
Q1. Which California city or attraction would you most want to visit?
@allaboutmexico: Want to see the giant redwood trees
@ConVo_Info:  Beverly Hills, because I want to visit Rodeo Drive!
@McMedia: I’m really looking forward to Beverly Hills & Sonoma
@cruisebuzz:  Why pick one. That’s#nuts We have beaches, camping, malls, freeways, cultural events, parks and people.
@BBADWoman:  San Diego, I love La Jolla and the sea caves that u can kayak through & snorkeling w/ leopard sharks
@lapearce: It took me a few minutes, but I would have to vote Eastern Sierra Mammoth/Mono Lake followed by home: OC/LA
@MalloryOnTravel:  Finish the perfect day watching the ‘Fire in the Sky’ camping under Half dome at Yosemite
@MagellanPR: Would quite like to visit the Annenberg Estate Sunnylands when it opens on 11:11:11 in @gopalmsprings – said to have fab art

Q2. Favorite TV show or movie about California #NUTS
@DonStugots:  CHiPs
@PhotosbyHank:  – Three’s Company
@LauriStruve: Not a huge hit but, love Blast from the Past.
@kitwhelan: . Umm…. ALL of them?
@justinhamlin:  only realistic “CA” show is “Girls Next Door” at the Playboy mansion
@utravelwithus:  brothers and sisters im still peeved that its canceled its #NUTS
@ACarlton:  How could anyone not say The O.C. ::Californiaaaaa here we com
@NoFFnyc:  Full house
@McMedia:  I grew up wanting to be Gidget!! Thought I would marry Moon Doggie
@StayAdventurous: a2 Entourage. Hands Down. Most of their adventures classify as #NUTS

Q3. Weirdest dream you’ve ever had #NUTS
@la_loquita: do i get a couch to lay on for this one #iseedeadpeople
@BanffBoss:  I dreamt I was at the office & was wearing nothing BUT clothing.
@ConVo_Info:  I dreamed I found a giant 1937 Dime that was worth lots of money, but then I woke up! Ack!
@TravelProducer:  Having a suitcase full of cash and afraid to wake up ‘cos I knew it was a dream.
@Ashley_Tinnon:  I have this recurring dream where I live as a mermaid in an underwater palace.
@driftingfocus: : I had the same recurring dream on the same day every year for 5 years. Does that count
@Picture_Philly:  Oh wow, afraid to say it, but…dreamed that I kissed Sue Sylvester from Glee. Is that more of a nightmare?
@RickGriffin:  Well, there was a scarecrow, and a tin man, and a lion and .
@zongrik:  Riding on giant kangaroos.
@TheTrvlPrincess:  I dreamt the other night that my hair was linguine. I could cut it off and cook it and more would grow just as quick as i cut it.
@motherstonic:I gave birth to a microbaby – about 1 inch big – kept losing it in sheets, crack in sofa. Wishful thinking overnuts
@RainyDayTravelr: Dreamt I had all the answers to everything in a cupboard over the bed
@banffrocks:  Here’s the short version: two spider monkeys, bowl of sangria, Julia Child, Tweetie bird and a beach bungalow in the Yukon
@MrCellophane2: OMG! Dreamed #Palin became president & she destroyed our country. Worst #nightmare EVER!
@julielinx:  Got 2 make out w/ David Boreanaz once, but I woke up before it got interesting

Q4.  Best tip for first time visitor to California #NUTS
@justinhamlin:  People don’t use turn signals
@Ashley_Tinnon:  If you’re driving, avoid the 405 freeway in Los Angeles between the hours of 2 am and 11 pm. Actually just avoid it at all times
@travelinjones:   Best tip for first time visitor to California?//Going to San Fran? Take a coat, not shorts
@CruiseCoaches: – Skiing/Snowboarding at Mammoth Mountain!
@MontageBH:  Make sure you have a map- the freeways can be confusing!
@kitwhelan:  Don’t drive Rt 1 up the coast at night. Effing terrifying. Also eat In & out.
@zongrik:  when parking in CA, on the streets, read the signs, even if you have to walk all the way down the block. It’s all a big set up
@travelerkate: Take in the differences between each Los Angeles area. It’s amazing how diverse one city can be!
@MagellanPR: Take an empty suitcase, diet before you go – and shop, eat and drink when you get there! Awesome food, awesome shops – love CA!

Q5. Favorite song about California #NUTS
2HomeStarsOttawa:  California Dreaming – naturally.
@allaboutmexico:  Surfin USA by Beach Boys
@lapearce:  California Gurls Katy Perry, Galifornia Girls Beach Boys Garden Grove Sublime
@LauriStruve:  Gotta be the Eagles, Hotel California.
@heliyes: Red Hot Chili Peppers.
@knowtheplace: . She’s so California by Gary Allan. I love my country music
@MontageBH: Californication! Great song.
@starmediaguy:Surfin’ Safari”
@eurapart: . Drinking in LA
@Hennartonline: Led Zeppelin Going to Califormia
@Banff_Squirrel: Low Rider: Take a little trip / Take a little trip / Take a little trip with me (feels like California)

