Not-so Usual Therapy Session (#NUTS)

Q1. What’s the last thing you’ve checked off your Bucket List?

cruisebuzz: A1 Bucket List item on the books: China and Japan in Feb

@ C_Pappas: Ride in a helicopter

@ MalloryOnTravel: A1 Went to Egypt and saw the pyramids went to the Valley of the Kings

@ foodieintl: A1. Sushi in Japan Q1. What’s the last thing you’ve checked off your Bucket List?

@ kymri: A1. learning to tango with a handsome Argentinian 😉

@ RickGriffin: A1. A1. Ride in a helicopter and land on a glacier in Alaska

@ MagellanPR: A1 – Riding a segway – have little balance but @newportbeachpersuaded me to do it and I whizzed around the city!

@ 1Dad1Kid: A1: Machu Picchu & rainforest. About to scratch off a whole lot more real soon, too!

@ Banff_Squirrel: A1: Walking on a recent lava flow & feeling my boots melt into the crust

@ AutoDog: RT @MidlifeRoadTrip Q1. What’s the last thing you’ve checked off your Bucket List? Visiting Okefenokee Swamp

@ phylisebanner: @MidlifeRoadTrip A1: Walking across a frozen lake to an ice shanty.

@ ZipSetRachel: Traveling to my Mom’s homeland – Ecuador!!

@ Thesuss: I rode the Zamboni!

@ _KimRandall: A1. I honestly can’t remember the last thing I checked off my bucket list. I still need to marry Tim McGraw though

@ claudiabia: @MidlifeRoadTrip A1. Visit and Photograph the Antelope Canyon in Arizona

@ chippy2u: Q1. I bought my very own little home

Q2. If you could only visit one destination on your Bucket List, wherewould it be & why?

@ ZipSetAndrea: A1. Argentina – 8 days, Iguazu falls, Buenos Aires – loved it so much more than I imagined

@ Thesuss: @MidlifeRoadTrip A2. Antarctica. Visiting all 7 continents is on my bucket list, but I want to see more penguins!

@ TravelYourself: @MidlifeRoadTrip A2 the Moon!! because its awesome!

@ LucieD_inthesky: @MidlifeRoadTrip A2 European cities with major art museums, so I could get my fill of fine art (and good food)

@ claudiabia: @RickGriffin Tahiti. Has been a dream since I saw the first picture

@ MalloryOnTravel: A2. Not actually a country but Patagonia, ever since saw orcas taking seals of the beach must be an awesome sight if a little grisly

@ la_loquita: A2 – ITALY… because hello its ITALY

@ TheTrvlPrincess: A1. Dallas/Ft.Worth…it was a small one on my list but very, very very memorable for oh so many reasons.

@ Butterflydiary: Australia because I love koalas & eucalyptus

@ NJDreaming: @WriterChick47 Q2. If you could only visit one destination on your Bucket List, where would it be & why? > India. It calls to me.

@ MagellanPR: A2 – Don’t know if this counts – I went to Tokyo for 24 hours from the UK once – was a bit wild – would love to investigate at leisure

@ MagiaPlaya: Uluru – to learn the legend 1st hand

@ ShannonOliviero: @MidlifeRoadTrip – Paris. Def, Paris

@ foodieintl: A2: Antarctica. Because I want to make it across the Drake Passage, kayak at midnight and BBQ on a glacier…with penguins.

@ 1Dad1Kid: @foodieintl But not BBQ the penguins, right?

@ foodieintl: You must know me well! Haha. Not unless they’re a local delicacy, which they are not.

@ ZipSetRachel: A2. India, new continent (ASIA) and such a large country to discover! Plus, I am a little addicted to Ohio’s version of Indian food

@ Banff_Squirrel: A2: Pangea. Much easier to see the whole world from there…

@ McMedia: A2 I’d do the ‘original’ road trip .. Cross-country in a motor home

@ 1Dad1Kid: A2: Thailand. Feel some weird connection to there

@ kymri: A2. considering I don’t really have a bucket list, there is one place I’d really like to go that I haven’t yet been. Turkey.

