Q1. What’s YOUR favorite mode of travel transportation?  #NUTS

@Ashley_Tinnon: Do jet skis count? I live in Florida and take them everywhere

@cruisebuzz: You know what I am going to say. CRUISE ships are my favorite mode of transport (skateboards second)

@MalloryOnTravel: My two feet totally reliable, sustainable and eco-friendly and help me work up a great appetite and drink extra wine too win-win
@BridalTravelGuy: Magic carpet
@WriterChick47: Finely sculpted, tanned young men, carrying me on their shoulders.
@aadhuu: Open-air ferries. oh the breeze and the horizon
@travelerkate:TRAIN! Or limo. Or Aston Martin. Or luxury cruise-basically anything other than plane (but if I have to fly, better be 1st class)
@HomeStarsOttawa: I’d like a teletransporter, please. Have they started making them yet?
@RickGriffin: Helicopters are the coolest thing ever http://bit.ly/jBosKx
@MagellanPR: Quite enjoyed zooming along on a segway once I got the hang of it – great fun!
@zongrik: my favorite mode of transportation are those inner tubes at the water slide park 

Q2. Funniest get up/outfit you’ve seen or worn while traveling  #NUTS

@TravelMaestro: Fantasy Fest Halloween in Key West – indescribably #NUTS !
@akonthego: A family all dressed in identical windbreaker suits in Rome. Bright pink and purple. Gah
@BridalTravelGuy: Gotta love the Sweater tucked into the sweatpants look. Wish I took a photo of this dude
@RickGriffin: Saw this guy at the West Palm Beach airport http://bit.ly/meYy7X
@reidontravel:Funniest travel outfit I’ve seen? This one, from Tulum, Mexico. #NUTS http://t.co/D3S1cMJ
@thetripchicks: I once traveled in a piglet costume as part of a dumb dare. Won’t admit how old I was when I did that.
@kiscodad: My Mother In Law brought her bikini on our last cross country trip; she’s 72
@danthompson_TN: Dude was wearing a toga while we were in Tibet… complete with crazy beard and sandals. I think he was #NUTS
@IEtravel: The Speedo is a fashion I will never get used to — especially when accompanied by socks and sandals. But I love my dad anyway!
@MiraCristine: also saw a Elvis impersonator in Israel

Q3. Best meal “on the go” #NUTS

@CrowderHouse: Not sure it was the best, but most memorable meal on the go – mystery meat in the Abuja airport
@nicoleploehn: boiled peanuts
@beforeiam35:: Falafel….could get a bit messy though, but damn, a good falafel is the best there is
@Banff_Squirrel: Nutella, baguette, and aged cheddar. Yum
@amandaelsewhere: Don’t even need a meal if I’m in a rush. Just coffee. And I’m going to whine incessantly until I get it
@Ult_Mantrip: Bread, cheese, meat
@allaboutmexico: #Nuts, of course, almonds, peanuts, cashew
@TheTrvlPrincess: Cold Pizza. Must be a #NY thing. But for the Southerner in me..Boiled Peanuts or Gator on a stick
@McMedia: The @starbucks protein plate or Fruit & nuts
@gr8ful4dmb: Hard to beat a good Ham & Swiss croissant
@MalloryOnTravel: French crusty bread and Camembert
@findmeetgo: Oatmeal
@elleswim: Pumpkin seeds and granola make a great on-the-go snack
@FindBookTour: Luna or cliff bar

Q4.  Oddest thing you’ve ever seen at an airport/train station/bus stop #NUTS

@akonthego: A puppeteer chasing small children in Prague.
@Ashley_Tinnon: The Jonas brothers picking their noses at LAX.
@TheTrvlPrincess: Spent a night at the port authority in #NYC once. Dont think ill EVER be the same. The 1-legged man emptying his bladder on the Metro North left a lasting impression too
@MagellanPR: Saw someone dressed as Yogi Bear waiting to board a bus once, complete with collar and tie
@kiscodad. I once stood next to a 100 year old Chinese man with no teeth eating an entire dried fish in line at Port Authority in NYC
@roniweiss: Mother having her daughter piss on the train track at Gara de Nord in Bucharest, Romania.
@cruisebuzz: The oddest thing I have seen at a train station was a train “right on time.”
@Thesuss: A bum in NYC with his junk hanging out. Some things catch you by surprise in not so good ways
@katyabroad: the duck, pig and sheep drinking carlsberg on the bus in Acton, West London
@thetripchicks: A Buddhist monk sleeping on the train station floor next to 3 gal backpackers looked kinda unusual.
@allaboutmexico: Ladies in their ballgowns running for a ride in the tube station in London.
@Jacs_13:  a man playing Mozart via the violin @ the trainst…with a CD player behind him with the power light on…he was getting $ though.
@jessica_travels: As a former airline pilot – where do I begin? Probably a passenger trying to gate check his suitcase (with his child inside). Sad.

