded by two black cats, each clutching a fish
@gr8ful4dmb:  Wine glasses crossed over bowl of Gelato surrounded by Musical notes & passport stamps
@MalloryOnTravel:  A passport and two crossed wine glasses, with the words Citius, Altius, Fortius
@LuxuryTravelMom:  Stilettos and and a stroller. My coat of arms.
@CullodenHouse: Two bottles of whisky, crossed, with a plump haggis!!
@CocktailDeeva: Mine would have a cocktail shaker , pair of FAB shoes…and…..BLING!
@deafmom: Describe your Royal Coat of Arms? Mine’s a swimsuit
@jbranigan My Coat of Arms: A garden trowel, a bag of M&Ms and a rampant Cocker Spaniel on a field of green.
@InAForeignLandPurple and Blue; In the four sections: laptop, coffee, beer and passport 🙂 That’s all you need
@eurapart: Crossed snowboards against a snowy mountain. With a squirrel or marmott RHS front
Roopunzel: Parrot in a dream catcher, feathers coming down and web of dreamcatcher is star of David doubled
@ArynCorley:Two squirrels tweeting each other with iPhones showing their #nuts
@Only398: Cruise Ship, Beach, and Jet Life is one BIG Vacation!
@traveldesigned: My coat of arms — the smile of course
@SNAPOUTOFITSHOW: Coat of Arms a Microphone, Laughing People and Freedom from worry and Fear!
@ehalvey: A knife, fork, paintbrush, camera, and plane
@Velcro108:  Something with a popped collar and a dragon on it. Extra douchey
@McMedia:  It would be a coat with many arms


Q5. As a Royal Monarch, what shall you proclaim as a Royal Holiday?

@kerrinsheldon:  Scuba diving day… Also, nakedland will be both a place and a celebration
@RickGriffin:  Tuesdays shall be a Royal Holiday because of #NUTS, #TTOT, CruiseChat & #FriFotos announcements
@karenmcallister: Mondays:
@traveldesigned:  Royal holiday ? EVERDAY is a holiday in my happy place.
@MalloryOnTravel:  Everyday ending in a Y
@roniweiss:  Iain Mallory’s birthday
@ArynCorley: Royal holiday = National leave the lid up day
@Only398: July 1st Half Year’s Day
@KatrinaMauro: The whole month of Fabruary, and September for that matter
@lilmissplanet: The day after easter and day after valentines day Holy HALF PRICE CHOCOLATE DAY
@gr8ful4dmb: How about Weds? No more hump day cuz it’s a holiday
@1Dad1Kid: That’s the only hump I get though.
@SportsRFord: 1st day it hits over 30 degrees celsius I declare that all work must cease, and all barbeques must be lit aflame!! W/ steak&ribs!
@beforeiam35: September 22. Pet a kitten day
@CocktailDeeva: Q5 The day all women wear a bra to WalMart will be the National Holiday
@QuiltingMuriel: Q5. National “Can Someone Else Pick Up My Dog’s Poop” Day.


Q6. Where shall you locate your Royal Palace? Why?

@McMedia: I will have a traveling palace .. Kind of like @RichardBranson @virgin
@SNAPOUTOFITSHOW: Royal Palace in FIJI on the water
@WriterChick47:On wheels so I can take my palace around the world. Kinda like a Winnebago, only bigger.
@InAForeignLand: @lilmissplanet @RickGriffin In Belgium, go to the back of the chocolate shops & buy the broken molded chocolate & bars 4 cheap!
@kerrinsheldon:: I would put it on the Great Wall of China… or underground
@MagellanPR: My Palace will be the entire Isle of Wight, Southern England -with water surrounding me, I can see anyone sneaking up on me!
@gr8ful4dmb:I think Versailles is good
@triptrotting: I would have it on a boat, so I could go anywhere I want anytime I want
@travelerkate: Top floor of Cinderella’s castle. If you know my obsession with Disney that would need absolutely no explanation
@RBS360: Where? Right beside William & Kates. Why? To keep up with the Jones’ of course
@Thesuss: I shall make Graceland my Royal Palace
@allaboutmexico: Can’t decide on Bora Bora, Corfu or Isla Mujeres… Hang on, I can have a palace built on all 3 beaches.