@ TheTrvlPrincess: A2. Africa. I want to see ALL of Africa. I had the chance once to go for free and i was stupid not to go.I was #NUTS

@ IsabellesTravel: RT @McMedia Q2 If u could only visit 1 destination on ur Bucket List, where would it be&why? #NUTS <Cook Islands, coz I`m dying to see it!>

@ LucieD_inthesky: @McMedia A2 This is a difficult one – but I would say Paris, the Louvre, to satisfy my love of art.

@ C_Pappas: @McMedia Yes – seeing the largest ball of twine via roadtrip is somewhere on the list. #NUTS

@ aadhuu: A2 The Arctic – I wanna see the Northern Lights #NUTS

@ ZipSetAndrea: A2. Probably Prague – it keeps eluding me… #nuts

@ phylisebanner: @McMedia A2: Africa. I need to see my hippos in their natural habitat. #NUTS

@ manissag: A1. Visit the pizzeria that’s claimed to sell the world’s best pizza in Napoli! 😀 #NUTS

@ MalloryOnTravel: @kymri oh yes Istanbul the only city spanning two continents … must do!

@ danthompson_TN: @RickGriffin A2 I think of all the things on my list, a safari in Kenya / Tanzania would be what I’d do if I could only do 1

@ SunshineOnSally: A2. Seoul, Korea. My mother land

@aadhuu: A2 The Arctic – I wanna see the Northern Lights

@ travel_titbits: A2. Stay in a treehouse hotel in Costa Rica

@ ashleyVroutson: Egypt. I’m obsessed w/ its ancient history!

Q3. What are the benefits of having a Bucket List?

@ C_Pappas: A3 Check lists are always fun. Even if they are bucket lists!

@ KuhnHondaVW: a3. when you get hold you don’t forget what you said you would do 50 years earlier.

@ MagellanPR: A3 To remind you to do one of the things on your list before a year goes by again – time goes by too quickly

@ WriterChick47: A3. Keeps you excited about life and hopefully out of Depends.

@ ZipSetAndrea: A3. Not sure…it’s sort of like golf…a challenge, but very frustrating

@ 1Dad1Kid: A3: They help keep u focused & can help u from being complacent & ltr having regrets.

@ LandLopers: A3: I actually hate bucket lists, who doesn’t want to see everything? Maybe I’m just #NUTS

@ aadhuu: A3. It keeps you going. I always have this urge to tick something off the list

@ foodieintl: A3. It’s important to make goals, no matter how far-fetched, then try to achieve them!

@ MalloryOnTravel: A3. Interesting concept i guess it just gives U goals 2 aim 4, things U dream of doing, if U list them more chance U will do them #NUTS

@ Banff_Squirrel: A3: Always have a place to ice down a few brewskies while you comtemplate yr next trip #NUTS

@ McMedia: A3 .. At my age I’d forget without a list #Nuts#LosingMyMind

@ backpackforever: A3. You can’t die because you’re not f$%*ing done!

@ TheTrvlPrincess: A3. It helps me see my goals and dreams and makes them tangible and within reach #NUTS

@ ShannonOliviero: @MidlifeRoadTrip – Q3. Having a “bucket list” targets attainable dreams. why not? #NUTS

@ travelerkate: A3 I like to retroactively add things I’ve already done to my bucket list so I feel more accomplished #NUTS

@ RickGriffin: A3. A Bucket List is your roadmap for a successful life – a life lived on your own terms #NUTS
Q4. What’s the most extreme or adventurous thing on your Bucket List

@ MalloryOnTravel: A4. easy one really wanna BASE jump! is that #NUTS It’s cool!

@ aadhuu: A4. Sky Diving. Is that considered extreme? #NUTS

@ WriterChick47:A4 This is for @McMedia: Riding in the same car as @RickGriffin after he eats the ghost pepper lollipop at the Zest Fest sounds adventurous! Yikes!! #nuts

@ whereisyvette: A4 I keep wanting to sign up for the waiting list for a ride into space with Virgin Galactic- “only” $200k!

