Ricotta Pear Torte

Q1. What’s your favorite decadent dessert? #NUTS
nicoleploehn: a1: Turtle Cake loaded with creamy caramel, chocolate & #nuts
Screenscapes: Key Lime Pie! Yeah, Baby! *que Jimmy Buffet Music!
RickGriffin: A1. hands down, @DolceDebbie’s Rum Cake – requires a designated driver
cajunmama: I’m eating Mississippi Mud king cake right now
gmfriedrich: #Nuts A1. Cakebread wine. Cake, wine, together, what’s better?
AnjaniLadki: A1. chocolate lava cakes, tiramisu. I’m sold!
Velcro108: Cocoa Pebbles Q1. What’s your favorite decadent dessert?
KerstinU: @_kimrandall Bananas Foster… at Brennan’s in New Orleans in fact
Banff_Squirrel: A1: Bread pudding, in all its various flavours. Cannot resist.
errinsheldon: A1: For anyone in #nyc, a GIANT cupcake from Crumbs! Soo good
LandLopers: A1: Brownie Sunday, or the giant Choc. Chip cookie served in a pan I had at a restaurant recently

Q2. Best thing about Mardi Gras / Carnival? #NUTS
RickGriffin: A2. Giving away beads….so I hear:)
_KimRandall: A2. The beads of course…… and the yards of beer …… the friends … the food #ILOVEMardiGras!
MiraCristine: RT @McMedia: Q2. Best thing about Mardi Gras / Carnival? eating cajun food. New Orleans is on my bucket list.
MalloryOnTravel: A2. all the colour, costumes all carnivals are awesome for photog opportunities
YouCanCookThis: @McMedia Mardi Gras favs – deep fried shrimp with creole spices, beignets dipped in hot chocolate sauce! (and wearing my beads
McMedia: The Krewe Balls RT @_kimrandall: Q2. Best thing about Mardi Gras / Carnival?
Velcro108: The overall friendly/festive attitude of the revelers. Q2. Best thing about Mardi Gras / Carnival?
cajunmama: It’s a state holiday here in #Louisiana! -> Q2. Best thing about Mardi Gras / Carnival?
MarioTravels: RT @thetripchicks Q2. The best thing about Mardi Gras / Carnival?#NUTS #travel –>A2. There’s something to do at any hour of the day/night
Vagabond3Live: I love drinks w/ straps around my neck so I don’t have to carry them!

Q3. The one indulgent amenity a hotel MUST have is… #NUTS
cajunmama: For me, a spa. Or at least chocolate! -> Q3. The one indulgent amenity a hotel MUST have is..
RickGriffin: A3. Color TV and a Pool:) http://bit.ly/fP9Ojh
wnderlustprojct: A3 A reallllly nice bathroom, with a huge tub for bubble baths
traveldesigned: a3 turndown service with chocolate covered strawberries
Banff_Squirrel: I could never turndown strawberries… RT
AnjaniLadki: A3. comfy comfy bed!
nicoleploehn: a3: a big whirlpool tub so i can soak with my wine, boobs, beads, and turtle cake
MalloryOnTravel: A3. has to have a great cocktail bar with even better mojitos
NellieSweeps: Q3 a heated pool
MarioTravels: RT @RickGriffin Q3. The one indulgent amenity a hotel MUST have is.. #NUTS <–A3. Not exactly indulgent but WiFi is pretty high on my list
Banff_Squirrel: A3: I stayed at a pet-friendly hotel that offered goldfish in a bowl if you had no pet – loved it!
gmfriedrich: If its NOLA, a balcony.RT @RickGriffin: Q3. The one indulgent amenity a hotel MUST have is…
Velcro108: 3. Thick walls. Q3. The one indulgent amenity a hotel MUST have is
mallyskok: @McMedia Intelligent, sensitive staff, – well heeled, busy people want it done quickly, and with the minimum amount of fuss!!
RickGriffin: A3. I prefer hotels that don’t come with a complimentary can of Raid

Q4. The drink I MUST have on a night out with friends is… #NUTS
NellieSweeps: Q4 screwdriver for sure
RickGriffin: A4. Pinot Nior – Cheers!
MiraCristine: RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q4. The drink I MUST have on a night out with friends is… margarita
traveldesigned: A4 the BEST tequila I can find
nicoleploehn: a4: Bahama Mama 🙂 Pineapple Juice, OJ, Coconut Rum, Bacardi, and Grenadine! 🙂 YUM ME
AnjaniLadki: A4. the usual order of “what do u have that tastes fruity and i cant smell the alcohol in? thanks!” every time!
CelticTours: a4 white russian @WriterChick47 rt: Q4. The drink I MUST have on a night out with friends is…
WriterChick47: RT @CelticTours: a4 white russian … #NUTS<–Oh the memories..or lack of them
MalloryOnTravel: A4. Red wine, mojitos/sangria depending where I am, followed by single malts and then a cognac!
Velcro108: Crown and coke. White Russians when in Vegas. Q4. The drink I MUST have on a night out with friends is…
authenticcoast: Cape Crusader http://bit.ly/dCsytr