Q7. Your Royal Wardrobe shall consist of…

@McMedia: Stretchy Pants
@roniweiss: Cargo shorts and sandals. What else?
@zongrik: Eighties style aerobic outfits, including leg warmers. In primary and secondary colors
@CelticTours: royal aran sweaters
@beforeiam35: slippers and bathrobes. The dude style!
@RickGriffin:  Your Royal Wardrobe shall consist of… < Shorts & Hawaiian shirts and thongs (the kind for your feet)
@1Dad1Kid:  Nothing but sunglasses
@buycruises: No polyester miracle fabrics- I’m feeling ruffles, brocades + velvets perhaps terrycloth
@InAForeignLand: Nothing. We’re a kingdom of Monarch Butterflies. We are beautiful, so we strut our stuff in the buff!
@WeekendInParis: My Royal Wardrobe shall consist of No High Heels – just designer flats, clothes, handbags, jeans & cotton tshirts!
@KatrinaMauro:  wraps made of vintage Indian silks….and lots of jewelry w/ gemstones and crystals
@defunct1:  Hoodies and vintage dresses
@MalloryOnTravel:  oh hell red noses, lederhosen, tutus and suits of armour if it is what I have to wear


Q8.  To which of Twitter/Facebook friends would you grant knighthood in your kingdom? why?

@tor0706:  My Mom she always wanted to be a Royal!
@lilmissplanet: Knighthood? Here comes the shallow answer. All of the cute ones – a queen needs eye candy around
@gr8ful4dmb: To all my #NUTS Peeps of course
@1Dad1Kid: MalloryOnTravel wld be knighted for sure. He’s just that kind of dude.
@CocktailDeeva: all the ones with good shoes & the same size feet as me
@WeekendInParis: @RickGriffin Shall be knighted for making me laugh, but have to live in the dungeon as sometimes I pee my pants b/c of him
@MalloryOnTravel: Pfffft all of them of course, but they would have to bring mojito and red wine tributes by way of taxes
@RickGriffin: I shall grant Royal Knighthood to all who retweet me
@JimODonnell2: none of you loons. What are you
@Thesuss: No way am I revealing which followers I’d knight. I’d make them all grovel… er… apply!
@la_loquita: any one that could double as a hot cabana boy too
@roniweiss: can be my Lancelot and Guinevere.
@grammakaye: @jbranigan @LaughNYC for getting me to #NUTS all the @MidlifeRoadtrip FAM who sorta kinda adopted me ~ knighthood


Q9. To which of Twitter/Facebook friends would serve as your court jester?

@KatrinaMauro: @rickgriffin…always a jester
@MalloryOnTravel:  @roniweiss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@1Dad1Kid:  @gr8ful4dmb @babackpacker & so many others keep me laughing
@TravelingEditor: Chloe @campinginheels.
@McMedia: Consistently cracks me up … it would have to be @Banff_Squirrel
@RickGriffin: @la_loquita @WriterChick47 @McMedia @EpsteinTravels@Banff_Squirrel shall be my Royal Jesters
@hotelPRguy: This #royalpain session of #nuts is hilarious! I wonder if the Queen is following
@WeekendInParis: Just spoke to QE & she said that she nearly flipped her tiara reading all the responses & that she wants to RULE #NUTS!


Q10. Who/what do you consider to be a Royal Pain in the Butt? #NUTS

@1Dad1Kid: Spammers & auto DM
@SNAPOUTOFITSHOW: Pain in the Butts – Ego maniacs
@eurapart: The Fail Whale
@BridalTravelGuy:  Politicians
@jbranigan: I was thinking hemorrhoids, but politicians would be about the same
@lilmissplanet: myself! I tweet way too much, I annoy myself and wish I could block me
@LuxuryTravelMom:My whining 12 yo daughter who “hates” me is a royal pain in the butt.
@MalloryOnTravel: Suppositories!
@MyIslandArtJeff: That’s a long list. TSA, The Don, Oprah, Judge Judy, Politicos, family
@SportsRFord Jaywalkers, seriously, you best be glad I’m paying attention! Use a crosswalk!
@QuiltingMuriel:People who complain. Look at this gorgeous day!
@AnjaniLadki:  anyone who wouldn’t value the importance of #travel
@WeekendInParis: Stick in the mud people without a sense of humor & PCers are a royal pain!
@ArynCorley:Royal pain = nickel and dime fees when flying.
@MalloryOnTravel: The need for money, global warming, animal poachers, ignorance, bloody mindedness, tweetdeck, calories, low alcohol beer, frowning


After Party
@WeekendInParis: Great therapy for me today! Thanks for the royal laughs! #NUTS @MidlifeRoadTrip @WriterChick47 @McMedia @RickGriffin
@allaboutmexico: Another great #nuts afternoon. Till next week.
@CocktailDeeva: Thank you all for the #NUTS …it was my first time and and I had a blast!! no longer a #nutsvirgin
@jbranigan: @CocktailDeeva @MidlifeRoadTrip @RickGriffin @WriterChick47 Thanks for the good time! We WERE amused.
@MalloryOnTravel: I kinda ‘warmed’ to #NUTS tonight, Royal theme turned out pretty good, thanks for all the fun guys you make me howl owooooooooooooooooooo
@eurapart: Thank you all again @MidlifeRoadTrip @WriterChick47 @McMedia@RickGriffin for some unusual therapy

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