@ earthxplorer: RT @Banff_Squirrel: Q4. What’s the most extreme or adventurous thing on your Bucket List? #NUTS ~~ Stand up comedy 🙂

@ la_loquita: A4 – most adventurous — does cleaning my fridge out count????

@ McMedia: a4. Rolling out of bed in the morning without an injury #Nuts#MidLifeAdventure

@ ZipSetRachel: White Water Rafting the Grand Canyon.

@ C_Pappas: A4 – hmmmm. not sure! I think take an Audi out on the Salt Lake in Utah and join the 140 club

@ kymri: A4. I’d like to climb a mountain, like Kilimanjaro. Just to know I can do it.#NUTS

@ foodieintl: A4: Making it to remote Foodie destinations in Syria and Georgia

@ GoApril: A4 Bungy Jumping off of Kawarau Bridge in New Zeland – CRAZY

@ LandLopers: a4: skydiving into a shark filled cage in Antarctica. with a panda

@ MagellanPR: A4 – to go on a cycle race – have limited balance and am currently perfecting (if that’s the right word) my cycle style! #nuts

@ kymri: A4. I also might like to try surfing one of those super long (but frigid cold) waves generated by glacier in Alaska. #NUTS

@ Banff_Squirrel: Wow – so many folks’ bucket list “extremes” involve falling from the sky #NUTS

@ QunoSpotter: A.4 Deliver a speech in public about travel without running off the podium. (Scared of public speaking). #NUTS

@ TravelYourself: @RickGriffin A4 going to the Moon!!! (the moon is highly featured on everything I want to do in life 🙂 or at least outer space.. 🙂 #NUTS

@ chippy2u: A4. raft the North Johnston river in Australia. heli in, raft out 4 day trip & rated in the Top 10 wilderness adventures in the world #NUTS

@ hiptraveler: #NUTS Q4.) most extreme/adventurous thing on your Bucket List? skydiving & climbing to base camp of Mt. Everest in Nepal. both will happen!

@ @GreenGlobalTrvl: @McMedia Cage-diving w/sharks off coast of #SouthAfrica. #NUTS

@ travelerkate: A4: I think wanting to learn to ride a motorcycle or complete a triathlon is pretty adventurous for me #NUTS

@ ashleyVroutson: Marrying Anthony Bourdain 🙂 — RT @Banff_Squirrel: Q4. What’s the most extreme or adventurous thing on your Bucket List? #NUTS

@ LauraAllenTvl: Gorilla trekking + Arctic Adventure!

Q5. What do you think should be on everyone’s Bucket List?

@ ZipSetRachel: Use your passport EVERY year, no matter what.

@ C_Pappas: @la_loquita ‘Experience something remarkable’ – Loved this from the movie #NUTS

@ ZipSetAndrea: African Safari! AMAZING!

@ foodieintl: A5. Learning a second language, or a third!

@ kymri: A5. I think everyone should see Machu Picchu, and experience an African safari. #NUTS

@ MPM_MediaGroup: RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q5. What do you think should be on everyone’s Bucket List? #NUTS Star Gazing w/ a pro!

@ la_loquita: A5- on EVERYONE’s list?? to tell @TravelChannel to sponsor@MidlifeRoadTrip featuring @RickGriffin@WriterChick47@McMedia#NUTS

@ MalloryOnTravel: A5. #NUTS living every single moment of every single day to its absolute limit! It’s cool!

@ claudiabia: Carnival in Rio!

@ MagellanPR: A5 Go to Cancun and investigate its Mayan heritage – really opened my eyes this year #nuts

@ TheTrvlPrincess: A5. Doing volunteer work in another country #NUTS

@ LucieD_inthesky: @WriterChick47 A5 Traveling to your one dream location #NUTS

@ JasonStoddard: @RickGriffin re: universal bucket list. Witness a child being born. << Good one #NUTS A5.

@ LandLopers: A5: other than the skydiving panda? The Galapagos is something everyone should experience at least once #NUTS

@ travel_titbits: A5. to experience Marrakesh. Love that place!!!!! #NUTS

@ MagiaPlaya: Live on an island for 30 days w no technology

@ MalloryOnTravel: A5. #NUTS give forward from this point on!