Q5.  Favorite travel TV show or movie Why?#NUTS

@MiraCristine: any Chevy Chase movie
@ZipSetRachel: Easy. Locked up Abroad. or Taboo. I guess anything on @natgeo
@beforeiam35: An idiot abroad. KARL PILKINGTON! head like an orange
@LauraAllenTvl: Taboo and Amazing Race! duh!
@TravelMaestro: Under the Tuscan Sun was a fave and story about Sir Ernest Shackleton’s fateful Antarctic pack ice exploits
@MyIslandArtJon: Drinking Made Easy, its in the name!
@HomeStarsOttawa: Euro Trip, something about the ashtray being Bratislava that makes me laugh.
@allaboutmexico: Also love all the James Bond movies, they always seem to feature gorgeous places & far flung adventure areas
@MalloryOnTravel: Had this question on FB, film is Motorcycle Diaries Che and Alberto on La Ponderosa so cool.
@aadhuu The original @lonelyplanet pilot series. That’s what inspired me
@Banff_Squirrel: Billy Connolly’s Northwest Passage: http://youtu.be/P82YUTy7zAw
@AnjaniLadki: I love watching Giada’s weekend getaways on @FoodNetwork
@reidontravel: Fav travel show? Saw ‘Easy Rider’ for 1st time recently. Gorgeous scenery. And far better film than expected
@elleswim: Willy Wonka inspired me to travel when I was little. I wanted to find oompa loompas, a chocolate river & red roofed houses
@LiS2Shoot: Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?!

Q6. What are your travel ‘superstitions’?  #NUTS

@CrowderHouse: Caught the Russian need to sit down in silence, and also look into a mirror before leaving
@roniweiss: Don’t get random girls pregnant. It’s bad luck.
@MiraCristine: never book a room on the 13th floor
@Velcro108: What are your travel ‘superstitions’? Closing my eyes and crossing my fingers during takeoff and landing
@JimODonnell2: I have to be on the aisle seat or I go #NUTS
@McMedia: I pray a thousand ways from Sunday every time I get on a flight
@katyabroad: I always pack a complete ER-level first aid kit even though I can get through a year at home with about 2 plasters and paracetamol
@TravelProducer: Not a superstition, but I put my hand on the outside of the plane & say a prayer for travel safety when I board
@adventurousness: My grandma gave me a charm for aafe travel. I won’t travel without it!
@thetripchicks: I don’t pack until the morning of my trip + I always carry the purple bag my mom gave me on her last Christmas
@WriterChick47:  Don’t fly with a drunk pilot or tired air traffic controller

Q7. You’re given a ticket to anywhere you want to go. Where is it? #NUTS

@travelerkate: Is it cheating to say it would be a RTW 1st class ticket?
@greeneacr: Tahiti!, Maldives, Fiji
@Ult_Mantrip: if the moon doesnt work – New Zeland / Australia
@aadhuu: Bernanrd Star. apparently it has connections to almost everywhere in the galaxy
@banffrocks: I want TWO tickets…to paradise. #EddieMoneyreference
@ZipSetRachel:  Around the world, of course
@BridalTravelGuy: If it’s one way I’ll give it as a mother’s and/or a mother-in-law’s day present
@BlondeByDesign: a remote, privately owned island
@MPM_MediaGroup Go Anywhere? A safe/peaceful Middle East to the Pyramids & Isreal, etc
@ehalvey: Months long tour of the most amazing ancient ruins in the former Greco-Roman Empire
@nycparamount: Prague, Greece, Italy… and it’s only right that we include nyc
@MyIslandArtJon: Monaco, for Monaco Grand Prix. Dying to get there, so beautiful and luxurious

