Q1. Best movie/or show you ever saw involving animal(s) #nuts
@akonthego  Gentle Ben. He was nice to everybody except that mean man who kept him in a garage. <sob>
@ilivetotravel  Daktari! (OK, I am dating myself big time!
@TravelProducer  Seabiscuit! Love Horse Movies, plus runner up: “9 Lives of Thomasina” great p;d Disney flick. Anyone remember that one?
@crozul   Lion King! Booya!!!!
@renh77   The Great Outdoors? Loved that John Candy
@TravelBlggr   The BBC’s Planet Earth series … AMAZING!
@mygo2it  Jurassic Park
@KelseyIvey   Finding Nemo

Q2. If you were a puppy what breed would you be? why? #nuts
@AbroadView  Maybe a greyhound, because I always wanted to know what it would be like to win a race. Track was never my sport
@whereishawkins: Chihuahua. For sure
@princessgeeta  Jindo Dog! The white ones look like Polar Bears as puppies. I LOVE P. Bears
@roniweiss  I love Chow Chows. I grew up with Samoyeds. Pic of me with them from my old website: http://bit.ly/pTwvtJ
@BridalTravelGuy  No question… a Havanese like my boy Rex
@AbroadView  A pit bull so I could drool all over the carpet and no one would care
@AFarrell09  I love the Please Don’t Eat the Daisy dog
@travelightly: Beagle or a dog that I saw on the street the other day. Adorable!

Q3. Best zoo you have ever been to #nuts
@FareBuzz  The Bronx Zoo in NYC is a great one!
@TravelMaestro   Been to many zoos, but always liked National Zoo in DC
@WillingFoot   Jirafa Zoo in Punta Del Este, Uruguay because it was so strange
@NoFFnyc   Singapore Zoo. It’s seriously amazing. Biggest crocs I’ve ever seen too. You feel like you’re IN the wild there
@RickGriffin  Lion Country Safari in West Palm Beach Floridahttp://bit.ly/pZMvva
@ehalvey . ORD Airport
@LauraAllenTvl  The Okavango Delta!
@lapearce  Monterey Bay Aquarium, seriously, puts all other aquatic zoos to shame
@flipflopcaravan: Most interesting zoo was in Novosibirsk, Russia.Small, but had a hamster section

Q4. If you were a circus performer what would you be? #nuts
@utravelwithus  Knife thrower!!!!!
@DeafMom   I’d be on the flying trapeze!!
@eatsleeplaugh . Trapeze artist! Or just in the freak show doing my thang.
@AbroadView  Definitely the bearded woman. That’s just sexy
@McMedia   I’d drive the clown car .. wait, I already do
@CareVacations  I don’t know if this qualifies as circus, but I want to be a silks performer! So sexy
@NoFFnyc   Lion tamer
@KellyDeanOttawa  Ring Master

Q5. If you could go anywhere in the world to commune with nature, where would you go? #nuts
@lapearce  great barrier reef, I guess I have a thing for fish
@MVCTravel   Newfoundland. big fluffly and everyone wants to hug them.
@roniweiss  Does peeing outside count?
@Route195  Colorado Rockies. Love that area. Gorgeous
@BlkChickOnTour:  Someplace, green, with blue waters, and coconut trees
@clareappleyard   Antarctica! It’s all about the penguins right@crozul?
@gmfriedrich  Lake Tahoe
@mleacox  It’s a toss-up between an Italian castle and the NYC High Line: http://bit.ly/n7rQkt


Q6. Your best date ever was ….. #nuts
@MalloryOnTravel  You cannot be serious you think you’re really gonna get details ….. read the autobiography when I publish :p you are all #nuts
@santafetraveler  The guy sucked, but he took me to a Supremes concert at NYC’s Philharmonic hall. It was black-tie and a hoot.
@TheTrvlPrincess  My 1st date w/my boyfriend. We talked for 3hrs at dinner and the date ended w/ a kiss on the cheek. He sent roses to my office too
@BlkChickOnTour  My then BF flew me to Vegas for the evening in his private plane. I had to marry his ass. That’ll learn him!!
@TravelBlggr  Best date ever? Pizza picnic on the beach with@DrivenByPete
@akonthego  Watching sunset over WA coast while sipping a darned fine beer. I married the guy, too.
@AFarrell09  My 1st date w/ my husband. Knew I was going to marry him. Might have been the kamikaze shots

