Q1. Hottest place you have ever been? #nuts
@Banff_Squirrel  The back 9 at the Quarry golf club in San Antonio:http://bit.ly/gsyIE8 114 degrees with scattered rattlesnakes
@McMedia On a bus in Mexico … geez oh pete there were live chickens & a monkey. Wafting .
@mobile4lawyer  Sudan desert. July. 50 degrees Celcius+ everyday. Here was the well water we were drinking. Unchilled
@kitwhelan: Egypt in the summer. 135 degrees in the shade! Almost puked from heatstroke in the Valley of the Kings.  ouch!
@khegre  The hottest day in Phoenix history: 122 degrees. We were in the car without air conditioning.
@LandLopers: DC last week
@TravelDesigned  My house last week–the AC broke and it was 95 degrees INSIDE my house
@NomadTours Hamelin Pool Stromatolites, Western Australia, no aircon

Q2. Favorite way to spend a hot afternoon? #nuts
@HALcruises Sailing & sipping, of course!
@CovetedEscapes. In the house with AC running. And ice water in hand!
@KelseyIvey  Floating down the river in an tube with drink in hand and sunglass on
@VegasBiLL  Fun way to spend the day is seaside @RitzCarlton Key Biscayne at Dune w/ Sangria twitpic.com/24hqzy
@HIEHamilton favourite way is either game of golf or in pool for water volleyball with few beers
@thetripchicks For summer, it’s eating peanuts and watermelon in the shade by a pool
@Xplore724 : Snorkeling in beautiful aquamarine waters (such as Caribbean or Indonesia), followed by drinks and reading at the beach
@_NatStar  reading a good book in the shade with an iced drink (i’m pale!) or driving with the windows down and a cool breeze

Q3. Best way to cool down during the dog days of summer? #nuts
@Route195 . Good cold beer poolside
@utravelwithus  leave and go somewhere else… like alaska
@DutchUmbrella  If there’s no AC… Slushy drinks…with our without alcohol…preferably with.
@WillingFoot . Playing in sprinklers in the park when I was a kid but now if it is really hot escaping to a movie theatre always does the trick.
@lauriegapair  little kids have it right – run through the sprinkler! (then have ice cream)
@soultravelers3  Water balloon fight
@JeanetteJoy   cool down during the dog days of summer is water from my deep well sprayed on with hose by the pool. Shake and shiver

Q4. Favorite ingredients for a cool summer salad? #nuts
@kimrandall Cucumbers for sure… Also a juicy fruit salad is good. Yes, I just Tweeted about cucumbers and fruit salad, what?! lol
@thetripchicks  My fave ingredients for summer salad = watermelon chunks + macadamia
@RickGriffin  Goat Cheese, Mangos, raspberries and spinach
@malloryontravel: Wonder what a mango mojito dressing would be like over that salad with lobster & crayfish
@HeritaMetalWrks Ice wine?
@mygo2it  Could just eat avocado and be satisfied
@flipflopcaravan Ohhh, avocado and tomato slices
@SpotCoolStuff  Does tequila count as an ingredient?

Q5. 100+ degrees & no air conditioning, what do you do? #nuts
@WriterChick47 Find out what time the next plane for Tampa leaves. Sandi has a pool 😀
@clareappleyard Take a cold bath. Rinse and repeat
@laurenameliaw  this one’s easy. Laze around tanning with a long glass of pineapple juice. Tunes on. Lovely jubbly
@utravelwithus Call my sisters father in law to fix it then question why it broke for the third time this year
@katyabroad– find a pool and jump in. Get some good fans for the room if no a/c
@Banff_Squirrel Convert to Celcius. Takes the temperature down to like 37 degrees 😉
@travelightly Pretend I’m in a sauna and that I’m paying for the heat.
@JesusWife Use a lot of propane language.
FB: Stacey O’Brien Run through the sprinklers with the students in my special education summer school

Q6. Most refreshing beverage is …. #nuts
@EpsteinTravels Top 4 Refreshing Beverages: 1) Pimms 2) Hendricks & Tonic 3) Cold Beer 4) Cucumber/Lime Water
@flipflopcaravan Muddled cucumber & lime with vodka and club soda
@familyfoodie  I’m sensing a Portuguese twist with Agua Fresca… Can’t wait!
@jkheaton: I think a large group of us vote for margaritas!
@AryCancun Mexican michelada with lemon and chili powder
@ThitiaOfficial:  Stawberry Daiquiry.
@HotelPRGuy Pimms in London, Sweetwater 420 in Atlanta!

Q7. Summer nights are best for ….. #nuts
@utravelwithus Chilling with friends out on the deck while the inferno dies down
@MagellanPR. Well am not sure if I want to share … heeheehee
@ZipSetRachel All I can think of is the song from Grease.. wella wella tell me more
@roniweiss going for walks. A calm walk on a quiet, warm night is irreplicable
@KatrinaMauro  BBQs and friends…and breezes.
@LovelyLu lobster & clambakes!
@mygo2it Outdoor film festivals, esp with the classics
@renh77. What else? Mojitos & Margaritas! Round for all!
FB:  Andrew Hewitt Making out on the beach.

Q8. Favorite place to swim … #nuts
@MalloryOnTravel  Anywhere with dolphins
@khegre  Anywhere with a water slide or a vine or rope to swing over the water on
@TheTastetress Just got back from the Riviera Maya…underground stalactite caves for sure! Awesome Experience!
@mobilelawyer Pleeezzzzeeeee. Playboy Mansion. Grotto
@BridalTravelGuy  Downstream.. Would be a nice change from swimming upstream everyday
@amandamo32   In the lake off the side of a boat
@SaraKateTravel  A crystal-clear lake with water at just the right temp, like so many of those beauties in northern Minnesota!! 🙂 Or a nice creek!
@mygo2it At a lagoon in Dominican Republic
@AuthenticCoast A secluded cove.
@ElegantHotels Ever been to #Barbados?

Q9. Best place to travel to to get away from the heat … #nuts
@_NatStar I’m dying to visit Scandinavia where it seems to be a bit cooler!
@AbroadView The Arctic
@Route195  The Colorado Rockies. Telluride/Ouray. Gorgeous
@laurenameliaw High Atlas Mountains 😀 #morocco
@NoFFnyc Altitude. Even a little bit helps
@eatsleeplaugh Scotland is definitely chilly right now!
@NomadTours  South Africa, right now!! It’s SNOWING here 🙂 And it’s the middle of the night, win win!!
@HALcruises Honningsvag/Nordkapp, Norway- Biking to the top of the world!

Q10. It’s not really hot out unless …. #nuts
@kymri the cabana boy is having a drink too
@MagellanPR The tarmac is melting and so are your flipflops! Palm Springs bake-out!
@KelseyIvey unless you can fry an egg outside., has anyone tried this?
@utravelwithus You’re baking cookies in your car… which ive always wanted to try
@jettingaround High heels start to melt into the sidewalk
@SportsShuffle he temperature gauge simply shows the infinity symbol for the degrees.
@thetripchicks It’s really hot out when I can grill a frozen soy burger on my car hood!
@toniwonitravels When the bar is empty

After Party
@gmfriedrich #nuts was a boatload of fun today! Thanks y’all!
@CovetedEscapes Thank you all! Had a great time at #NUTS
@GeneralTours Thanks for another great #NUTS therapy session!

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