@ Banff_Squirrel: Q5: Helping a tourist in your own home town. Kind of a travel-pay-it-forward #NUTS

@ RickGriffin: A5. a trip to Menphis Tennessee to see the shag carpeting in Graceland 🙂 #NUTS

@ ISOLABELLA: Kissed a King Cobra on his head in Marrakesh! #NUTS then got draped with dozens of them.

@ RT @backpackforever: A5. visit a place you can’t pronounce

@ GoApril: A5 Going to #Paris and visiting the Louve

@ Thesuss: @RickGriffin A buddy of mine has swimming in the pool at Graceland on his list. Apparently, they just escort you off the property

@ chippy2u: @RickGriffin A5. Definitely a dive on the #Great Barrier Reef near#Cairns#Australia. it is a totally AWESOME and #NUTS experience!!
Q6. What’s the right age to begin working on a Bucket List?

@ 1Dad1Kid: @McMedia A6: As soon as u kno what one is #NUTS

@ DanOCan: @la_loquita Never too soon to start. You can always add more if you manage to accomplish everything. #NUTS

@ TheTrvlPrincess: A6. As soon as you can hold a crayon and write. I wish i had started mine YEARS ago but, its never too late to start. #NUTS

@ McMedia: A6: As soon as you can talk, walk, write and dream #NUTS#BucketList#DreamBIG

@ kymri: A6. Whatever age it is that you start calling/thinking yourself “old”. Thus, I don’t have one, lol 😉 #NUTS

@ Thesuss: @MidlifeRoadTrip A6 It’s never too early to start setting goals, is it? You just might not realize it’s a bucket list. #NUTS

@ savvytravelgal: #NUTS Right now is the best age to begin working on a Bucket List. You will never finish it and will keep adding.

@ FunAsWeGO: A6. Parents should start one with kids so kids will keep adding to then through life! #NUTS

@ heliyes: NOW!!!

Q7. Which celebrities would you most want to meet?

@ kymri: A7. I think the real question is…which celebrities would most like to meet me 😉 #NUTS

@ 1Dad1Kid: A7: If she wasn’t dead, Mother Teresa

@ ZipSetAndrea: Ewan McGregor… my standard celeb answer!

@ la_loquita: A7 — Celebrities i’d like to meet – @RickGriffin, @McMedia,@WriterChick47 , @SueanneShirzay and all my other 5000+ followers #NUTS

@ LandLopers: A7: Top celebrity to meet? Probably @Banff_Squirrel#NUTS

@ Banff_Squirrel: LOL! Outta the way, Clooney, there’s a squirrel over there!

@ TheTrvlPrincess: A7. I’ve met plenty of celebrities and dignitaries. I’m over them. Id rather meet people….famous, fabulous, ferocious or friendly. #NUTS

@ GoApril: RT @McMedia: Q7. Which celebrities would you most want to meet?#NUTS >> @RichardBranson

@ McMedia: A7: Regis and Rickles #DontMockMe#NUTS

@ TravelYourself: @MidlifeRoadTrip@McMedia@RickGriffin A7 I want to meet Oprah #NUTS

@ totallytypea: Oprah, Ben Affleck, Angelina Jolie & the late Princess Diana.

@ RickGriffin: A7. I want to tug on Carol Burnett’s ear #NUTS

@ MalloryOnTravel: A7. living celeb Sir Rannulph Fiennes or Muhammud Ali but when he was in his prime 🙂

@ FunAsWeGO: A7. Wish i met Princess Diana! Maybe George Clooney… #NUTS

@momsofamerica: A7. I would like to meet Steven Tyler! : ) #NUTS

@ jbranigan: A.7. Celebrity — Liam Neeson #NUTS

Q8. What’s the one thing you’d most like to check off your Bucket List
this year?

