Tuesday’s “Twehab” themed therapy session proved to be one of our biggest #NUTS to date. This snapshot was taken 13 minutes after #NUTS had ended and only included tweets from the last three questions!

@allaboutm exico: Let’s Get the Party Started.
@MalloryOnTravel: Follow Me and I will follow you
@utravelwithus: Official twitter theme song should be the golden girls thank you for being a friend
@ZipSetRachel: Wild World – Cat Stevens
@AnjaniLadki: Official Tweeter Theme Song: A whole new world.. bc it really is!
@RickGriffin: Across the Universe
@TheGirlPie: “Talking To Strangers”~ @CeeLoGreen
@marcygordon: The Official Twitter Theme Song should be..? Strangers in the Night
@Ashley_Tinnon: Queen – You’re my Best Friend.
@thetripchicks: The Official Twitter Theme Song should be Tweeting My Life Away by a new group called Social Media Nuts
@jools_octavius: Everybody’s Talkin’
@akonthego: Theme song? Love Shack. Baby.

Q2. Favorite or most unusual #hashtag you’ve encountered on Twitter? #NUTS
@nicoleploehn: the random hashtags people create aka:#iamnutsandyoushouldbetoo
@Screenscapes: Besides #NUTS it would have to be #justsayin
@toniwonitravels: #chocoboobs and that’s because I created it
@kymri: I’m thinking #twehab is a winner
@Velcro108: My very own #shitmyberrysays or #viewfromthebar. And of course#nuts
@ZipSetRachel: #TNI of course! *shameless plug*
@DabneyPorte: Pillow fights, Fun and prizes from sponsors! #SlumberParty
@Shipsandtrips: I always loved #travelmomsrock until a travel DAD reminded me that he rocked, too. #TravelParentsRock
@AnjaniLadki: favorite hastag: #travel & #screwit
@McMedia: #Craptastic always makes me laugh
Q3. Most annoying spammers you’ve encountered #NUTS
@Screenscapes: iPhone and iPad people!
@Roopunzel: dunno about annoying but the Lebowski and Full Metal Jacket bots are hysterical
@katyabroad: Ugh. It’s a toss-up between the Justin Bieber fans and the millions of identical fake accounts all trying to sell something
@kymri: auto_DM in response to follow. annoying & impersonal.
@RickGriffin: The multi-level colon cleansing marketers
@BridalTravelGuy: Its a tie between the Russian swimsuit models and winning a free iPad
@Banff_Squirrel: Hippo bot and Poutine bot are right up there. And I use those words a lot
@KelseyIvey: I hate the people who follow you and then immediately unfollow you just to build numbers
@utravelwithus: Viagra
@McMedia: My Mafia Family can get you followers just follow our MLM list of social media gurus
@marcygordon: Most annoying spammers you’ve encountered — Bot’s that retweet keywords and all “SEO gurus
@thetripchicks: Most annoying spammers are those teeth-whitening + make money fast folks.
@Shipsandtrips: people who look like eggs
Q4. Twitter friend that lives farthest away from you #NUTS
@MiraCristine: my Australian friends
@Screenscapes: @Silverharp100 She lives the farthest and is a great follow!
@nicoleploehn: there are so many from all over and I could never gauge just who’s the farthest — they are all awesome though!!
@RickGriffin: My friend @ScreenscapeS is from another planet
@MalloryOnTravel: Didn’t realise they had internet access on the moon probably put it in just after 3G connection on Everest!
@lisajanPA: as far as I know, @ClareAppleyard is the farthest but @IsabellesTravel is the farthest I’ve met IRL
@jbranigan: Australian friends
@redhunttravel: Have to say ‘hey’ to all my Kiwi twitter friends in New Zealand!
@thetripchicks: Tweeps farthest away from us are the ever-helpful @RunawayJuno in #Korea + Lotay of @BridgeToBhutan
@allaboutmexico: Twitter friends from the Philippines!