Q6. Share your favorite picture from California #NUTS
@PhotosbyHank:  – Rose Garden at the Bowl #nuts http://flic.kr/p/9A6QzU
@DudeSociety:You might recognize the background… http://ow.ly/i/c0l1
@BanffBoss:. Does Baja from a plane count? http://yfrog.com/h3zp2oej
@driftingfocus:  I have a shot of me in Golden Gate park, at age 13 or so, but sadly it’s a print, not digital.
@lapearce:  I can’t pick one, but I like this one of Mono Lake at sunset a lot http://flic.kr/p/6APaAb
@FlyingPhotog: Golden Gate Bridge #NUTS http://flic.kr/p/4MiU8c
@travelinjones: Kachina Vineyards, Dry Creek, CA
@EthanDWaters: Upland, CA http://t.co/G2Nepbg
@TheTrvlPrincess:. All the photos are in my head. Maybe if i concentrate reallllly hard one will appear 🙂

Q7. You’re granted an exclusive. personal interview with someone.  Who is it? #NUTS
@NoFFnyc:  Winston Churchill
@MagellanPR: Can it be with someone not living? Would be with Frank Sinatra – if he was alive. Boy, he lived life to the full & His Way!
@CruiseCoaches: – Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook)
@BanffBoss:  Chris Morgan @MorganWildlife A conservationist working on bears and other wildlife through imaginative films
@ZipSetRachel: This is over dinner right? Joaquin Pheonix.
mobilelawyer: Hellen Keller. Pre-tutoring. My luck sucks
@MalloryOnTravel:  Che Guevara if I can go back in time, would love to know the truth & not the good/bad propaganda
@julielinx:  Changes with my mood, but currently Darren Criss. I’d love a music lesson with him
toniwonitravels:  – myself at 18 so when he asks me out I can tell him where to go and not waste 5 years of my life not following my dreams
@PhotosbyHank: – Would interview Elvis, then at the end tell him to lay off the drugs
@eurapart:. Edward Murphy of Murphy’s Law.
@Only398: I would talk to J Paul Getty and ask him what it really takes to become a philanthropist.
@kitwhelan: Richard Branson would be cool

Q8. You’re given the task of designing a new California state flag – what’s on it? #NUTS
@WindowSeatapp: Grapes!! Oh, and the LA freeway system.
@lapearce:  fruit, nuts and a mushroom cloud (hey I left for a reason! those politicians are #nuts)
@RickGriffin:  Fruits and Nuts … and a wineglass
justinhamlin:  – some grapes, the GG bridge and a CLOSED sign. #californiaisfull
@MiraCristine: wine bottle, mountain, cars
@Banff_Squirrel:  I heard the CA flag was made out of botox so it never wrinkles
@mygo2it: Tupac drinking a glass of wine with his pinky up…because we’re classy.
@gr8ful4dmb: Mountains in background,then outline of Cinderella’s Castle, Surfboard & snowboard crossed with wine glass in front~ it’s a lot

Q9. I wish I could see behind the scenes of.… #NUTS
@momsofamerica: I wish I could see behind the scenes of Midlife Road trip!
@TheTrvlPrincess: The government..
@PhotosbyHank: the Skunk Works, yeah it’s aviation geek stuff
@Roopunzel: < Chateau Marmont Hotel
@travelerkate: All the surgeons offices. Want to see who really goes there (and the before and afters
@MagellanPR: I wish I could see behind the scenes at … Buckingham Palace during the Royal Wedding celebrations!
@cruisebuzz: I want to see behind the scenes of the Rose Parade. It is cool.
@BanffBoss: Gary Busey’s mind… Might make a fortune.
@RickGriffin: Apple computer two days before they announce their quarterly earnings
@Skysteward I wish I could see behind the scenes of Pan Am the new TV show….oh I think I see a crack in the door!
@gmfriedrich: Weeds. You know their “research” is entertaining.
@RainyDayTravelr: Not so much behind the scenes, but I want to get invited to #TED

Q10. The best advice to make your dreams come true is #NUTS
@MagellanPR: Just go for it … give it your best shot
@beforeiam35: persistance
@justinhamlin: Set a goal, set a date, make it happen.
@ PhotosbyHank: keep your eyes on the prize, never waiver
@ACarlton:  Just need a little pixie dust
@utravelwithus: . not to sound cheesy or to quote Arthur but believe in yourself that’s the place to start
@MalloryOnTravel:  Dream big or live small
@santafetraveler: Click your heels together 3 times.
@MontageBH: : Never give up
@AmericanSahara: Don’t let those who say it can’t done stop you from doing it.
@travelerkate: Surround yourself with people who believe in you (and your dreams)
@McMedia: Always Dream Big and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. BIG Dreams Do Come True Too!
@BryanCSnider: The Law of Attraction. Believe your dreams will happen and they most likely will
@Banff_Squirrel: Wish upon a star. Mine turned out to be a BSkyB satellite & now I have free TV
@Only398: A10 Read good books, associate yourself with the right people, take actions, make no excuses!
@NoFFnyc: A10. Work, work, work. The day will happen whether u get out of bed or not. And follow up. No one cares about ur dream as much as u do
@ZipSetRachel: The harder you work, they luckier you get
@BespokeTravels: A10. Follow the advice of #nuts

After Party

@@MontageBH: So glad I could join you today on #NUTS.
@MagellanPR: Thank you fellow nutters for another great #NUTS twitter chat
@momsofamerica: Had a great time!! Love and Hugs to All! Thanks for the include!
@@kitwhelan: Had a great time at my 1st #NUTS chat! Thanks everyone!!!
#BespokeTravels: Thanks @MidlifeRoadTrip for another wonderful #nuts session.
@TheTrvlPrincess: Had a great time at #NUTS thanks everyone!!!!!


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