Q5. What is your favorite bad habit? #NUTS
nicoleploehn: a5: i think that’s a loaded question #nuts
YouCanCookThis: @McMedia A5 eating dry roasted peanuts and dark chocolate and calling it dinner
NellieSweeps: A5 my favorite bad habit is internet LOL
McMedia: Real Housewives & hanging w/ @bravoandy in the Clubhouse RT@cajunmama: Q5. What is your favorite bad habit?
Banff_Squirrel: Q5: Taking waaaay too long in the shower
kerrinsheldon: A5: Being on #NUTS in the middle of a workday
wnderlustprojct: A5 Spending way too much money on SHOES!!!
ScreenscapeS: Giving away beads while drinking spiced rum and eating chocolate!
MalloryOnTravel: A5. Ice cream for breakfast …. with cold pizza if really lucky!
LucieD_inthesky: @WriterChick47 A5 Smoking and drinking
MiraCristine: a5: my twitter addiction or eating
katyabroad: A5 promising myself I will get up early at the weekend and then having a lazy lie-in
WeekendInParis: #NUTS A5 favorite bad habit is tweeting with strangers!
sillyamerica: A5 chocolate, and coffee mixed with chocolate
chippy2u: A5. Tweeting in bed when I should be getting ready for work! scandalous I know!! 🙂
cajunmama: A5 Tweeting pics of my food at the dinner table
AnjaniLadki: A5. favorite bad habit: being a social network queen. its so time consuming but i cant help myself! i have a lot to say. lol
Bikewriter: A5: Breaking the posted speed limit on my motorcycle. LOVE the adrenaline rush

Q6. The best meal I ever ate was… #NUTS
_KimRandall: A6. One I did not cook!!! #ItsAlwaysTastierWhenSomeoneElseCooks
AnjaniLadki: A6. Best meal i EVER ate??? how does a foodie respond to that? fine, ill pick 1 of MANY: fresh red snapper in koh samui by the ocean
cajunmama: A6 Anything w/ #Louisiana Seafood – shrimp & grits, crawfish, etc#LaSeafood
YouCanCookThis: @MidlifeRoadTrip eggplant parmigan in a carpark near Mt Vesuvius. Trying to recreate it ever since. http://bit.ly/9uai6k
NellieSweeps: A5 best meal would be filet mignon, salad, bread and veggies from colorado’s steakhouse
mastercleaner: A6 dinner when my daughter makes it instaed of m
@thetripchicks: A.6 @McMedia Eating my own freshly-caught halibut roasted over open fire in #Alaska
MiraCristine: RT @cajunmama: Q6. The best meal I ever ate was… Maine lobster
wnderlustprojct: Q6: Melt in your Chicken from Mia Bella Roma on Ocean Dr in Miami. YUM!!!
RickGriffin: A6. Any meal I ever eaten while tailgating totally Rocked!
gmfriedrich: My grandmother’s crawfish etufee
SonjaSwissLife: #nuts Huge lobster from the sea, cooked and served on a veranda in the San Blas Islands. The accompanying canned peas were a disappointme
Velcro108: A chicken marsala in Gainesville,Florida
redhunttravel: A6 – Coconut lobster on the beach in Belize with about 10 Belikin beers!
reneedobbs: Last year chef’s omikase at NoBu in Honolulu & authentic Mexican at Carino in Brooklyn
McMedia: a6 .. any meal I had while in Italy while on @savoryadventure
thetripchicks: I was eating sushi while tailgating once and rear-ended a Saab.

Q7. Wildest non-halloween outfit I ever wore in public was… #NUTS
mastercleaner: A7 zebra
_KimRandall: My pajamas complete with pink slippers!
Screenscapes: Vampire Slayer!
RickGriffin: A7. Lederhosen – don’t ask why
SonjaSwissLife: @RickGriffin Lederhosen – don’t ask why #NUTS – WHERE I LIVE THAT’S NOT A COSTUME BUT I BET YOU HAVE NICER LEGS
beloved_green: A nerd outfit with toilet paper hanging out of my pants walking down the street
WriterChick47: RT @beloved_green: A nerd outfit with toilet paper hanging out of my pants #nuts<-I did that, but it wasn’t a costume
Velcro108: Full body Wolverine suit. Mardi Gras 2004
LauriStruve: Do PJs and Mud boots to do chores count?
Bikewriter: A7: Pretty much everything I wore in the early 1980s. And oh god, but there are pictures!
katyabroad: my costume this day 2 years ago at Carnaval! (I went as a showgirl)
wnderlustprojct: Q7: I once wore hot pants, roller skates, and giant sunglasses in London.
travelerkate: A7 I was in a sorority so lots of costume parties. My favorite was a USA party & I dressed as a tourist (fanny pack, knee socks)
travelerkate: A7 I was in a sorority so lots of costume parties. My favorite was a USA party & I dressed as a tourist (fanny pack, knee socks)
ZipSetRachel: One word: College. Q7. Wildest non-halloween outfit I ever wore in public was…
WeekendInParis: Orange stripe karate pj’s with trapped door for potty age 6. Went out for icecream at #Bergsons in hometown on Sun. after dinner/bath
@MsEpskamp: A7 Medusa.-Was waiting for an elevator,struck a pose before the door opened..folks inside nearly had heart attacks