@ la_loquita: A8- cross off my list….. get @travelchannel to follow and sponsor@MidLifeRoadTrip and crew #NUTS

@ KuhnHondaVW: a8: 3day breast cancer walk (definite — make sure you make a donation!) Take my first cruise. #nuts

@ aadhuu: A8. See the Cricket World Cup. Just one month away. damn hard to get the tickets. i guess i’ll have to check the black market. #NUTS

@ LandLopers: A8: visiting South Africa and/or Antarctica #NUTS oh, and meeting@Banff_Squirrel

@ chippy2u: Q8. more sleep, more “friends & family” time, more “ME” time, LESS WORK! #NUTS

@ foodieintl: A8. The Northern Lights. Q8. What’s the one thing you’d most like to check off your Bucket List this year? #NUTS

@ jbranigan: Q8. Bucket list : I’d like to spend a week in the Library of Congress Call me #NUTS

@ RickGriffin: A8. Winning the Lottery so I can fund the rest of my Bucket List:)#NUTS

@ MagellanPR: A8 Mmmm – has to be visiting friends in Singapore (never been & always wanted to go) – postponed three times! #nuts

@ Thesuss: See Discovery fly! #nasatweetup RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Q8. What’s the one thing you’d most like to check off your Bucket List this year? #NUTS

@ TSWariner: #NUTS A8. The one thing I’d like to check off my bucket list this year is seeing MLS/RSL games in Kansas City and Portland, in their new SSS

@ WriterChick47: A8 The Smithsonian &  See Midlife Road Trip on tv! #nuts

@ magsmcgee88: @RickGriffin A8 Travel more, some fantastic places around me…doesn’t have to be a cruise- enjoying the small things! #NUTS

@ claudiabia: @MidlifeRoadTrip A8. Visit Asia #NUTS

@ BreatheDreamGo: I’m going to a top bucket destination this spring: Bhutan #NUTS

@ GoApril: A8 A trip to Iceland #NUTS

@ FunAsWeGO: A8. Australia and New Zealand! #NUTS

@ DanOCan: A8: Tour Vancouver Island #NUTS

@ momsofamerica: A8. Flying a plane! #NUTS

Q9. What’s the most unusual thing on your Bucket List

@ aadhuu: A9. Going to Space! #NUTS

@ MalloryOnTravel: A9. #NUTS I wanna be a STORMCHASER still waiting for somebody to offer me a position, inexperienced but make up for it in enthusias

@ foodieintl: A9. Attending the San Remo Music Festival in Italy
@ RickGriffin: A9. Have Carol Burnett tug on my ear #NUTS@ jbranigan: Q9 Ice Dancer (in my dreams!) #NUTS

@ WriterChick47: A9 Get all the #Nuts, #TNI & #TTOT people together for one big party! #nuts

@ TSWariner: #NUTS A9. Most unusual thing on my Bucket List. Probably wanting to see an MLS/RSL game in every SSS (soccer specific stadium) in the MLS.

@ Banff_Squirrel: A9: I really want to ice-dive. Saw an old Houdini movie & it freaked me out but now I want to try #NUTS

@ la_loquita: A9 – most unusual thing #bucketlist#nuts publishing my first country music CD #NUTS

@ solangefrancois: A9. Get a 1950s style photo shoot done; hold a tarantula RickGriffin:

@ MagellanPR: A9 – glass blowing – you can do it somewhere in Borough area, London – have been told am full of hot air so should be a natural ! #nuts

@ DanOCan: A9: Travel to Petaluma, CA to meet @leolaporte#NUTS

@ EthanDWaters: RT @RickGriffin Q9. What’s the most unusual thing on your Bucket List? #NUTS / To give Betty White a hug

@ TheTrvlPrincess: A9. Does a nude beach count? #NUTS

Q10. If time travel were possible, what would you add to your Bucket

@ BridalTravelGuy: Q10. If time travel were possible, what would you add to your Bucket List? A10. Go back one day to get the Powerball numbers. #NUTS

@ KuhnHondaVW: a10: woodstock 🙂 #nuts

@ MagellanPR: A10 – Would love to go back to ancient Egypt or Rome at its height – love the architecture #nuts

@ 1Dad1Kid: A10: I’d like to see who really made the Nazca lines & those statues on Easter Island. #nuts