@marcygordon: – @Astro_Mike –lives in outer space
@banffrocks: @eurapart is far. I am stalking someone in New Guinea,but they don’t respond
@gmfriedrich: @guybarton77 in Portugal. Not Spain as I’ve dumb American’d before.
@TravelMaestro: Oh rats! I’m late for #NUTS and have to run again but for me its darling @agentcikay in Malaysia
Q5. Who has the best Twitter avatar? Most unusual Twitter handle?#NUTS
@allaboutmexico: Can I say allaboutmexico?
@thetripchicks: I like avatar of @lilmissplanet
@MalloryOnTravel: Well if we are going on popularity the ‘egg’ wins hands down
@Banff_Squirrel: I dunno, but it must be frustrating for actual eggs who are on Twitter
@Ashley_Tinnon: NomadicMatt has a pretty unusual avatar.
@ZipSetRachel: I love @banff_squirrel ‘s seasonal garb
@WriterChick47: I’m kinda partial to @fartingduck‘s. twitter name.
@banffrocks: The @banff_squirrel ‘s Marilyn Monroe look was quite fetching
@@Roopunzel: I think @DavySunshine has a really pleasing avatar
@TravelMaestro: I love your avatar AND handle @MidlifeRoadTrip
@jbranigan: My fav is@followthewabbit , avatar & name, witty & tweets with a lisp
@deafmom: Every time I see @RickGriffin‘s avatar, makes me smile
@AnjaniLadki: i like a LOT of em, but i really love @SearchOMermaids. it brings my two loves together: travel + disney
@gmfriedrich: @DrunknSportsmen is my fav twitter handle.
Q6. First Twitter friend you’ve met or hope to meet in real life #NUTS
@allaboutmexico: First : @only398 Wish to meet: @locogringo
@kymri:still hoping to meet @Banff_Squirrel …if he follows Will & Kate to California
@mygo2it: Would love to meet Barack Obama. He’s a follower
@Ashley_Tinnon: I’m going to have to say @Velcro108 because he is just awesome
@RickGriffin: @McMedia was the first Twitter friend I evah met In Real Life – What you see on twitter is the real @McMedia
@amandaelsewhere: I would love to meet you all! I admire everyone I follow immensely; you all inspire me to go more places
@lisajanPA: Gotta be @Traveldesigned but I loved @BridalTravelGuy first
@MalloryOnTravel: Met = @velvetescape want to meet@ravingnymphomaniacmadformalloryontravel …. what do you mean I made her up?
@jbranigan: @cowboychef — gr8, nice guy, fabulous chocolate & food!
@ACarlton: I wouldn’t mind meeting @FourDown_ in person. Seems like we could be really great friends
@LuxTravelAndrea: Gotta chime in here – Met @AndiPerullo & she’s fabulous!
@AnjaniLadki: I really do wanna meet @grantkmartin bc it was an email reply 4m him that pushed me to start traveling writing
@McMedia: First Twitter friends I met IRL were @barryfrangipane & @dolcedebbie.. To this day, I consider them 2 of my dearest friends
@WriterChick47: Let’s just shorten the list…#ALLOFYOU #NUTS
Q7. Best connection you’ve made on twitter #NUTS
@nicoleploehn: they have all been amazing connections, working with@screenscapes and @MalloryOnTravel are always enjoyable!
@Only398: I met @CruiseBuzz @allaboutmexico @VegasBiLL @24k@iAmStephly @Crash905 in #Vegas
@inspiremetoday: Wow, SO many!!!
@mmWine: I’ve met more than 200 of you #nuts – here’s a list of everyone I’ve met on twitter! http://bit.ly/fh7gGg
@Trybarefoot: #hcsmca peeps
@MalloryOnTravel: pfffft no way can answer that ……. far too many would be#NUTS to even try!!!
@allaboutmexico: All of you peeps behind the tweets
@ZipSetRachel: Everyone that cracks me up on #NUTS & gives great tips on #TNI!