Q8. My weirdest travel destination/experience wish is…#NUTS

@WillingFoot: I think flying to the moon when they offer some deals on Orbitz
@MalloryOnTravel: My weirdest travel destination/experience wish is… nude snowbarding down the high street in Cham was special
@banffrocks: I would like to be massaged by an octopus. Feels good to finally say that
@akonthego:It takes a strong man to admit he’d like to be felt up by an octopus
@CrowderHouse:To travel back in time, naturally
@RickGriffin: I want to travel to California and tug on Carol Burnett’s ear #BucketList
@thetripchicks:. A long-term monastery stay in east Asia
@Velcro108: My weirdest travel destination/experience wish is…to party with the Russian mafia and their beautiful women.
@utravelwithus: my travel wish would be to time travel and see all the great moments of history
@mygo2it: I would love to go to Papua New Guinea and live with the Huli Wigmen for like a month
@Banff_Squirrel: I’d like to have John Travolta as my pilot. And Freddie “Boom Boom” Washington serving drinks
@scoopstweet: .weirdest hotel- Hamster themed in Amsterdam-w wheel, costumed “Hamster” host, bedding…don’t know if I’d stay there
@akonthego: I want to go hang out in Ireland for a year. Meet the fam, not be rushed. Herd some sheep. Burn some pea 

Q9. One place you’ve gotta go before you kick the bucket? #NUTS

@Ult_Mantrip: Everest –> base camp will do
@ehalvey: The Pyramids and a Nile River cruise
@Jacs_13: Rio but im going in september…to see the talking birds who sound like Anne Hathaway..and Alaska…i like the cold
@MagellanPR: India – am saving it up (don’t know why on earth I am waiting though
@Xplore724: Antarctica
@TravelMaestro: EVERYWHERE I haven’t been! Not planning on kicking it for a while, so just want to keep “on the go” until then
@adventurousness: Patagonia!
@travelerkate:Slovenia. Think it would be wonderful
@MiraCristine: Romania
@SophieR: Kabul
@MagellanPR: Why not the moon? @VirginGalactic
@SuuperG: OK, I’ve seen lots but I have yet to see the Pyramids #Egypt
@budgettravelsac: I really want to see Scotland and England before I die! 

Q 10. Most unique travel “potty stop” experience… #NUTS

@MiraCristine: the holes in the ground in Turkey yuck
@CrowderHouse: Oh Lord, I’m still talking about Podgorica and Cherbourg – world’s worst toilets
@Roopunzel: on the road in Aus, stopped at a roadside diner not realizing full of bikers – my tie die with their leathers was kinda #NUTS
@ulul: Must be “pee with a view” in the Scottish Highlands. You can imagine the rest.
@Ult_Mantrip:kinda gross but on our 4 day rafting excursion we had a portable potty. Only good part: the view of the canyon lands
@SophieR: The fab Hundertwasser’s toilet in Kawakawa, New Zealand – http://bit.ly/lQKy8c
@Banff_Squirrel: Let’s just say the rain in Spain does, indeed, fall mainly on the plane
@IanMakay: The bathroom at McSorley’s Ale House in #nyc after it began allowing females in the 1970s
@travelettes: i have another one! peed on bus toilet in thailand and with pants down flew out of the door when driver hit a sharp curve
@elleswim: Having to do number 2 in the middle of a lake. The fish swarmed around me and ate it #tmi
@TravelProducer: China! Anywhere
@MyIslandArtJon: out the back of a pickup with a camper shell on it, traveling with a band. Very tough, not recommended
@jbranigan: WARNING: Do not drink whats in the gatorade bottles rolling around in our car.

After Party

@IanMakay: Cheers to you all! Great gathering!
@MagellanPR: Yes – thank you – love you nutters!
@grammakaye: APPLAUSE thank you all
@TravelMaestro: Thank YOU! Great fun
@Ashley_Tinnon: Thank you to everyone who made my first #NUTS experience an exciting and memorable one. Will definitely be back next week
@adventurousness: Fun first time doing #NUTS! Thanks everyone!
@travelettes: haha love all the #nuts answers to A10. you guys are priceless!@elleswim: I enjoyed my very first ever #NUTS thanks for the great chat y’all!
@travelerkate: #NUTS is always a great time!



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