Q1. If you were the lead singer in a band, what kind of band would it be & what would your stage name be?
@ElayneBoosler: It would be a polka band. And my name would be Dot
@_KimRandall: A1. This is easy…. Stage name would be Underscore (because I totally rock it here on Twitter) and death metal of course LOL!!
@Shipsandtrips: A1 I’d be the singer of a Pogues tribute band, and my name would be Mouthful-of-Teeth McGee!
@akonthego: A1: It’d be a Folk band and my name would be Sunflower
@@gmfriedrich: Rock band; Frau Hottness
@MalloryOnTravel: A1 Glam Rock from the 70s be called Deaf Leopold
@Vagabond3Live:: I’d want to be in rock band- like from the 80’s. big hair, big attitude!!
@kerrinsheldon: A1: It’d be banjo-infused rock band and we would call ourselves The Unlikely Bowling Champions
@RickGriffin: A1. At my age, I’d be in a rock band called “Geezer”

Q2. You’re a circus performer.  What do you do?
@travelerkate: A2: I’ve taken silk class, like in Cirque- where you climb and twirl in silk fabric. So awesome!
@gmfriedrich: Walk the high wire with a beer on my nose
@RickGriffin: RT @gmfriedrich: Walk the high wire with a beer on my nose. << So you did learn something in college:
@McMedia: I Drive The Clown Car
@VegasBill: RT @Shipsandtrips: A2 Juggler, of course! Blackberry, Latte, Laptop, Car Keys, Client Files…. – Modern Day Juggler
@ElayneBoosler: Q2. You’re a circus performer. What do you do? Clean up after the elephants, just like now.
@CelticTours: A2 Irish step dancing tight rope walker
@WriterChick47: A2: As I get older, I’m becoming the bearded lady…..#Hormones
@@shipsandtrips: A2 Magician – watch me make this piece of chocolate disappear!

Q3. For one day, you get to trade lives with anyone in the world. Who will it be?
@MalloryOnTravel: A3 Prince William on his wedding day
@_KimRandall: A3. Faith Hill because that means that I am married to Tim McGraw for a day #ImAGenius
@SEtravels: A3. Derren Brown. I would love to get inside that man’s head!
@MagellanPR: A3 – That’s a difficult one – maybe the Dalai Lama – he might teach me more about myself and to be a better person
@cookiesommelier: A3 … Betty Crocker
@PhotosbyHank: A3: Steve Wynn, so I could “adjust” the video poker payouts 🙂
@BigBlueMan: Paul McCartney… Guy thang!
@eurapart: A3. CEO of a major bank. Cut the CEO’s salary and pay all bonuses and back to the governments who bailed out the banks
@Shipsandtrips: A3  I’d trade places with my 9 year old son. It’s all tether-ball, golf, Wii, bike riding, swimming, cub scouts…what a life!
@triptrotting: A3: Tough one… Too many people! Richard Branson would be the first choice tho
@RickGriffin: A3. Sandra Bullock – so I could see myself naked:)

Q4. You’re invisible for 24 hours.  What are you going to do?
@ElayneBoosler: Q4. You’re invisible for 24 hours. What are you going to do? I’m 50 & overwt. I am ALWAYS invisible.
@Chimeratravel: A4: Wear no clothes, no matter where I go. And wonder how freaked out people around me would be if they knew!
@TheTrvlPrincess: A4. I’m going to travel for FREEE!!! Oh, and i wont have to worry about the paparazzi
@travelerkate: A4 I told a bouncer I was wearing a Harry Potter invisibility cloak to avoid paying cover. It worked. Probabaly do things like that
@PhotosbyHank: A4: Sneek into Area 51 to uncover the truth, which prolly isn’t anything earth shattering
@LuxuryTravelMom: A4 get in Marky Mark’s shower, duh
@Bikewriter: A4: I am SO hanging out in the Oval Office! Maybe knock stuff over on the desk.
@triptrotting: A4: sneak into the Buckingham Palace for a family dinner
@kennethdurden: A4. If I were invisible for 24 hrs, I’d hide out in Eva Longoria’s dressing room. Ha

Q5. You have access to ONE piece of information from your future. What do you want to know?
@ElayneBoosler: Did the #Mets ever get a starter?
@McMedia: A5: Did we get an airline sponsor? #MyThumbHurts
@MPM_MediaGroup: Q5. “U have access 2 1 piece of information from yr future. wht do U wnt 2 know?”wht the future me wld tell the now me
@akonthego: A5: Nothing. Nope. Nada. Well, maybe if I’ll live in a vineyar
@allaboutmexico: A5 Will I live to see my kids and grandkids
@DonnaFoute: A5 Are my children proud of my sacrifices that I am making today for them
@TotalTravelBug: A5. Am i the only one who would want to know EVERYTHING!
@AnjaniLadki: A5. WHO AM I GOING TO MARRY?!
@RickGriffin: A5. will the money from the Nigerian Prince ever hit my bank account now that I’m given him all of my info?