@gr8ful4dmb: Again lots of special tweeps especially in the Travel Peeps I love you & you’re #NUTS
@jeanettejoy: Best REconnection I’ve made on twitter #NUTS @inspiremetoday
Q8. If you owned Twitter, what changes would you make? #NUTS
@allaboutmexico: 200 characters
@travelerkate: Don’t ask to authorize tweetgrid and yfrog. It gets old
@@MiraCristine: id get rid of the sponsered tweets and spam
@RickGriffin: I would expand Twitter to 146 characters. I’m a #BigThinker
@inspiremetoday: If I owned Twitter I’d be tweeting from a beach in the Caribbean more often
@Banff_Squirrel: I’d allow only 100 chars for tweets, but 140 for RTs
@Screenscapes: Audio Tweets that are only 10 seconds in length
@ZipSetRachel: No time outs, edit RTs, no auto DMs!
@gr8ful4dmb: I’d sell it for millions & take all you #NUTS on a killer travel adventure
@eurapart: I’d make it even more easy to see images and thumbnails of links by hovering over the tweet.
@Ashley_Tinnon: If I owned twitter I would make my account ‘verified’ so I would at least feel a little special
@MalloryOnTravel: and hashtag meetups would be compulsory
@banffrocks: I would offer it in peppermint flavour. Add a breathalyzer lock before you can tweet any co-workers or ex’s
Q9. Most regrettable tweet… #NUTS
@ZipSetRachel: those that were meant to be DMs!
@Velcro108: Most regrettable Tweet? When I run for office, all of them
@thetripchicks: I regret tweeting the photo of me in an unfortunate position with a cow in Europe
@inspiremetoday: @thetripchicks I think we need to see the cow photo
@inspiremetoday: That’s easy- 1st week I accidentally tweeted my home phone number. That was #NUTS
@ACarlton: The ones with misspellings. As a journalist that is humiliating. Silly BlackBerry keypad
@MalloryOnTravel: The one begging National Geographic for a job …… oh I haven’t sent that one yet!
@Route195: None. Representing my company on Twitter so have to be very careful.
@RickGriffin: I once complained about being stuck at the in-laws, not knowing they were following me
@banffrocks: It started; “What are you wearing..” but got sent to my Dad accidentally.
@SportsRFord:at work, saw black cat, tweet ‘glad I’m not superstitous’ 5 sec later we lose power it was creepy
@amandamo32: ((When I forgot I wasn’t texting @PrincessBelsy and told the world I was in my underwear))
Q10. Something amazing that happened as a result of tweeting #NUTS
@familyfoodie: When I tweeted that I’m a gas girl… What I meant was the I like gas grills over charcoal grills
@BridalTravelGuy: That I have any followers
@WyoDecaff:I made a friend with my same interests who happens to live mere blocks away from me
@claudiabia: I got invited to the #NASATweetup to watch and tweet the launch of Endeavour!
@katyabroad: Just about everything that’s happened in the last few months. My life has changed amazingly, no joke!
@KelseyIvey: Someone actually read by blog
@@redhunttravel: I won a flight to New Zealand!
@MidlifeRoadTrip:The Midlife Road Trip began as a conversation on Twitter
@YucatanHolidays: meeting a lot of new friends from around the world
@toniwonitravels: going on a camping tweet up with 7 ppl Iv never met. Add booze,#chocoboobs & camping virginity & its gonna get interesting in May
@budgettravelsac: Won a $200 gift card on American Airlines, trip to Mexico, AND a gift pack incl an ipod!
@Route195: New friends and sent my company in an amazing new direction that is incredibly fulfilling.
After Party
@happyjourneys: I think twitter is better than therapy LOL
@MagellanPR: Thank you – I love my weekly therapy too!
@akonthego: I really like these #NUTS people. Until next week…..
@katyabroad: Thanks everyone for a great #NUTS session! You made my evening
@beloved_green: Is it wrong that going #nuts keeps me sane?