Q8. Best city for gaining weight? Why? #NUTS
LauriStruve: A8 Apparently what ever city I live in.
McMedia: I spread my weight gain around equally RT @_kimrandall: Q8. Best city for gaining weight? Why?
MiraCristine: RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q8. Best city for gaining weight? Why? Atlanta, Georgia or any southern city
cajunmama: A8 I can gain wait in the comfort of my own home – don’t need to travel for that!
WriterChick47: A8 Alabama. The whole state smells like one big BBQ. You’re doomed once you cross the state lines!
nicoleploehn: a8: tampa — because i live here and eat constantly! and after #nutsi’m gonna have to eat again!
AnjaniLadki: A8. Best city for gaining weight: ROME! why? bc its all carb based! =o) yyummmmmmm
RickGriffin: A8. New Orleans, Charleston, Las Vegas, Portland, NYC …. dang it – I gain weight everywhere
wnderlustprojct: Q8 Tallahassee FL : beer, beer, party, beer, gumbys pizza, beer, hot dogs with pineapple and crushed potato chips, more beer
gmfriedrich: Amsterdam! RT @RickGriffin: Q8. Best city for gaining weight? Why?
Screenscapes: Las Vegas! Because what is gained in Vegas stays in Vegas! Weight, dreams, kids college fund! Q8. Best city for gaining weight? Why?
WeekendInParis: A8 Any city in Texas! BBQ, Steaks, Mexican foods all killer there & everything is supersized!
travelerkate: A8 Paris. Ate cheese every. single. day. Rode the metro more than walked. Not a good combo #NUTS (when can I go back???)
RickGriffin: A8 – any city where those dang Girl Scouts sell cookies – Thin Mints don’t make you thinner #Deceptive Advertising

Q9. Bad habit I’d most want my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend to give up #NUTS
nicoleploehn: a9: dropping the f-word every other word. I use it but DAMN he REALLY uses it. #nuts *serious answer*
RickGriffin: A9. The phrase “Not tonight… ”
MiraCristine: RT @_KimRandall: Q9. Bad habit I’d most want my husband to give up watching football every sunday
Screenscapes: Hanging out together laughing at me! Or did you mean to just pick one?
McMedia: I’d like him to pick up a few …
sillyamerica: A9 not existing?
cajunmama: A9 – Telling me to watch what I spend. I mean, who needs a budget?
Banff_Squirrel: A9: Being there. #apologiestojohncleese
travelerkate: A9: He has this terrible habit of asking me to play basketball. I have no idea why he thinks I would ever do this
Velcro108: To stop seeing other people. Wait…what?
_KimRandall: A9. I’ll let you know when I get one of them!
kerrinsheldon: A9: critiquing my new awesome man-beard.
cajunmama: @kerrinsheldon Yeah. I hate when my husband critiques my beard too

Q10. You are hereby granted one guilt free indulgence. Whatcha gonna do? #NUTS
ZipSetRachel: Retail Therapy.
la_loquita: RT @_kimrandall: Q10. You are hereby granted one guilt free indulgence. Whatcha gonna do? #NUTS //um helllloooo TWITTER??????????
LauriStruve: A10… Head down the street for a home made caramel from the book store….
RickGriffin: A10. Intentionally leave the lid up on the toilet sea
_KimRandall: 1st I will ask for 100 more 🙂
cajunmama: A10- I’m going to eat more #kingcake from @CalandrosMkt
knowtheplace: A10. A massage. They’re so pricy I never get them outside of Asia
authenticcoast: Lobster. Lots of it.
McMedia: A week at @rancholapuerta
gmfriedrich: Fully leaded beer. No calorie lite stuff!
thetripchicks: A. 10 @AnjaniLadki Retire in alpine #Switzerland with a #chocolatefactory down the street.
travelblggr: Chocolate. Mmm.
santafetraveler: A10 Have something REALLY chocolaty- fresh whipped cream definitely involved.
CelticTours: a10 spa vacation somewhere tropical @CajunMama
cajunmama: As a therapist for today, I’m writing you all a prescription – 1 Adult Libation and a funny movie
gobyWest: A10 A 2-pound, fresh out of the tank, Maine lobster- for that matter- a week of them.

After Party
Banff_Squirrel: <3 U folks! RT @WriterChick47 Thanks to @TheTripChicks@_KimRandall & @Cajunmama for acting as guest therapists today! You’re awesome!katyabroad: 3 twitter chats in one day – is that excessive?
cajunmama: Now back to our regularly schedule programming. That was #NUTSand tons of fun!
chippy2u: Thank you all for another fun #nuts session! Nothing better than getting all cozy and talking to strangers in bed!! 🙂 LOL

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