Q7. Favorite song to ‘set the mood’ #nuts
@donnafoute  Anything by Barry White (yah baby yah)
@ZipSetRachel Anything Marvin Gaye!
@MalloryOnTravel  Ravels Bolero …. followed by Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture, love building to a big climax
@TravelerKate  obviously anything by Josh Groban (am I right @SandersKim??!?!
@TheSuss  The Exploding Whale, of course:http://youtu.be/1_t44siFyb4
@LovelyLu  Jimmy Buffet, “Why don’t we get drunk and screw” <j/k>
@nicoleploehn  Make it Last Forever, Keith Sweat — classic 90s
@cathypreece: Depends on the mood u want 2 set… I’m partial to “leaving on a jet plane”‘

Q8. Best locations for a romantic getaway? #nuts
@CareVacations  I like the #SouthPacific… are there coco #NUTSthere?
@FunAsWeGO  Martha’s Vineyard!
@play_in_nature  #NUTS Maldives! or Mauritius where my EX almost drowned!
@WillingFoot . Mnemba Island in Zanzibar, http://t.co/VrQfmJK
@chowandchatter  staying on a house boat in Kerala South India so so nice
@ThitiaOfficial  Venice, Paris or New York…or why not a Castle?
@McMedia   Hawaii … Where else to you get a lei as soon as you step off the plane
@Miss_Dazey R >> For me, casino hotel, beats the old folks home.

Q9. If you were starring in a romantic comedy who would your costar be? #nuts
@HennArtOnline George Clooney
@TravelProducer  No questions – Colin Firth! L-O-V-E him!
@ChaCha572  Robert Downy Jr…. YeS!!!
@valentinavitols  ZOMG, Daniel Craig or Hugh Jackman!
@KelseyIvey   Gerard Butler…that voice
@Vagabond3Live  after seeing Crazy, Stupid, Love- I’ll take Ryan Gosling FTW!!!
@packDsuitcase  Klout wants me to say Justin Timberlake (I’m randomly a JT influencer) but I’m going to say Ryan Reynolds!
@princessgeeta   Ouh this one’s like Christmas! Gerard Butler. Paul Walker. Ryan Reynolds. Johnny Depp. Eric Bana. Shia LaBouef. Shall I continue?

Q10. Best pick up line you ever heard ? #nuts
@HennArtOnline Wanna see my Klout score?
@JasonPromotesU  I seemed to have lost my number. Can I have yours?
@BridalTravelGuy   Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
@donnafoute  <–you’re so hot, you melt the plastic in my underwear
@mygo2it  Still hear guys use this line “Are you from Tennessee? Cuz you’re the only 10-I-See”
@BethLovesTravel Him: Hey, I saw you last night. Me (alarmed): Where? I was home. Him: In my dreams. HA!
@TheSuss. Best pickup line had to be the time@natronics handed someone a sugar packet. “I think you lost your nametag.
@akonthego: “Just call me milk; I’ll do your body good.” HA.
@AngelinaFoster  “You’re not too sweaty for a fat guy” surprisingly goes down either very well or very bad
FB: Rachel Greer: “You look like you have some Italian in you… Oh… you don’t? You want some?”
@WriterChick47: Let me take you shopping

After Party
@travelightly Thanks everyone for a great #NUTS!
@eatsleeplaugh thanks for tonight, guys! Next week I WILL keep up!
@valentinavitols #Nuts has been hilarious today!
@Sandriuxfelix Thanks everyone for been romance #nuts Had a great time!

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