@ LandLopers: a10: Library of Alexandria #NUTS

@ Thesuss: @MidlifeRoadTrip A10. Easiest question yet. I’d want to see Elvis live. I have a bucket list based just on not seeing him! #NUTS

@ RickGriffin: @TheSuss I think Elvis is a greeter at a Wal-mart in Memphis now#NUTS

@ Thesuss: @RickGriffin Makes sense! He can say, “Uh… Thank you… Thank you very much” to everyone as they leave! #perfectjob#nuts

@ la_loquita: A10 – time travel…. i’d go back and meet my greatgrandparents and tell them to buy stock in Microsoft and Apple #NUTS

@ TravelYourself: @McMedia A10 I would go back to either see the Wright Brothers invent the plane or to hang out with T-Rex #NUTS

@ McMedia: A10: Hang with the Rat Pack #EveryBodyLovesSomebody#NUTS

@ FunAsWeGO: A10. Live in the hippy days! #NUTS

@ DanOCan: Q10: I’d go back to the era when firefighters rode the tailboards of fire trucks and respond to a call. #NUTS

@ jbranigan: Q 10 Go along on Lewis & Clark Expedition. The ultimate camping trip!#NUTS

@ MalloryOnTravel: A10. Have to go back and persuade Hitlers mum that his dad was not a good prospect!

@ RickGriffin: A10. See the Beatles live at Shea Stadium #NUTS

@ TSWariner: #NUTS A10. If time travel were possible I’d add some scriptural times to my Bucket List.

@ kymri: A10. (last Q then I’m offline for mtg) I’d want to check out life as an Incan in the Andes and see Machu Picchu in it’s glory days. #NUTS

@ heliyes: Egypt in the time of the Pharoahs, Paris in the 20′

@ magsmcgee88: @RickGriffin A10 Revisit my childhood…there are a ton of happy memories I remember slivers of. It’d be good 2 get a new perspective #NUTS

@ WriterChick47: A10. Princess Diana, Mother Teresa, Janis Joplin…George Burns. Lucille Ball..the list goes on and on… #nuts

@ _KimRandall: A10. I wanna see how stonehenge was really constructed and then give the alien a fist bump LOL #NUTS

@ QunoSpotter: A.10 It would have to be some sort of dance at Versailles #nuts

@ chippy2u: Q10. build an arc to carry all the poor people & animals that had nowhere to go in the #qldfloods#NUTS

@ karlabry: 1960’s London and Imperial Rome. RT @WriterChick47: Q10. If time travel were possible, what would you add to your Bucket List? #nuts

After party

@ MagellanPR: @midliferoadtrip@rickgriffin@mcmedia@la_loquita@banff_squirrel@writerchick47 – another very enjoyable therapy session: thank you! #nuts

@ TheTrvlPrincess: I had a BLAST! RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Thanks to today’s Therapists @WriterChick47@la_loquita@Banff_Squirrel@McMedia &@RickGriffin#NUTS

@ claudiabia: Great inspiration ou “fun”spiration from @RickGriffin and @mcmedia if you don’t have a bucket list yet ==> (expand) #NUTS

@ QunoSpotter: Great show! RT @MidlifeRoadTrip: Thanks to today’s Therapists@WriterChick47@la_loquita@Banff_Squirrel@McMedia & @RickGriffin#NUTS

@ RickGriffin: @solangefrancois That would so rock! Wouldn’t it be cool it they had foursquare at Woodstock? #NUTS

@ FunAsWeGO: My first time and it was #NUTS! Thx for the fun! RT @WriterChick47: Thanks to everyone for the therapy!

@ McMedia: The #TTOT#NUTS double~header is like “Extreme Twittering” Not for the faint of heart

@ kymri: Ain’t nothing like the first time, won’t soon forget that! RT @RickGriffin@kymri: << just lost your Tweetdeck virginity:) #NUTS#TTOT

@ travlessentials: @rickgriffin Love your site! Can relate, bought a BMW during round 1 of midlife crisis. Lol! #nuts

@ MamaRitaMary: @Mechellesflame So which #NUTS do you like? <@MidlifeRoadTrip, @RickGriffin@WriterChick47 A Fab group of fun #NUTS!!!

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