Q6. You’re asked to go on stage & give a speech at the last minute. What do you talk about?
@nicoleploehn: a6: life and how awesome it can be if you just go with it! 🙂 and maybe how awesome social media and #nuts is.
@RickGriffin: A6. The Virtues of Spontaneity
@DonnaFoute: A6 How wonderful @midliferoadtrip is and ask for more sponsers!
@beloved_green: A6 I talk about my grandma, the stuff that comes out of her mouth is just pure gold. Woman is a rio
@beforeiam35: A6: pancake mix
@kerrinsheldon: A6: How To Wing a Speech With Zero Notice – By Kerrin J. Sheldon
@CullodenHouse: Q6- The medicinal qualities of single malt whisky!
@triptrotting: A6: definitely would talk about doing what u r truly passionate about and not caving into the “this is what u r supposed to b doing”
@Bikewriter: A6: The wisdom (and importance) of planning ahead.
@@beforeiam35: A6: or spatulas. People don’t talk enough about these anymore

Q7. You get to go back in time and change ONE thing in your past.  What is it?
@_KimRandall: A7. Nothing… Nada… My past is what makes me who I am today
@akonthego: A7: The complete ass I married the first time. I’d get rid of him
@WorkMomTravels: A7. High school. Eliminate all 4 years of it.
@@zipsetrachel: Invest in google
@allaboutmexico: A7 There are things I could say to my Mum
@CullodenHouse: Q7 -The night I did a talk on the medicinal qualities of single malt whisky!
@RickGriffin: A7. I’d buy Apple stock when it was $18 a share
@MagellanPR: A7 – I wouldn’t allow my mother to photograph me in my “fancy dress finery” – & no, you will NEVER see that photo on Twitter!
@beloved_green: A7 My college major. Poli Sci? Really?
@womanonajourney: Q7 change my parenting habits with 1st child. She was the guinea pig, bless her heart!
@SEtravels: A7. I wouldn’t have spent any time regretting things…dammit! Did it again!

Q8. While traveling, you run into a celebrity going into the bathroom as you’re coming out. Who is it and what do you say?
@ElayneBoosler: It’s Charlie Sheen and I say, “FLUSHING!!!!
@VegasBill: RT @MJPatay A8. @VegasBiLL (True story) Ray Charles (at SFO) and I said “Excuse me!” so did he, but he said it because he passed wind.
@nicoleploehn: a8: not sure who but it might be something along the lines of, “i’ve got 10 mins, stall 2 is clean, and you’re hot”
@errinsheldon: Oh, and it would be Jessica Alba or James Franco. RT A8: I would give them a high five and say “Hiyyooooooooooooo”
@WriterChick47: A8. Hugh Jackman & “Need help?” 😉
@gr8ful4dmb: A8) Come here often?
@BridalTravelGuy: A8. How are the urinal mints today?

Q9. If you could travel through time & pick one era to visit, which one would it be?
@MiraCristine: the wild west of the 1880s
@WilsonHines: Anything post indoor plumbing
@nicoleploehn: a9: i’d travel forward about 60 years to all the cool gadgets and electronics that come out.
@jbranigan: Q9. If you could travel through time & pick one era to visit, which one would it be? < early 1900s, lots of interesting developments
@triptrotting: A9: I want to check out the craziness of Louis XIV court in France… heard it was pretty
@TotalTravelBug: A9. maybe back to the cave men. I have cave woman hair so it wold save me some time in the mornings!
@gmfriedrich: 1960’s Haight Ashbury.
@akonthego: A9: I’d go back to the 40’s. Victory gardens, working together, and all that stuff. Intrigued by that era.
@@writerchick47: A9 Whenever it was that chubby women were considered sexy..that’s where I’d go

Q10. You’re the royal monarch of the entire world for one day. What new law will you decree?
@MiraCristine: everybody gets a month vacation
@TheTrvlPrincess: A10. Every child will have food, shelter and LOVE. I think the world would be a different place
@SEtravels: A10. The declaration of Human Rights has to be implemented and observed everywhere, for everyone, no ifs, no buts, no exceptions
@jbranigan: Q10. Everyone be nice or get off the planet. ( I am a stern taskmaster)
@RickGriffin: A10. I’d make crime illegal 🙂
@ElayneBoosler  Juries out. Victim deals the justice
@McMedia: A10: Abolish spammers, junk mail and rude, unkind people from my Queendom
@AnjaniLadki: A10. my new loyal as the monarch for a day: travel twice as much as you work. its the law
@gr8ful4dmb: A10)!Everyone gets Health Insurance
@@eurapart: A10. Put women in all positions of power. Should stop a lot of the world’s problems
@_KimRandall: A10. Everyone must smile!

@PhotosbyHank: #NUTS was fun, my first time. Can’t wait for the next one!@VegasBiLL referred me, lol
@SEtravels: Thanks for the #NUTS fun today – great questions!
@MagellanPR: Great fun #NUTS today – thank you to all – @VegasBill @_kimrandall@ElayneBoosler @writerchick47 @mcmedia @rickgriffin
@VegasBill: @MidlifeRoadTrip Thank you Mid Life Road Trip for the bag of #NUTStoday. Plenty of sweet, salty + a few unpoped kernels 🙂
@logandsmith: Glad I could join #NUTS for the end of it.
@grammakaye: @McMedia @VegasBiLL @_kimrandall @ElayneBoosler ~ Thank you so much now following #NUTS is so cool, very clever, very fun!
@jbranigan: Thank you to #NUTS and the great hosts…it was fun
@eurapart: I’ve lots of Tweeps to thank for a fun #NUTS.
@grammakaye: @siouxhockeyfan1 @MidlifeRoadTrip ~ sioux, think they do this#NUTS thingy about one hour each week ~ they sure make twitter fun!

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